In a blink of an eye, five years have passed. After five years of development, the overall strength of Wuren Village has increased several times.

At the same time, Wunin Village can be considered to be in full control, and at least one person in the village will oppose Ryu.

Ryu, the Fourth Mizukage, has also become a complete hand-off shopkeeper. Mikoto takes care of everything, which means that Mikoto will not complain. If you change to someone else, you will be dissatisfied.

"Oh, Rinnegan still failed to turn on."

With a slight sigh, Rinnegan hasn't been turned on for five full years. Ryu feels like he should go to Uchiha Madara to learn from him.

"What are you whispering to yourself?"

Kushina came to Ryu's side and sat directly in Ryu's arms, looking unscrupulous.

Mikoto is not here anyway. She handles affairs in Mizukage's office, so she is not afraid of being caught.

And even if Mikoto does appear here, it's fine, anyway, Mikoto has already acquiesced that Kushina exists.

Now that Ryu and Mikoto are married, they are already husband and wife. As for Kushina, one day he came to the house and was eaten by Ryu.

In fact, Mikoto also knew it, but Mikoto had acquiesced to the existence of Kushina long ago, so at most, when he first knew it, he desperately asked Ryu to give him some color, but it was Mikoto himself who fell in the end.

"Ryu, it's boring in the village, why don't we go for a walk?"

Kushina suggested to Ryu.

Until now, she has not been able to get out of the village as she wished. After all, Kushina's strength is not strong enough, but the strength of the elite Jōnin.

"Okay, I promised you, otherwise you might haunt me every moment."

Ryu nodded to Kushina. By the way, he wanted to find Uchiha Madara and asked him how to turn on Rinnegan.

Now Ryu is one step away from opening Rinnegan, but this step is difficult to cross. Ryu is a bit unwilling to exchange it in the system.

"You promised?"

Kushina stared at Ryu with wide eyes. She thought she would be rejected, but this time Ryu agreed.

"Why, don't you want me to agree? Just forget it if you don't want to..."

Ryu said this deliberately.

"Of course not, we will leave now."

He shook his head quickly, and finally let Ryu agree to take her out. If he refuses again, I'm afraid she will cry.

"What's the rush, since I agreed, I will definitely take you out of Wunin Village to play, but when we leave, we will also notify Mikoto."

Ryu first took Kushina to the Mizukage building, talked to Mikoto, and left the affairs of Kirinin Village to Mikoto.

"You two ran out, leaving me alone." Mikoto resented slightly.(Read more @

"In that case, why don't we go together and let the woman Tsunade come over to work? Anyway, if that woman has nothing to do all day long, she knows she will lose money."

Ryu suggested to Mikoto that if Mikoto stayed in Kirinin Village, Ryu was also afraid that Mikoto would feel wronged.

"I'm just talking about the internal affairs of Wunin Village are important, so I'll stay."

Mikoto insists on staying in Wunin Village. Although she also wants to go out, she wants to help Ryu take care of the affairs of Wunin Village. I have to say that Mikoto is indeed a good wife.

In the end, Ryu didn't force it, and only left Kushina with Kushina.

"Where do you want to go?"

After leaving Wunin Village, Ryu asked Kushina, because Kushina wanted to leave Wunin Village, she should have a goal in her heart.

"This, I didn't think about it."

Kushina said to Ryu awkwardly, making Ryu slap her head.

"Well, let's take a look at the water country first?"

In the end, Ryu suggested. To be honest, Ryu doesn't know much about the Water Country. This time I just took the opportunity to get to know the Water Country.

Ryu's decision Kushina naturally has no opinion.

With the happy Kushina, Ryu traveled through most of the country of water, and then left the country of water and stayed in the country of vortex for a few days.

Kushina also has memories of the Uzumaki Kingdom, memories of her childhood.

After entering the country of fire from the country of Uzumaki, Ryu began a journey to find Uchiha Madara while playing in the Ninja world.

"Sure enough, there are more fun things outside than Wunin Village."

Kushina held some toys in her hand and put a fox mask on Ryu.

"Kushina, you really have a childlike innocence, you are no longer a child."

Ryu said silently that ninjas are relatively precocious. Although Kushina is only fifteen years old, she is already an adult.

"Aren't you happy holding it for fun?" Kushina looked at Ryu contemptuously.

While bickering, the two crossed the border of the fire country and headed for other countries.

Ryu swayed in the ninja world and didn’t hide, so every major ninja village knew that Ryu, Fourth Mizukage, ran out of the ninja village.

As the shadow of a village, they seldom go out and basically stay in the village. On the one hand, they have to deal with their affairs and cannot leave.

On the other hand, he was afraid of being assassinated. If the shadow of a village was assassinated, it would be an extremely heavy blow to a large forbearance village.

But Uchiha Ryu's boldness is powerful. Who dares to provoke Ryu? Even if the rewards of Ryu on the black market are high, no one dares to take risks.

Even Kakuzu, who regards money as his life, dare not make a shot at Ryu.

Speaking of Kakuzu, it is rumored that Kakuzu once played against First Hokage and was ridiculed as throwing a shuriken at a distance of 800 kilometers.

However, this guy Kakuzu does have the strength, and the shadow-level combat power is enough to walk across the entire Ninja World, provided that he does not run into the five great Ninja villages.

"¨" What is the purpose of Uchiha Ryu? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen has been paying attention to Ryu's movements, especially now that Ryu is still in the land of the fire country and has not left, he is more disturbed.

Although only Uchiha Ryu and Uzumaki Kushina are the two of them, Uchiha Ryu can stand up to the power of the entire Onin village.

"Let people watch from a distance, don't be discovered."

In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen decided to just send someone to watch. As for taking action against Uchiha Ryu? Come on, Konoha Village has just regained strength, so don't provoke Uchiha Ryu.

The most important thing is to provoke (good) to come and fight, if Konoha Village is destroyed again, then Konoha Village will be removed from the five ninja villages.

In addition to Sarutobi Hiruzen, the other Ninja villages are also guessing what Ryu's purpose is. They don't think that Ryu is just playing out, there must be some important purpose.

Even Uchiha Madara, who was hiding in the dark, turned his attention. Uchiha Madara didn't care about Ryu before, but after knowing that Ryu had used Susanoo, he couldn't calm down.

Susanoo is completely body, that can only be used by Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, this strength has seriously threatened his plan.

Uzumaki Nagato who owns his Rinnegan, even if his strength rises to the peak, I am afraid that he will not be able to beat Uchiha Ryu who owns Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

Because Rinnegan is powerful, but not Uzumaki Nagato's own, he can't use his full power at all.


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