In a blink of an eye, more than half a year passed, and White Zetsu never appeared again, and Ryu knew that Uchiha Madara must have given up monitoring him.

"Are you going to start targeting Uchiha again."

Ryu looked at some information. At this time, there have been rumors in the village that are bad for the Uchiha clan. I don't know if it was Danzo or Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Maybe it's because these days, the Uchiha clan draws in civilian ninjas and stimulates Konoha's high level.

And Ryu discovered that the Uchiha tribe was secretly monitored by the Konoha Shinobi, and in some meetings, Uchiha's ninjas have been isolated.

"Oh, I knew it would be like this."

Ryu is not surprised at all. It is really strange if Konoha's executives give up targeting the Uchiha clan, especially now that Uchiha is showing ambition.

"Ryu, the ninjas we got together before, don't contact us now."

Uchiha Yun said that his face was not so good.

There is a feeling of betrayal in my heart. In order to win some ninjas, they have given a lot of support, and even ninjutsu is not stingy.

But in the end, the opponent seemed to have gone to the Konoha high-level camp, which made Uchiha Yun feel very aggrieved.

"Actually, I wanted you to give up trying to win Konoha Shinobi."

Ryu shook his head and said.

"Isn't you saying that as long as you win over the residents of Konoha Village and the support of civilian ninjas, you will compete for the position of Naruto." Uchiha Yun couldn't help but say.

With the idea of ​​letting Ryu compete with Naruto, Uchiha Yun will try his best to attract some civilian ninjas, and most of them are Byakugan wolves.

"Between the Konoha Village and the Uchiha clan, most of the ninjas will choose Konoha Village. The brainwashing of the ninja school is not in vain. In fact, you should have seen it long ago."

"Actually, in my heart, I have never thought about the position of Naruto. For the future of the Uchiha clan, I also have a plan. I won't have to win over Konoha Shinobi in the future."

"Okay, since you said it, I can see it through, so I won't be wooing it in the future." Uchiha Yun is also giving up now.

The ninja of Konoha Village is really close to Konoha Village. Even if you give him more favors, he will still lean towards Konoha Village in the end.

"I will go out for a while, these days Uncle Yun, you will manage the big and small things in the clan."

"It was originally managed by me." Uchiha Yun said grimly.

After that, Uchiha Yun didn't ask Ryu what to do when he went out, anyway, if he could say something, Ryu would definitely tell himself.

If you don't tell yourself now, Uchiha Yun will not ask more.

Ryu left Konoha Village and left quietly. The only people who knew about it were Uchiha Yun, Mikoto, and Kushina.

And Ryu told Mikoto and Kushina to try not to reveal the news of him leaving Konoha Village.

After walking out of the village, Ryu headed towards the overseas water country.(Read more @

This time, Ryu is going to Kirinin Village, the country of water, to plan for the future of the Uchiha clan.

It is estimated that the Uchiha clan can't stay in Konoha Village, and supporters can't win them. Even if they force Sarutobi Hiruzen to be pulled down and become a Hokage, most of them are violent.

That being the case, why hang from a tree in Konoha Village. Ryu’s choice is Mizuno Kunino Village.

After a day’s boat ride, Ryu arrived in the Land of Water. This is the first time Ryu has come. The customs of the Land of Water are completely different from those of the Land of Fire.

However, Ryu didn't have time to appreciate the local customs and went straight to Wunin Village.

"Precautions are pretty strict, and it's worthy of being one of Da Ren Village."

Ryu walked in openly. Those ninjas who saw him were hypnotized by Ryu's Sharingan illusion.

"There are also many powerful ninjas in the mist, especially now."

Now that he has not experienced the blood fog era, and has not participated in the battle of the Ninja World, the power of Wu Ninja Village is the best preserved.

"It's still the power of Third Mizukage now."

I don't know about this Third Mizukage Ryu, and there is not much information about Third Mizukage in the original book, and the death is also inexplicable.

However, Third Mizukage was also suspected of being controlled by Uchiha Madara, but no one can be sure if this is true or not.

Now Ryu's purpose in coming to Wunin Village is to control this Third Mizukage, to control Third Mizukage, and to do something in Wunin Village.

In the future, the Uchiha clan can enter Wunin Village smoothly, which is paving the way for the future.

After entering Wunin Village, Ryu used the Body Flicker Technique to sneak into the Mizukage building and enter the Mizukage office. As for the ninjas hidden in the Mizukage office, Ryu instantly controlled them.

With Ryu's terrifying pupil power, controlling these so-called elite ninjas is just a piece of cake.

"who are you?"

Third Mizukage stood up, eyes that had been tightly closed also opened a gap.

He likes to close his eyes, even when looking at people, he just opens a gap, squinting.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just here to control you, there is nothing wrong with it."

Ryu smiled and said to Third Mizukage.

"You are Uchiha Ryu."

When seeing Ryu's eternal Mangekyō, Third Mizukage was in a daze, and then recognized Ryu's identity.

Hearing that the other party wanted to control himself, Third Mizukage's face was ugly, and he immediately prepared to call someone, but it was too late. It was too late when he opened his eyes and Ryu stared at him from Third Mizukage.

Before opening his mouth, Third Mizukage's eyes turned into three gouyu jade, and then the three gouyu jade disappeared.

"Master Ryu."

Third Mizukage looked at Ryu respectfully.

Looking at the respectful Third Mizukage, Ryu is quite satisfied. Although there is no Distinguished Heavenly Gods, he can still control the other party's obedience, but needs to transmit pupil power every once in a while.

Third Mizukage is so easy to be controlled by Ryu, it is not that he is too weak, mainly because he has no defense against Ryu.

Like Sarutobi Hiruzen, they don't look at Ryu, and they subconsciously avoid his eyes every time they meet Ryu.

"I took control of Third Mizukage, and then my goal was half done."

Ryu sat in a position belonging to Third Mizukage and looked at the information about the inside of Wunin Village. At this time, he, an outsider, became one of the people who knew Wunin Village best.

"There are also many internal families."

Ryu looked at some families, those small families didn't matter, the big family had to deal with them, let them weaken into small families, or just die.

The Ghost Lantern Clan, the Kaguya Clan, and the Water Wuyue Clan, these are the three most powerful families in Wuren Village.

These three families are hostile to each other, and there are also Third Mizukage's calculations. If their three big families are not hostile to each other, can Third Mizukage's position be stable?

"What I have to do is to find a way to exacerbate this contradiction and let them break out of a real conflict. This is not particularly difficult." Ryu smiled slightly.

Controlling the Third Mizukage, it’s not easy to pick things up, especially among the three strong clans, there is also a reckless Kaguya clan. The Kaguya clan has a grumpy temper, and all of them are reckless. Good use of chess pieces.


PS: In the original book, there is no water and no moon family, Bai is a snow family, but here is the water without moon altogether, after all, it sounds better. .

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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