"It turns out that the blood inheritance of our Senju clan is not Wood Style."

Tsunade's expression is complicated.

Although Tsunade did not continue to inquire before, Ryu still told Tsunade some information.

"Yes, whether it is the Senju clan or the Uzumaki clan, the blood inheritance boundary is the Sage Body."

"Then I will tell Nawaki and tell him not to work hard on Wood Style."

At this time, Ryu opened his mouth. He didn't know whether to persuade Tsunade. Nawaki studied Wood Style. Maybe he could really study it. At best, Wood Style doesn't have the power of Senju Hashirama.

Forget it, don't persuade it, because Ryu is not optimistic about Nawaki's research on Wood Style. Rather than studying these, it is better to rely on other means to improve his strength.

"Tsunade, you can give this to Nawaki."

Ryu thought for a while and took out a bottle containing Mangekyō Sharingan.

This one was dug from Uzumaki Zangsuke when he left Konoha Village. It is suspected to be Mangekyō Sharingan of Uchiha Kagami.

"Sage Body can actually resonate with Sharingan. Nawaki can suppress the side effects of Mangekyō Sharingan, and this itself was stolen from Sarutobi Hiruzen. You should be Sarutobi Hiruzen's compensation for your Senju clan."

"Thank you Ryu."

Tsunade hesitated, and finally accepted it, because Nawaki really wanted to gain strength, relying on his own strength to seek revenge from Danzo.

But even though he worked hard, his strength could never reach the shadow level, and losing an arm had a big impact on his combat effectiveness.

With this pair of Mangekyō Sharingan, it can make Nawaki's fighting power reach the shadow level.

"Forget what I owe him." Tsunade glanced at Ryu and said secretly.

The preciousness of a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan is beyond estimate, she can only find a way to compensate Ryu in the future.

In fact, in Ryu's eyes, Tsunade gave him enough things, and the Wood Style Ninjutsu Scrolls were of inestimable value to Ryu.

After eating, Ryu entered the system space.

"Ten Tails can already be done."

This time in the system space, Ryu is here to solve the projection of Ten Tails. Although the power of Ten Tails is terrifying, it cannot be used.

If you come to Ten Tails Jinchūriki, even with six Obitos, Ryu is not absolutely sure to win, but against pure Ten Tails, Ryu is absolutely sure to win.

"I entered the trial space without talking to me."

Xiaomeng saw Ryu who challenged Ten Tails without saying a word, her expression was a little depressed, her system wizard seemed useless.

Well, in fact, apart from chatting with Xiaomeng when I'm bored, it seems really useless.

In the trial space projected by Ten Tails, Ryu calmly looked at Ten Tails who was howling.

Today's Ten Tails are not in the state of complete body. Ten Tails in the state of complete body are the god tree, but it is the state closest to the god tree.

He let out a roar like a beast, and then a Tailed Beast Bomb hit Ryu.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

As long as it is a tailed beast, it can use the Tailed Beast Bomb. Of course, Ten Tails can also use it, and the Tailed Beast Bomb of Ten Tails is terrifying.

"Although such an attack is terrifying, it does not threaten me."

Ryu instantly uses Kamui, the terrifying Tailed Beast Bomb, and cannot cause any damage to Ryu.

Rinnegan appeared in Ryu's eyes, and at the same time, Ryu's Rinnegan also had three more black goose jade.

If Ryu looks in the mirror at this time, he will definitely be surprised, because before Ryu's eyes did not show three gou jade.

Now his eyes should be called Samsara Sharingan, which is stronger than ordinary Rinnegan.

Ordinary Rinnegan, in fact, can no longer use the power that previously belonged to Sharingan.

For example, Sharingan's pupil technique, after evolving to Rinnegan, will lose those pupil technique abilities.

But Reincarnation Sharingan is different, having all the abilities of Rinnegan and Sharingan.

"Uncontrollable, it seems that I underestimated Ten Tails."

With surprise on Ryu's face, he realized that relying on his own eyes, he couldn't control the Ten Tails in front of him.

"It turns out that the opponent's six-goed jade, Rinnegan, is not a display."

Looking at Rinnegan, the six-goed jade of Ten Tails, Ten Tails did not use the power of those eyes in the original work, as if it was a decoration.

But now, Ryu can clearly realize that Rinnegan, the six-gou jade, is resisting him, resisting his Rinnegan's control.

"If you are undecided, let's have a meal."

Ryu calmed down from surprise, and then entered Sage Mode first.

"Sage Art·Wood Style·Real Number Senju!"

A Wood Style Guanyin Buddha statue similar in size to Ten Tails appeared on the opposite side of Ten Tails, and under Ryu's control, countless fists fell together.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

Boom boom boom! ! !

The attacks continued, and Ten Tails wailed constantly with his fists. After Ryu turned on Rinnegan, he felt that the Wood Style he was using was stronger...

Ten Tails was wailing in pain, and his will seemed to be lowered. Ryu felt that the current Rinnegan was already able to influence Ten Tails.

"Come on again, Chao Shenluo Tianzheng."

The terrifying repulsive force knocked Ten Tails back dozens of miles away, and everything around was destroyed by the repulsive force, and the heavy clouds in the sky were torn apart by the repulsive force.

"Planetary Devastation."

The black gravitational core flew out of Ryu's hand. This gravitational core was so large that everything was pulled by gravity and soon formed a huge spherical meteorite. Ten Tails as the target was naturally sealed in it.

"I wonder if Ten Tails can be completely sealed?"

Ryu feels a bit awkward, even if the Planetary Devastation of Ryu is an enhanced version, it is Ten Tails after all, possessing the power of the sixth level.

If it wasn't for Ten Tails' inability to exert its own power, Ryu really couldn't defeat Ten Tails.

Looking at the meteorite sphere in the sky, the originally solid sphere began to sway, and there was a faint feeling of being burst from the inside.

"Sure enough, isn't it?"

Although he didn't have much expectations, Ryu was a little disappointed seeing this scene.

"If that's the case, then smash it down for me." Ryu stretched out his hand and pressed it down. The meteorite floating in the sky seemed to be pulled endlessly and fell directly from the sky.

"Tengai Shinsei, call me again."

Ryu uses Tengai Shinsei to smash the summoned meteorite from a high altitude, directly hitting the Ten Tails who just got up, and there can be more than one meteorite.

In order to deal with Ten Tails, various ultimatums were madly released from Ryu's hands. The battle lasted for more than half an hour and finally ended completely.

After being beaten by Ryu for a while, Ten Tails, whose will collapsed, was completely controlled by Ryu.

[Ding, you beat the Ten Tails projection and get: 500,000 points, Ten Tails Chakra! 】

"Apart from points, there is only one Ten Tails Chakra?"

Ryu looked at this reward, not in a good mood, but immediately, after feeling the Ten Tails Chakra pouring into his body, Ryu felt that the reward was not small.

Originally, Nine Tails Chakra existed in Ryu, but after possessing Ten Tails Chakra, the original Nine Tails Chakra instantly merged with Ten Tails Chakra and became one.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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