Ryu left Uchiha Madara with disappointment in his eyes. Uchiha Madara did tell him the process of opening Rinnegan.

However, this is not very helpful to Ryu. Uchiha Madara is Rinnegan, who is on the verge of death, in despair and unwillingness.

Would you let Ryu experience it too? This is probably impossible.

"Absolutely, take me back."

Uchiha Madara glanced in the direction where Ryu was leaving, and then ordered to White Zetsu next to him.

"Master Madara, won't you get rid of this threat?"

Hearing that Uchiha Madara glanced at White Zetsu faintly, if he could get rid of it, would he let Uchiha Ryu leave easily?

Don't look at the current Uchiha Madara's calm expression. In fact, his heart is ups and downs, and many plans need to be reformulated.

Although Uchiha Ryu said that he will not interfere with his Project Tsuki no Me, Uchiha Madara does not want to put the initiative in the hands of others, and he does not believe in Uchiha Ryu.


"Uchiha Madara, he wants to perform illusions on the whole world, such a frantic plan, Ryu, won't you solve that old guy?"

After Kushina left, she asked Ryu.

Control everyone, let people achieve permanent peace in the illusion, who wants such a peace.

"Rest assured, Uchiha Madara's plan will not succeed."

Ryu said with a smile.

Because the real purpose of Moon Eye is to resurrect Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, all of this is the conspiracy of the big dutiful son of Black Zetsu, and Uchiha Madara is just a pawn used.

The explanation is complicated, so Ryu won't talk to Kushina for the time being.

"I always feel that Uchiha Madara is alive and the whole world is insecure."

"He's still useful."

If there is no such super S-level mission, Ryu might kill the dangerous Uchiha Madara, but now Ryu still needs Uchiha Madara to help him.

To prevent the resurrection of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, how did Ryu defeat Ōtsutsuki Kaguya to complete the task.

In addition, Ryu felt danger in Uchiha Madara before.

Maybe he can kill Uchiha Madara, but he might have to pay a high price.

The Ten Tails Gedo Statue is now in the hands of Uchiha Madara, and he has many methods.

Even if Ryu shoots, he can't kill Uchiha Madara with absolute certainty, so why do you completely tear yourself away from Uchiha Madara?

Right now, the two of them are afraid of each other, but Uchiha Madara is more afraid of Ryu.

"The country of rain that I haven't been to for a long time."

From the border of the country of grass, into the territory of the country of rain, the patter of raindrops fell, before they fell on Ryu and Kushina, they were evaporated by Chakra.

"Is this the country of rain that was reduced to the battlefield of the Ninja World War?"

Kushina's eyes were full of curiosity.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

In fact, Ryu doesn't like the environment of the rain country. The sky seems to be crying, and it feels very depressing.

It's just that Kushina has to come to the Land of Rain to see, after all, it is the battlefield of the Second Ninja World War, Kushina is full of curiosity.

"Is it raining all the time here?"

Kushina raised her head, looked at the dim sky and asked Ryu.

"It's raining for about eight out of ten days."

Looking at people with numbness on their faces, Ryu spoke.

Today, the territory of the Land of Rain is very chaotic. From the chaos after the Second Ninja War to the present, as the country that was defeated in the Second Ninja War, the country of Rain is quite miserable.

Hanzō of the Salamander has lost his ambition now, and he only manages Rain Shinobi Village at most, and he can't control the entire country.

The name of this country doesn't care, only knows how to eat, drink and have fun.

Today, in the territory of the Rain Country, you can still see the traces of the Second Ninja World War.

"Has the Akatsuki organization started to make a splash."

When Ryu heard some news about Akatsuki's organization, there was an inexplicable smile on his face.

The current Akatsuki organization is not the future S-level rebel organization, and it is the organization that realizes the dream of world peace.

"Go, let's go see this Akatsuki organization."

After hearing Akatsuki’s reputation, Ryu became curious about the current Akatsuki. The current Akatsuki is still in its infancy.

The leader is Yahiko, who is not too old.

"What's so good about an unknown organization." Kushina is not interested in this organization.

"Well, it's not well-known right now, but it will definitely be famous in the Ninja World in the future."

"You are very optimistic about the Akatsuki organization?" Kushina was a little surprised. The organization that can only be heard from the villagers in the Country of Rain can develop in the future?

"Fantastic? It's true."

Ryu takes Kushina and finds the current Akatsuki organization.

Looking at the simple temporary station, Ryu was speechless, and he really looked at them highly.

A base that barely shelters the wind and rain, and then there are less than ten people. Except for the three founders of the Akatsuki organization, Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, there are only four people, and there are only seven people in total... .

The other four of them are not ninjas at all, or they have just begun to refine Chakra. It was estimated that they were at least ordinary refugees.

"Yahiko, look over there."

Nagato suddenly stretched out his hand and took the fighting spirit Yahiko, then pointed in the direction where Ryu was.

Yahiko raised his head and looked at Ryu and Kushina in the distance, with a serious expression on his face.

Although I don't know who it is, he must be a ninja if he can stand on a tree freely, but he doesn't know whether he is an enemy or a friend.

"We shouldn't provoke any enemies." Yahiko muttered, lowering his head.

"They left."

At this time, Konan, who was wearing a frugal but delicate face, spoke.

"Leave? It's probably passing by, it doesn't matter to us, but that woman's hair is red, the color is exactly the same as yours, Nagato."

Yahiko glanced at the autistic teenager next to him.

Today's Nagato is really like a teenager with autism, taciturn, eyes covered with hair.

On the other side, Ryu and Kushina are also discussing.

"That red-haired boy should be a member of our Uzumaki clan?" Kushina asked Ryu.

Not only because of red hair, red hair is not exclusive to the Uzumaki clan, but the Chakra contained in the other party is also huge.

With red hair and huge Chakra, it is definitely a member of the Uzumaki clan.

"Well, he has the blood of the Uzumaki clan, do you want to take him back?"

"If it is, I would like to ask his opinion." Kushina felt that the Uzumaki people scattered in the Ninja World should be brought back to the Uzumaki clan.

"Other people's words are fine, but Nagato's words are forgotten, he is a bit important."

When Ryu looked at Nagato, he had already sensed that White Zetsu was nearby. Uchiha Madara transplanted his eyes to Nagato, and he would never leave it alone. White Zetsu was guarding by Nagato's side.

If Nagato's life is in danger, perhaps White Zetsu will help, even if it doesn't help, if Nagato dies unexpectedly, they will also reclaim Rinnegan.

The appearance of Ryu just now puts a lot of pressure on White Zetsu. White Zetsu is afraid that Ryu is playing Rinnegan's idea. Even if Ryu is gone, he is uneasy, and he hurries to report to Uchiha Madara.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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