"Fortunately, the pupil technique in the previous Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan state can also be used."

Ryu experimented with the previous pupil techniques, such as time-retracement, monthly reading, Kamui, etc., and they can still be used.

He can even be converted into Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, the Rinnegan that he turned on can be turned on and off freely.

Unlike Nagato, you can only keep reincarnation open all the time~eyes.

"By the way, I should test the new pupil-shu that I just awakened."

Enabling Rinnegan's awakening pupil technique, just like Uchiha Madara's wheel tomb·side prison, Uchiha Sasuke's heavenly hand power, Ryu naturally has a new pupil technique for awakening.

Run into the forest, grab a rabbit, Ryu stares at the rabbit, and then activates his pupil technique.

Originally, a little rabbit grew up in an instant, then aged, and finally turned into a pile of bones.

"The power of time acceleration? This pupil technique is called Setsuna Fanghua."

Ryu's face was full of joy. The pupil technique that Rinnegan turned on was actually time-based, but it would be fine if the time pause ability. Suddenly, some crooked thoughts popped up in Ryu's mind.

Shaking his head, throwing away some dirty thoughts.

"It's been out for several days, it's time to go back."

Ryu uses Flying Thunder God Technique to return to Wunin Village.

"Master Mizukage, you are finally back." Terumi Mei looked at Ryu with a bitter face. She felt that she promised that the secretary was a pit.

Where is the secretary? It's no different from her being a Mizukage. Basically everything is left to her. Terumi Mei feels a bit bitter.

"Why, doesn't it feel good to hold the power? With a bitter face, I owe you money for putting the Buddha." Ryu was in a good mood and raised his hand to squeeze Terumi Mei's small face.

"Master Mizukage, are you trying to unspoken rules for me?"

Terumi Mei stepped back vigilantly for an instant, looking at Ryu's gaze as if looking at a pervert, making Ryu want to vomit blood.

The good mood was gone, and Terumi Mei glared fiercely. Seeing the sly in her eyes, Ryu reacted, she said so deliberately.

That's right, in fact, Terumi Mei just wanted to retaliate against Ryu. It's too much to go missing three days in a month.

If it wasn't for Mikoto's sister to help, she really couldn't handle it herself.

"You are still young now, grow up obediently, wait for you to grow up to guarantee the unspoken rules for you." Ryu's face showed a terrifying smile on Terumi Mei's face.

"Isn't it true? What should I do? But Mizukage-sama is so handsome, even if he is caught by the unspoken rules, I won't suffer."

Terumi Mei muttered in her heart.

Ryu didn't know what Terumi Mei was thinking about. After finishing the things that should be handled, Ryu is also going to go home. Turn on Rinnegan. He wants to go back and celebrate.

"Wait, Master Mizukage, have you forgotten to teach me ninjutsu?"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Seeing Ryu leaving, Terumi Mei hurriedly yelled to Ryu.

At this time, Terumi Mei felt that she had been miserable. She had already said that she wanted to teach herself ninjutsu, but now she seems to have left her behind. She didn't teach herself for a few days in total.

"I haven't forgotten about this, but I have something to do today, so I will teach you another day. Don't worry, I will never go back on what I promised you."

Ryu left directly after speaking, leaving Terumi Mei depressed.

"But you didn't say which day the next day will be, ah." Terumi Mei sighed and went back. Even without Ryu's teaching, she still has to practice by herself.

After Ryu went back here, he shared this joy with Mikoto and Kushina, and it happened that Tsunade was also here.

"Is this Rinnegan? Why doesn't it look good."

Kushina looked at Ryu's Rinnegan and felt that it was not as good-looking as the previous Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

"Yes, I have read the records. According to the Senju family's classics, Rinnegan is indeed like this." Tsunade was a little excited, but also a little confused.

"Did Rinnegan evolved from Sharingan?"

This is what Tsunade most puzzles. The three pupils are Rinnegan, Sharingan, and Byakugan. Since Rinnegan evolved from Sharingan, can't they be divided together?

"Rinnegan really evolved from Sharingan, and Sage of Six Paths is not a natural Rinnegan."

Ryu answers Tsunade’s doubts. Even Sage of Six Paths Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo evolved from Sharingan to Rinnegan.

If you eat the fruit of the sacred tree, you may get Rinnegan directly.

"Can Mikoto's eyes evolve into Rinnegan?" Kushina asked.

Mikoto also looked at Ryu after hearing this. She really wanted to know if her eyes could evolve to Rinnegan.

"Well, if it were Mikoto's own evolution, it would be very difficult, or even impossible."

Ryu doesn't think that Mikoto can evolve into Rinnegan on his own. After all, Rinnegan needs too many conditions to evolve. Mikoto just barely achieved one, that is, possessing Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Hearing Ryu's words, Mikoto was not disappointed. In fact, Mikoto didn't even start Mangekyō Sharingan before. Ryu helped her to have Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

"By the way, Ryu, I have a very important question for you."

Tsunade looked at Ryu seriously.

"What question is so serious?"

"Wood Style, I heard Kushina say that you have used Wood Style. How did your Wood Style come from?"

When talking about Wood Style, Tsunade's expression was also a little excited. He always regarded Wood Style as the Tsunade of the Senju clan. He knew where Ryu could use Wood Style to stay calm.

After hearing the news from Kushina at first, Tsunade felt it was impossible.

But Kushina swears that it doesn't seem to be telling lies at all, and Tsunade also knows Kushina.

Although she has a bad attitude towards herself, Kushina will not lie to her.

So now Tsunade will ask Ryu to confirm.

"Well, didn't you give me Wood Style ninjutsu at first, so I learned it in a daze."

"Liar, I don't believe it."

Tsunade instantly felt that Ryu was cheating her. Can he learn Wood Style by getting Wood Style ninjutsu? Then why none of the Senju clan can learn.

Even Nawaki couldn't learn Wood Style at all.

"I can learn those Wood Style ninjutsu. The ninjutsu you gave me is indeed a big reason." Ryu said to Tsunade.

If there is no Wood Style ninjutsu given by Tsunade, Ryu can only rely on exchange, or create it himself.

Those powerful Wood Style ninjutsu requires huge redemption points, and it is not easy to create it yourself, so Ryu really needs to thank Tsunade for the Wood Style ninjutsu scroll.

Otherwise, Ryu will definitely not master so much Wood Style ninjutsu now.

Tsunade looked at Ryu, thought for a while, and stopped asking more. This may involve Ryu's secrets, and this kind of thing should not be revealed to others. It is normal to keep secrets about blood inheritance.

Who would tell others how he got the blood inheritance limit, even in the face of his relatives, he would never reveal it.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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