After Uchiha Madara finished speaking about the Uchiha stele, he looked at Uchiha Ryu, who was expressionless and unmoved.

"Sure enough, you have already seen it."

He doesn't believe that Uchiha Ryu can remain calm after getting so much secrets without seeing it. You must know that after reading it, he also looked moved.

"Then you will treat it as if I have seen it."

I really haven't read it, but Ryu doesn't want to explain it because it is not clear.

He was indifferent because he had read the original and knew everything, and even knew that Uchiha Madara was pitted, and the stele he read was tampered with.

"My purpose is to invite you to complete Project Tsuki no Me and make the entire Ninja world peaceful."

Uchiha Madara revealed his purpose, a plan to make the Ninja world peaceful.

That's right, Uchiha Madara's ultimate goal is peace. Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara were born in the chaotic Warring States period, so their two goals are peace.

Senju Hashirama's philosophy is that all people understand and help each other to achieve peace, while Uchiha Madara's philosophy is to unify the world.

Senju Hashirama is great, but his philosophy is too ideal. In fact, Uchiha Madara was right at the time.

What mutual understanding, mutual help, love and peace are all false, can you expect you to treat your family and outsiders equally?

Although Uchiha Madara’s philosophy will not last forever, but this peace will last for hundreds of years. Unlike Senju Hashirama, the world of Ninja will be chaotic when he is dead, and the conflict will be greater than before.

What used to be a conflict between families has now evolved into a conflict between the village and the country, and the fighting has escalated.

Now Uchiha Madara's plan is to use Infinite Tsukuyomi to let everyone get all the goodness and peace in the illusion world of Infinite Tsukuyomi.

"I am not interested in the so-called peace."

Ryu said lightly.

He has no longing for peace, because Ryu knows that there is no permanent peace, unless all creatures die, otherwise fighting will always exist.

Even if the Ninja World is unified, it will eventually split again due to various ambitions.

Uchiha Madara's breathing was stagnant, and his expression was a little stiff.

He was about to talk to Ryu about Project Tsuki no Me, but Ryu told him that he was not interested in peace.

"Why, would you like to see the war continue?"

"What does this have to do with me?"

Ryu's words can always choke people, and Uchiha Madara was choked to death by him.

"I don't have the great ideals of yours, and I don't have any ambitions to put down the war. I just want to live well."

Ryu's dream is very plain, living well, it looks plain, but it is not so easy to achieve it, because you want to live freely, always get rid of those threatening things.(Read more @

Uchiha Madara looked at Ryu who had no ambitions. He really didn't know why Uchiha Ryu had such strength. This kind of consciousness also has strong strength? Same as salted fish.

But can't salted fish have any strength? It is precisely because you want salted fish that you need strong strength, otherwise you can't even be a leisurely salted fish.

"Actually, I know your plan, Infinite Tsukuyomi, right? I am not interested in your plan and will not stop you."

Ryu said to Uchiha Madara.

It really won't stop Uchiha Madara, because Ryu still needs Uchiha Madara to use Infinite Tsukuyomi to help him complete a task.

[Super S-level mission: defeat Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, mission reward: 1 million points, Zanpakuknife·Roubianruohuo. Mission failure: no punishment! 】

This task must be completed Project Tsuki no Me, otherwise, how will Ōtsutsuki Kaguya be resurrected? How he defeated Ōtsutsuki Kaguya to complete the task.

The 1 million points for this mission are of secondary importance, but Ryu is so fierce that Ryu wants to get it. After all, this is a Zanpaku that can destroy the world.

Uchiha Madara squinted at Ryu. He said that if he doesn't stop it, he won't stop it?

"Why, don't you believe me? Actually, if I want to stop you, I can kill you now. Do you think I don't have this strength?"

"Hehe, you are really arrogant and ignorant."

Uchiha Madara can't keep calm anymore, he usually pretends to be forced, when is it someone else's turn to pretend to be forced.

Kill me, do you have this strength?

"It seems you don't believe in my strength anymore, let me show it to you."

Ryu entered Sage Mode instantly, and Uchiha Madara was really surprised when he saw Ryu using Sage Mode.

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Real Number Senju."

Ryu uses Uchiha Madara's most impressive ninjutsu. I believe that no matter how forgetful Uchiha Madara is, even if he has Alzheimer's, he will never forget this ninjutsu.

"so big."

Kushina and Ryu both stood on top of the Guanyin Buddha statue and looked down at the tiny Uchiha Madara. Kushina couldn't help but sigh.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Immediately Kushina realized that this is not Wood Style, the blood inheritance of the Senju clan, and Ryu can also use it.

Wood Style has been regarded as the bloodline of the Senju clan, but in fact Wood Style is really not.

The Senju clan knows Wood Style, it seems there is only one Senju Hashirama.

"Uchiha Madara, if you want to do it with me, I can give you two hands."

Ryu smiled playfully and asked you to have two hands. I still have one hand. Would you like to beat me?

"How can you Wood Style."

Uchiha Madara looked at Ryu in shock. At this time he was convinced that he was indeed not Uchiha Ryu's opponent. Even if he took Rinnegan back, he might not be able to win.

.. .. ...

After all, Uchiha Madara really experienced the power of Senju, he and Nine Tails combined with Susanoo were beaten.

"It doesn't matter how I use Wood Style, what's important is that you dare to do it with me now?" Ryu asked Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara fell silent, thinking about gains and losses, whether it was winning or losing, it would be no good for him to fight.

Now he cannot be exposed, otherwise, if Uchiha Madara is known to be alive, Konoha Village will attack him first without talking about other Shinobu villages.

He is not afraid of Konoha Village, the point is that Uchiha Madara is afraid of affecting the next plan.

"Actually, I didn't come to fight with you. I always hate fighting."

Ryu got down from the Wood Style Buddha, and Kushina, who was in his arms, twitched when he heard what Ryu said. Even Kushina didn't believe it.

"The purpose of your looking for me is to let me join your plan, or to get rid of me, but obviously, neither of your goals can be achieved."

"But I will come here and have my purpose. Even if the cooperation fails, I may not become an enemy, don't you think?" Ryu said with a smile.

"What is your purpose?" Uchiha Madara asked, looking at Ryu deeply.

In fact, Uchiha Madara probably guessed it at this time.

To be able to use this Wood Style Sage Art, he obviously gained the power of the Senju clan, and then Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. The two powers added together he wanted to turn on Rinnegan.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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