After spending three days in Wunin Village, Ryu left behind a Wood Clone, and then left Wunin Village.

It is not necessary for Ryu to take action in order to stir up the contradictions within Kirinin Village, as long as Third Mizukage is allowed to do it. This is also the purpose of Ryu to control Third Mizukage.

As for leaving Wood Clone, it is Ryu's Wood Clone in order to prevent accidents, which also has the strength beyond the shadow level.

Wood Clone can also use Ryu's Susanoo, and Wood Style ninjutsu. Various other ninjutsu can be used, so the combat effectiveness is very strong.

Back to Konoha Village, no one knows about Ryu's departure, and it will be convenient for Ryu to go to Wunin Village in the future.

Leave a mark in the Wunin Village, whether you use Flying Thunder God Technique or Kamui, you can quickly reach the Wunin Village.

"Mikoto, have you missed me these days?"

Ryu asked Mikoto.

"Yeah." Mikoto nodded honestly. She is not arrogant. If she changes to Kushina, she will definitely turn her head awkwardly, and then say "I definitely miss you" in disgust.

After that, Mikoto asked about Ryu's whereabouts curiously. Ryu didn't hide Mikoto and told her that he was heading to the country of water.

Knowing that Ryu is going to the Water Country, Mikoto's curiosity is even more aroused. If you say which country is the most mysterious, it must be the Water Country.

The country of water is far abroad, it is very troublesome to reach it, and the country of water itself is very closed, and outsiders don't know much about the country of water.

In fact, Ryu doesn't know much about the water country. He has been staying at the Mizukage office in Wunin Village these days, analyzing each plan and submitting it to Third Mizukage for execution.

"Since you are so curious about the Water Country, I will take you to the Water Country in the future to take a good look."

Ryu said to the curious Mikoto.


Spring has passed and autumn has come, and two years have passed in a blink of an eye, and Ryu is already fifteen years old.

In the past two years, apart from physical improvement due to physical growth, other aspects of strength have not improved much.

I have extracted the projections of the characters twenty times, and I have not drawn any powerful projections of the characters, and I have not drawn any of the projections of the characters from other worlds.

However, one major event happened in the past two years, that is, Ryu's grandfather Uchiha Cang passed away because of the hidden wounds he had left.

Ryu couldn't heal using medical ninjutsu. Although Ryu was unwilling to do this, he couldn't help it. Without mastering the powers belonging to the six realms, he couldn't help his grandfather heal the dark wounds.

Also, the relationship between Konoha's executives and Uchiha has become increasingly tense.

Currently, a clan meeting is being held within Uchiha.

"Master Patriarch, Third Hokage is deceiving too much, he must pay the price."

The Uchiha people are filled with righteous indignation, with endless anger in their eyes.

The cause of the incident was due to a mission, a mission released by Third Hokage, and the three Uchihas who took the mission died two, and only one returned with serious injuries.

Mission failure is not uncommon, but the key is that this time the mission intelligence is insufficient, and the intelligence given to them is insufficient, which leads to misjudgment of the difficulty of the mission.

The Uchiha people suspected that this was intentional, because it was not the first time.(Read more @

"Patriarch, I went to Sarutobi Hiruzen to talk about it, but being pushed around by him must have deliberately weakened my Uchiha's power."

Uchiha Yun said coldly.

"I already know the matter, call all the people back, and Elder Yun will go to the Uzumaki clan for a trip."

Ryu nodded blankly. It seems that Konoha's senior management can't help it. It's already the limit to be able to live peacefully for more than two years.

After that, Uchiha went wild to integrate the clan, and Uchiha went to the Uzumaki clan.

Ryu returned to his home first.

"what's happenin?"

Seeing Ryu's stern expression, Mikoto knew something must have happened.

Kushina is also watching Ryu next to her, and she dare not provoke Ryu at this time.

"Mikoto, Kushina, prepare yourself, maybe we should leave Konoha Village." Ryu said to them both.

In an instant, Mikoto's expression became serious. Since Ryu said so, something must have happened, even Kushina's small face became serious.

Without asking too much, they went to prepare, and Ryu will definitely tell them when that happens.

"The contradiction is about to break out, but fortunately, all the preparations that Wuren Village should do are already done."

What happened this time is actually just an introduction. In the past two years, the contradiction between the high-level Konoha Village and the Uchiha clan has accumulated to the point where it had to break out.

The clansman has no respect for the senior Konoha, and the senior Konoha can't wait to get rid of the Uchiha immediately.

In fact, if it hadn't been for Sarutobi Hiruzen and Ryu to deliberately suppress the contradiction, it would have exploded long ago.

Sarutobi Hiruzen is not ready to suppress it, but Ryu will suppress it and is not fully prepared.

Now the matter in Wuren Village is almost resolved, preparations have been completed, Uchiha has a new habitat, and of course there is no need to suppress conflicts.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Soon, the clansmen gathered, and the ninjas who went out to do missions also returned. Uzumaki Kei and the Uzumaki clansmen came to the Uchiha clan.

"Patriarch Uzumaki really made a decision?" Ryu asked Uzumaki.

"A long time ago, we formed an alliance, didn't we? What Uchiha wants to do, we naturally follow." Uzumaki said seriously.

"Well, let the people under Jōnin of the Uzumaki clan and the people under Jōnin of the Uchiha clan all line up."

Ryu announced.

But no one defies Ryu's order, and they all come over one by one, and they are sent to Kamui space by Ryu.

"You will be sent to a special space by me, and at the same time, we will have no worries and let you out when it's safe."

. ........ .......

Ryu explained to these people by the way.

Uchiha Yun, Uzumaki Kai and they are very excited, if this is the case, they don't need to hesitate.

Before long, all the tribesmen under Jōnin were sent to the different space connected by Kamui.

"Nawaki, what is your choice?" Ryu looked at Nawaki.

For the past two years, Nawaki has stayed in the Uchiha clan and practiced earnestly. Even with only one arm left, he still learned to make seals with one hand, and his strength was close to the elite Jōnin.

"Of course I am fighting with you. I have been in Uchiha for the past two years. You have not regarded me as an outsider. I also consider myself a part of Uchiha."

What's more, Nawaki has no feelings for Konoha Village since Tsunade became a rebel.

"Mikoto, Kushina, you should also enter the Kamui space first."

"No, I want to fight with you." Mikoto rejected Ryu, she didn't want to hide behind, she wanted to be with Ryu.

Otherwise, why has she worked hard to improve her strength over the years? Mikoto doesn't want to be a vase, she wants to really help Ryu.

"Me too, I want to stay too." Kushina raised her hand and said.

"Okay, Mikoto, you can stay."

Ryu looked at Mikoto and nodded with a firm expression, but Kushina, she had just graduated from the Ninja School, so it was impossible for Ryu to let her stay, despite Kushina's objection, and sent her to the Kamui space.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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