"White Zetsu, you go find Uchiha Ryu and lead him here."

Uchiha Madara told White Zetsu.

Now Uchiha Madara can't help it. Whether it is to persuade Uchiha Ryu to join Project Tsuki no Me or to get rid of this threat, he must first see Uchiha Ryu.

"Yes, Lord Madara."

The clone of White Zetsu immediately left the dim cave and went to find Uchiha Ryu.

Uchiha Madara was looking for Ryu, and Ryu also wanted to find Uchiha Madara. The two of them wanted to go together.

Just want to find Uchiha Madara, even for Ryu, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky, the ninja world is so big, who knows where Uchiha Madara is hidden.

"It feels like you are looking for something along the way, right?"

Kushina asked Ryu, she also keenly felt it, and instinctively told her what Ryu was looking for.

"Speak out, I'll help you find it together."

"Well, it would be nice to have your help."

Ryu nodded, Kushina also awakened Kagura's eyes, and he could also search for Chakra in a wide range, but with this method, Ryu was not sure that he could find Uchiha Madara.

"What I am looking for is a person whose name you should have heard of, Uchiha Madara."

Uchiha Madara is so famous that even with the passage of time, many people know it, and it is natural that Kushina cannot be ignorant of it.

"Are you kidding, isn't Uchiha Madara dead in the Battle of Endgame?" Kushina raised his hand and touched Ryu's forehead.

"I didn't have a fever. Uchiha Madara at the time was just a fake death. The Uchiha family has a pupil technique called Izanaki. The moment it is activated, it records its own state. Whether it is severely injured or died, it can be physically restored to Sharingan. The status of the record."

"Is there such a powerful pupil technique? That is not to be invincible."

Kushina looked at Ryu in shock. She really didn't know about Izanagi's pupil technique.

After all, this is a pupil technique listed as a forbidden technique by the Uchiha family, and at the price paid, it will not be used until the moment of life and death.

"The price of using Izanaki is the permanent loss of light from the eyes."

Ryu looked at Kushina who wanted to learn, and said.

"Also, you must have a Sharingan of at least Three Gouyu to use it."

"Oh, sure enough, the more powerful the pupil technique, the greater the price to pay." Kushina couldn't help but want to sigh.

Just like the seal technique of the Uzumaki clan, the ghoul seal is very powerful, but it will be sealed in the belly by the god of death along with its own soul.

"So Uchiha Madara relied on Isha Naki to escape, so why has he never appeared?"

Kushina is very curious, and at the same time Kushina wants to know how Ryu knows.

"When Senju Hashirama was still alive, I guess Uchiha Madara didn't dare to expose it easily. Now Uchiha Madara has survived by hanging, and he will die if he dares to come out."

Ryu is very aware of the current situation of Uchiha Madara. The decayed body has no vitality, and it is all maintained by the vitality of the Gedo Statue.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Before the piece is found, Uchiha Madara needs to make sure that he will never die.

Three days later, there was still nothing. Just when Ryu was about to go to the next place, he felt that Chakra belonged to White Zetsu.

"Send it to the door?"

A cold color flashed in Ryu's eyes, and then he planned to do it.

"Wait a minute, Lord Ryu, don't make any moves yet."

A White Zetsu emerged from the ground. After seeing White Zetsu, Kushina recognized it instantly, remembering that Ryu killed White Zetsu a long time ago.

"Master Madara asked me to invite you to a place. Master Madara is Uchiha Madara."

White Zetsu hurriedly said this, for fear that it would be slow to encounter Ryu's poisonous hand. Although he is only a clone, he does not want to die.

And according to understanding, White Zetsu, as a weapon manufactured, is not a mere clone, they are all human beings who were hit by Infinite Tsukuyomi thousands of years ago.

"Uchiha Madara came to the door by himself, just so, take me there."

Ryu laughed when he heard White Zetsu's words, and the cold color on his face disappeared completely.

White Zetsu was taken aback, do you really believe it? He's done well. Ryu doesn't believe that Uchiha Madara is still alive.

"Why, are you still leaving?" Ryu asked lightly.

"Go, go now."

White Zetsu immediately led the way and took Ryu to the territory of the country of grass, which is not far from the country of rain.

"Master Madara is here."

"Where is anyone here? You are lying to us." Kushina was angry with her face, feeling cheated by the unhuman thing.

"Let Uchiha Madara come out."

Ryu believes that Uchiha Madara is here, because he has sensed that Uchiha Madara’s Chakra is underground, but Ryu doesn’t want to run into the dark underground where Uchiha Madara is.

And there is Uchiha Madara's real lair, will Ryu set foot in it?

Even if he is sure to beat Uchiha Madara, Ryu will not underestimate the opponent, if the old guy Uchiha Madara is overshadowed by the old guy, it will not be worth the loss for Ryu.

"Master Madara is in the underground cave. You can follow me down."

"I said let Uchiha Madara come out."

Ryu's voice has cooled down.

"The kid from Uchiha's family, it seems that you don't have any respect for me."

The aging Uchiha Madara emerged from the ground. It should be White Zetsu who brought him out. Uchiha Madara is still domineering at this time, but it gives people a decadent feeling.

"Respect? Do you need that useless thing?"

Ryu asked Uchiha Madara calmly.

"He is Uchiha Madara? An old man." Kushina looked at Uchiha Madara and couldn't believe it, but it was not wrong to be an old man. After all, he had lived so long.

"You are not surprised at me. Did you know that I was still alive?"

Uchiha Madara asked Ryu, he had to be curious, Uchiha Madara had not revealed a single word of news to the outside world in these years.

Everyone knows that he is dead, but Uchiha Ryu is not surprised at all.

"These are not important, let's get into the topic, what do you want to do with me?"

Ryu didn't answer, and Uchiha Madara didn't force it. If he didn't tell himself, could he still turn his face on him.

"Presumably you have already seen the stone monument of the Uchiha family."

"No, I haven't seen it."

Ryu shook his head. He really hadn't seen the stone monument of the Uchiha family, and was not interested in the things on it, because the content of the stone monument had been tampered with by Black Zetsu.

Uchiha Madara looked at Ryu deeply. He didn't believe that Ryu had never seen the stele. After all, it was one of the most important secrets of the Uchiha family.

What Ryu told the truth, but Uchiha Madara didn't believe it, but since Ryu said he hadn't read it, he didn't mind telling Ryu about the information content of the stele.

What Sage of Six Paths seals Ten Tails, becomes Jinchūriki, and divides Ten Tails Chakra into nine parts to death. These are the secrets that Ryu knows.

There is also Rinnegan's opening method, which requires the combination of Uchiha and Senju's power to give birth to these secrets that are not secret to Ryu.


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