After Ryu slashed away Uchiha Itachi's Susanoo, Susanoo took shape again under Uchiha Itachi's frantically surging pupil power.

However, his condition is not good, his eyes are bleeding and tears, and his body is a little rickets.

Susanoo re-formed, holding the Yata Mirror in his left hand, and the flame-like ten-punch sword in his right hand by Chakra.

The ten-punch sword is very strong, and the stabbed person will be permanently sealed in the illusion world of Drunken Dreams.

But this does not mean invincibility, first of all he cannot stab Ryu.

Ryu's body is inside Susanoo, and Uchiha Itachi's Susanoo is too small, at most attacking the full body of Susanoo's waist.

"Bye now."

Staring at Uchiha Itachi, Ryu controlled Susanoo to cut down again. This time Ryu aimed at Uchiha Itachi, who was under the protection of Susanoo.

The Yata Mirror, the artifact condensed by Chakra again, made a cracking sound and was broken by Ryu again.

Susanoo was completely destroyed. As for Uchiha Itachi, who was in it, he originally wanted to escape from Susanoo, but was pulled back by time back and killed with a single sword.

[Ding, you kill Uchiha Itachi projection and get rewards: 100,000 points, Amaterasu, Yata Mirror, and Ten Punch Sword! 】

"Good things have burst out, Uchiha Itachi, although I don't like you, but at this time I want to say that you are a good person."

Ryu said very truthfully, and at the same time Ryu felt the two artifacts equipped by Susanoo.

This is actually an intangible spirit weapon, which can be condensed by using Chakra.

Don't look at Ryu easily breaking the Yata Mirror, but in fact the defense of Yata Mirror is really not weak.

However, how much they can play depends on the master's talents. The difference in strength between Uchiha Itachi and Ryu is too big, so they appear so vulnerable.

If it is replaced with Uchiha Madara equipment, I am afraid that it will take a lot of effort for Ryu to break.


Amaterasu black flame suddenly appeared where Ryu's eyes were focused. The temperature of the eternal black flame was so high that the stones could be burned.

"It's not so wasteful."

The performance of waste material does not mean real waste material. Amaterasu's pupil technique is quite powerful. If you can obtain the pupil technique of Flame Control, you can freely control Amaterasu black inflammation.

Amaterasu paired with Flame Control is the best match.

"Redeem Flame Control."

Ryu did not hesitate, and directly exchanged for Flame Control, costing 100,000 points. For Ryu, who is carrying a huge amount of money, it is not a big consumption.

At the same time, Ryu felt that his pupil power had actually increased. At this time, he seemed to have reached a critical point, and he could immediately break this critical point and let his eyes evolve into Rinnegan.

After using Flame Control, I control Amaterasu Black Flame freely, and I can also control Amaterasu Black Flame to go out.(Read more @

"Yes, it's worth the cost."

Afterwards, Ryu's expression was a little weird. If there was no one who awakened the pupil technique of Amaterasu, what would happen to the pupil technique of Flame Control?

It's a bit cheating to think about it, after all, Flame Control is to control Amaterasu Black Flame.

It shouldn't happen like that.

"There are currently six projections that I can still challenge, in fact there are only two."

Ryu looked at the six character projections displayed on the panel, but of the six character projections, five of them were the same character.

【Ōtsutsuki Kaguya projection】×5

That's right, of the five Ōtsutsuki Kaguya projections, originally there was only one, and the last four were drawn by Ryu's luck over the past five years.

But Ryu doesn’t know if it’s luck, it feels very cheating, I can’t beat you for a hundred.

The remaining one is Ten Tails, and Ryu has also played Ten Tails, but every time the result ends in a tie.

Using Sage Art·Myoshin Gate can suppress Ten Tails, but this does not count as Ryu defeating the enemy, and Ten Tails takes some time and can be struggling out.

As long as it cannot be completely killed or subdued, it is not considered a real victory.

I don't want to kill Ten Tails. Ten Tails should have an immortal body, right now Ryu just wants to defeat it.

It is estimated that after getting Rinnegan, it will be easy to do this. Rinnegan can control Ten Tails.

After chatting with the boring Xiaomeng, Ryu left the system space.

Before, Ryu persuaded her to exchange Rinnegan, but after thinking about it, Ryu still held back, telling Ryu intuitively that his Rinnegan won't be too far away.

In a blink of an eye, a month passed, Ryu's eyes throbbed, and two special forces surged toward the eye area.

The pupil power suddenly increased explosively, and everything around Ryu was destroyed by invisible power.

"Hahaha, finally evolved. Rinnegan has finally turned on. Sure enough, studying Yin and Yang escape can really make Rinnegan turn on."

Ryu gave out a burst of laughter, congratulations to Uchiha, the four masters of laughter, adding another one, and will be called Uchiha the five masters of laughter in the future.

A month ago, thinking of Rinnegan mastering the power of yin and yang, Ryu began to study yang and yin.

His Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is the manifestation of Yin and Yang, and the perfect Sage Body is the manifestation of Yang. In addition, he has obtained some secret techniques about Yin and Yang from Uchiha Madara, and now he has finally successfully opened Rinnegan.

Taking out the mirror, Ryu looked at the scarlet eyes in the mirror. The circles of lines were Rinnegan, yes, but red Rinnegan.

In fact, the colors of Rinnegan are also different. In the original work, there have been four colors of Rinnegan, purple, red, yellow, and blue.

The color is different, the power is actually the same, anyway, it's all Rinnegan.

Controlling repulsion and gravity is the foundation of Rinnegan. Ryu is located on a deserted island in a water country. There is no one on the island, so you can use Rinnegan's power at will.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng."

The invisible repulsive force erupted centered on Ryu, and the surrounding rocks and trees were shattered and repelled by the repulsive force, and the ground was scraped away by a layer.

"Universal Pull."

A stone in front of the target was attracted by the burst of gravity instantly. When there was still ten centimeters away from Ryu, Shenluo Tianzheng used it in an instant, and the stone was shattered by the repulsive force.

"Is there no cooling time."

Ryu muttered to himself silently.

The experiment just now allowed Ryu to confirm that his Shenra Tianzheng had no cooling time.

Nagato uses Shinra Tianzheng. After using it once, it takes five seconds to use it a second time, but Ryu doesn't need it at all.

Probably Nagato's eyes are not his own, so Nagato's ability for Rinnegan is simply not fully utilized, and the cost of using Rinnegan is also very high.

Using the same power moves, Nagato consumes at least five times more Chakra than Ryu.

Turning on Rinnegan gave Ryu's Chakra a slight enhancement, but Ryu could feel that he was still in the category of super shadow level and did not reach the sixth level.

However, the current Ryu should be the closest to the sixth level, which is only a small distance away from the sixth level.

Even according to his current combat effectiveness, he should be able to fight a sixth-level powerhouse. Ryu can't be sure about his own feelings, but Ryu has always trusted his own feelings.


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