On the street, Ryu, who had been doing nothing, was pulled out by Mikoto and Kushina.

To be precise, it was Ryu and Mikoto who were pulled out by Kushina.

"It's a headache to practice all the time, but there are a lot of fun on the street."

Kushina pulled the reluctant Ryu and said.

"I think you are pulling me out, the main purpose is to let me pay for things for you, right?" Ryu looked through Kushina.

Kushina stuck out her tongue and was found out, which is really embarrassing, but how could Kushina admit it and just say that Ryu was thinking too much.

"Just say what you want, this time I will help you pay, but only this opportunity, if you miss it, there will be no chance."

"Really, I didn't expect you to be so generous." Kushina looked at Ryu in surprise.

"Do I look like a stingy person?"

Ryu ignored the surprise Kushina who was about to jump and turned to look at Mikoto.

"Mikoto, what do you like? I can buy it and give it to you."

"As long as you buy it, I like it." Mikoto smiled softly.

"Hey, it's numb."

Kushina gave Mikoto a disgusting look.

At this time, Mikoto's smile was still gentle, but in her heart, did she really want to teach Kushina a lesson, first give Kushina some face on the street, and let her know how great it was when she went back.

"Let's go eat barbecue. It's been a long time since we had barbecue. It's a bit greedy."

Looking around, Kushina saw a barbecue restaurant, and her saliva was about to drain.

"I haven't eaten barbecue for a long time? Then what did you eat yesterday?"

Ryu looked at this forgetful girl, the grilled meat and fish that Mikoto prepared yesterday.

"It was a long time yesterday. Hurry up. There are too many people. If we are late, we will have no seats." Kushina pulled Ryu and Mikoto and ran towards the rotisserie like a gust of wind.

After eating and drinking, Kushina patted her swollen belly and walked out.

"Even if Ryu pays, you can't eat so much, it will make you fat..." Mikoto looked at Kushina and said a little bit funny.

Then Mikoto lowered his head to Kushina's ear and whispered, "If you get fat, Ryu won't like it."


Kushina was a little nervous, and then thought about how she was getting fat, not to mention that Ryu didn't like it anymore, I'm afraid she wouldn't like it.

No, she must eat less from tomorrow. She wants to lose weight. Although she is not fat now, Kushina has made up her mind to lose weight.

"Will you continue shopping?"

Ryu asked Mikoto and Kushina.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Well, suddenly no interest, let's go back."

After Kushina was full, she had no interest in shopping.

"Since you don't want to go shopping anymore, follow me to fix some annoying bugs." A cold color suddenly appeared on Ryu's face.

Then Ryu took Mikoto and Kushina away from Konoha's busiest street and came to an abandoned training ground.

"Get out of here."

Ryu used King Kong to blockade without warning, and then two white weird guys were pulled out from the ground.

"Do you really think I can't find you?"

Looking at the two White Zetsus, Ryu has no expression on his face. The two White Zetsus have been monitoring him since early this morning. If they are changed to others, they can't be found, but Ryu's perception is extraordinary.

White Zetsu's Mayfly Technique is indeed very powerful, but it is not impossible for anyone to detect it.

"What are these two? Are they human?"

Kushina was taken aback by White Zetsu. Although White Zetsu is a human form, their characteristics are indeed a bit different from humans.

"If I dare to show up again, I will kill Uchiha Madara."

After speaking, Ryu strangled them with a diamond blockade.

White Zetsu must have been sent by Uchiha Madara. It seems that Uchiha Madara doesn't know why he is looking at him. Forget it, Ryu is not afraid of being caught.

After looking at the curious Mikoto and Kushina, it was too troublesome to explain the origins of White Zetsu, so Ryu just let it go.

At the same time, in the depths of the gloomy cave that didn't know where it was located, one of the White Zetsu emerged and reported to an old figure with a pipe connected behind him.

"Master Madara, the clone of White Zetsu who was sent to monitor Uchiha Ryu is dead."

"Oh, was it discovered by that junior."

Uchiha Madara, who seemed to be asleep, opened his eyes. Although he was very old, his body still exuded a powerful aura.

Today's Uchiha Madara is completely hanged by the Ten Tails body Gedo Statue, but he still cannot be underestimated.

In the current Ninja World, apart from Ryu, no one can beat Uchiha Madara, and even Gokage can't join forces.

"Since I've been discovered, don't monitor it. It seems that this junior is a bit better than I thought, but it's just a kid, it's not worth mentioning."

Uchiha Madara is still domineering and doesn't pay attention to Ryu.

He already knows the basic information about Uchiha Ryu. Mangekyō Sharingan is turned on, but he has no brothers and sisters and cannot turn on Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

This is what Uchiha Madara already knows. He has no way of understanding the extent of Ryu's opening.

After all, the power that Ryu showed in the past, although powerful, was not seen by Uchiha Madara. He was so proud that no one except Hashirama looked down on him.

"¨" But this junior is definitely not suitable for being a chess piece. "

Originally, Uchiha Madara wanted to investigate whether Uchiha Ryu could be a pawn in his plan, but after investigating a lot of information, Uchiha Madara felt inappropriate.

It's not easy to control. What he needs is a chess piece that can be completely controlled, not someone who can't control it.

Uchiha Madara closed his eyes again, as if falling into a deep sleep. This state did not want to consume too much life energy and would allow him to live for a while.

He must not die until he finds a suitable chess piece, otherwise no one will be able to push Project Tsuki no Me.


Within the Uchiha clan, after Ryu returned with Kushina and Mikoto, he entered the room and fell into deep thought.

"Why on earth is White Zetsu watching me? Does Uchiha Madara want to recruit me or act on me?"

(The King's)    Ryu didn't know the purpose of Uchiha Madara, but he couldn't help that old guy. He must have been able to fight, but Ryu didn't know where Uchiha Madara was hiding.

Ryu couldn't find him. Ryu couldn't do anything with Uchiha Madara, but this time I cleaned up White Zetsu. As long as Uchiha Madara is smart, White Zetsu won't let White Zetsu watch him again.

If Uchiha Madara keeps White Zetsu under surveillance, Ryu will find Uchiha Madara even if he tries his best, and let this guy die.

For Ryu, Project Tsuki no Me is not important, let alone Uchiha Madara is just a pawn at all.

Uchiha Madara, one of the heroes of the first generation, was deceived and sad.

"Now Uchiha Madara doesn't have much power in his hands, and White Zetsu is not high in combat power, and he can't come out easily. I don't need to be afraid of him."

In fact, Ryu still expects Uchiha Madara to show up. If Uchiha Madara shows up, Ryu can kill him with a backhand.


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Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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