If Ryu wants to take Nagato's Rinnegan, it's easy, but Ryu doesn't plan to move these Rinnegans.

These eyes must be backed by Uchiha Madara, and Ryu doesn't need them either. He will not transplant other people's eyes, not to mention his eyes are on the verge of evolution.

After leaving Rain Shinobi Village, after getting the exact information that Ryu left Rain Shinobi Village, he was relieved that he was worried that Ryu would snatch Rinnegan's Uchiha Madara.

Although Uchiha Madara felt that with Uchiha Ryu's pride, he would not go to snatch Rinnegan, but he had to guard against it.

"This has just entered the Kingdom of Wind, do you want to leave?"

Ryu was dragged by Kushina away from the territory of the Kingdom of Wind.

"I don't like the country of wind."

Kushina said directly, most of them are desert areas, and the windy sand is still very big, do you eat sand here?

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than a month since I came out with Kushina. Ryu thinks he should go back, and Kushina has no opinion.

In this period of more than a month, it was not just hanging out. Kushina also grew up. Ryu took Kushina to solve a lot of rebellion.

Kushina had never seen blood killings before, but now she has transformed and her combat experience has also improved a lot.

The previous 28 was the elite Jōnin, but it was a bit vain, and the strength was reached, but in the real battle, it may not be able to display all the strength.

Now facing the enemy, he can even exert his strength to more than 120%.

"It's been a long time since I went back, and I miss Mikoto a little, do you think Mikoto will be angry?" Kushina asked Ryu.

"If it's you, you might be angry, but Mikoto will definitely not be angry."

"What do you mean, are you talking about me being stingy?"

Kushina stared at Ryu with enthusiasm, and had already squeezed her small fist. If Ryu's dissatisfaction made her, Kushina would punch her.

"Did you learn your character from Tsunade?" Ryu looked at the grumpy Kushina, and asked angrily.

"I don't like that woman Tsunade."

Thinking of Tsunade, Kushina snorted coldly, and she almost hated the woman Tsunade. Well, if you want to give a reason, it's probably jealous.

After all, in a certain way, Tsunade can dominate the entire Hokage world, which is really proud.

Even Ryu couldn't help but was attracted to her eyes. She couldn't help but she was so... big, men, they are all visual creatures.

Finally returned to Kirinin Village, Ryu can bring back a lot of gifts this time, many of which were prepared for Mikoto.

Although Ryu doesn't think Mikoto will be angry, he should be a bit resentful, so of course the gift needs to be prepared.

Sure enough, after seeing Ryu's gift, Mikoto, who was originally a little bit angry, instantly turned into a surprise.

"No gift for me?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Tsunade asked Ryu uncomfortably.

"Hey, you old woman, don't know what's good or bad, it's pretty good to take you in here, and you want gifts." Kushina looked at Tsunade dissatisfied.

The reason for such a big temper was mainly because Ryu came back and his eyes always drifted away from Tsunade. Of course, Kushina, who had been observing Ryu, could see it.

In fact, even Tsunade can feel it herself. She looks bold and unrestrained, but it doesn't mean that she is not careful enough.

If someone else dared to look at her like that, Tsunade would definitely punch her, but if it was Ryu, Tsunade still had a good impression in her heart.

I cultivated in the past few years. She has done a lot of excessive things. Ryu is very tolerant of her, and the key is that this guy is handsome.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Tsunade knew that he was indeed a face dog.

"Of course you have the gift."

Ryu took out a big dice.

"This dice is big enough, it should suit you well, I think you should like it very much."

Tsunade raised his eyebrows, always feeling that this guy was suggesting himself.

"Ryu, if I were to be someone else, my fist would have passed." Tsunade noticed Ryu's dishonest gaze, and squeezed his fist and made a gesture with Ryu.

"Sister Tsunade, don't do it at home." Mikoto said quickly.

Mikoto didn't want to see the house being demolished. Tsunade took down the whole house by hand.

"Ahem, Tsunade, I think you have something to find me." Ryu coughed and changed the subject, lest Tsunade had to do it.

"There is indeed something, that... Actually I want to borrow some money. Don't worry, I will definitely pay back the money I borrowed this time. If I win, I will pay it back to you first."

When Tsunade spoke, she was a little embarrassed. It was not the first time that she came to Ryu to borrow money. To be honest, she owed Ryu too much.

"It's okay to borrow money, but there is one condition you must promise me."

Ryu grabbed Tsunade's hand and said seriously to Tsunade.

Tsunade lowered her head and looked at Ryu who was touching her hand. The veins on her forehead were violent. Are you taking advantage of me? But looking at Ryu's face, I don't seem to be at a disadvantage, I feel like I'm earning blood.

"Go ahead, as long as I can promise, I will definitely promise you." Tsunade patted his chest and said to Ryu.

"My condition is never to win."

At this moment, Ryu's expression was extremely cautious, but she knew how evil Tsunade was, and even those with bad luck couldn't keep losing.

Especially when the other party hasn't made a lot of money and loses all the time, this kind of gambling is already very evil.

But if Tsunade wins, there will definitely be bad news.

"What are your strange conditions? I think you are taunting me deliberately." Tsunade glared at Ryu viciously.

"In addition, there is one more thing. This is the last time I borrowed money. The money you owe me may not be over in this life. If you come again next time, you will be sold to repay the debt."

Ryu's eyes were so sharp that Tsunade didn't dare to look directly.

"Selling one's body to pay off the debt is selling one's body to pay off the debt." Tsunade flushed slightly, and then muttered.

"Hehe, I guess this old woman is eager to sell her body to pay off her debts." Jiu Xinnai smiled coldly at this time.

"Kushina kid, I have endured you for a long time, come out and let's fight."

Tsunade slapped the table, and the whole table shattered. She was in the midst of prosperity. This stinky kid took a bite of an old woman. If she didn't teach her, she wouldn't know her temper.

"Okay, just hit it, I'm afraid you won't succeed."

Kushina was also very hardened, and followed Tsunade out, leaving Ryu and Mikoto staring at each other.

"Should we stop it? If we really fight, Kushina will suffer." Mikoto said worriedly.

Although the relationship with Tsunade is pretty good now, it certainly can't compare with Kushina. Of course, Mikoto doesn't want Kushina to suffer.

"I'll go and watch, let Kushina suffer a little loss, nothing will happen."

Ryu went out without interrupting them. Perhaps it would be nice to make Kushina suffer a bit this time, to let her know that there are heavens and humans, and I feel that Kushina is a bit swollen now.

The result of this battle is obvious. Even if Kushina uses all her strength, she cannot be Tsunade's opponent, and Tsunade has not squandered her strength over the years.

Kushina was taught a lesson, but Tsunade didn't bully her, and he was merciful, but Kushina was depressed when she suffered a fiasco.


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