"Master Mizukage, are you serious?"

Terumi Mei grabbed Ryu's arm in surprise, staring at Ryu with shining eyes.

"Of course, since I promised you, I won't break my promise. I will take the time to teach you today. You have to take this opportunity."

Ryu nodded to the little secretary, and looked at the little secretary. His strength was no longer weak, and he now possessed Jōnin-level strength.

If someone who doesn't know her meets her, even the elite Jōnin will flee in embarrassment, and even die at the hands of Terumi Mei.

After all, they have two powers of Blood Succession Boundary, and these two powers are not weak.

"But there is a prerequisite, these files must be processed."

Ryu took out a stack of documents and placed them in front of Terumi Mei.

If it were other times, Terumi Mei would definitely frown, but now Terumi Mei is very excited.

"Don't worry, Mizukage-sama, I will finish these files right away."

Then Terumi Mei broke out at the fastest speed. Anyway, he has handled too many government affairs, and now Terumi Mei is also very skilled.

While Terumi Mei was dealing with these matters, Ryu kept watching and nodded in satisfaction. Yes, now Terumi Mei has been taught.

In the future, I can continue to be a handy shopkeeper, but in order to prevent Terumi Mei from being dissatisfied, I must give Terumi Mei a sweet date.

Thinking of this, Ryu's gaze facing Terumi Mei became more amiable.

"I don't know why, I always feel that this look is very dangerous."

Facing Ryu's gentle gaze, Terumi Mei became vigilant in her heart, with a bad premonition.

"Terumi Mei, you are very good, these are handled very well, I will reuse you in the future." Ryu patted Terumi Mei on the shoulder.

It's really not a cake for Terumi Mei, Ryu will definitely reuse her in the future.

At noon, Terumi Mei read and processed all the documents that Ryu gave to Terumi Mei. Terumi Mei also took out some more important information and put it aside.

Terumi Mei feels that Ryu needs to take a look, and suggested that Ryu should take a look when he is free. There is also some information about the Ninja world today.

"Master Mizukage, how about I invite you to dinner...?"

Terumi Mei looked at Ryu with sparkling eyes and asked.

"Since you have invited you sincerely, it would not be good for me to refuse you, so as not to hurt your self-esteem, I will give you this opportunity."

Terumi Mei's mouth twitched when he heard that, how did he feel that Mizukage was a little arrogant.

"Don't guess me maliciously, I can feel it."

Ryu put his hand on top of Terumi Mei's head, lowered his head and said to Terumi Mei's ear.

"No, I didn't maliciously guess Master Mizukage." Terumi Mei shook his head immediately.

Then Ryu followed Terumi Mei to a grilled fish restaurant. This Ryu has been here before and it is really good.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Master Mizukage actually came to the shop."

When the owner saw Ryu, Fourth Mizukage, he was a little flattered. He didn't expect Master Mizukage to come to his shop for dinner.

If this spreads out, his family's business will definitely be ten times hotter in the future.

At this time, he was already thinking about how to give Ryu a waiver, to deepen the impression of Master Mizukage, and let him come a few more times.

But in the end, I paid the money, because the host was Terumi Mei, so of course I had to pay.

"Let's go, follow to my house."

"Ah, I'm going to Master Mizukage's house." Terumi Mei was a little nervous when she heard that, but she also looked forward to it.

"Why, don't you want to go? If you don't want to, you can change the place. It doesn't matter where you teach you anyway."

Ryu really cares about Terumi Mei's opinion. If she wants to change place, it's not impossible.

"No, I am willing, I also want to visit Master Mizukage's house."

Following Ryu, Terumi Mei stepped into the Uchiha clan, and Ryu, the Mizukage and patriarch, naturally lives in the center of the clan.

An extremely luxurious yard, the yard is not small, a small training ground was built in the yard.

"In the future, when I have money, I will definitely build such a yard."

Terumi Mei said silently in her heart.

"You're back, why did you bring your little secretary back? Oh, let me just say it, Mikoto, look at it, I knew he was unruly looking for the little secretary, and now he has brought people back."

Kushina looked at Ryu jealously.


"Oh, it hurts."

Kushina held her head and looked at Ryu aggrievedly.

"Don't slander my reputation, how can I be such an upright person to have a bad heart." Ryu said angrily.

"Hehe, Mikoto won't believe this." Kushina chuckled and ran to Mikoto's side.

Ryu looked at Mikoto, as if asking Mikoto whether you believe it or not.

And Mikoto turned his head silently, as if not paying attention to Ryu's gaze at her, well, Mikoto really didn't believe that Ryu was an upright person.

After all, as a wife, I know Ryu thoroughly. She and Ryu grew up together.

"I came back with Terumi Mei to teach Terumi Mei."

"¨" Hmm, Ryu, I believe you. Mikoto smiled and nodded to Ryu.

However, Ryu looked at the danger on Mikoto's face, and felt that Mikoto had acquiesced to what Kushina had said before that he had a bad heart. Hey, my heart is tired.

I'm not a beast. Even if I really have a bad heart, I have to wait for Terumi Mei to grow up. Now I really can't get rid of it.

Of course, I can't say this. If I say it, I'm going to ruin my reputation, and the perfect image is about to collapse.

Ryu took Terumi Mei directly to the training ground and started to teach Terumi Mei.

"Terumi Mei, the power of your blood inheritance limit, I certainly can't teach you, but I can teach you some Water Style ninjutsu."

Ryu also mastered a lot of Water Styles. After becoming Mizukage, the Sealed Book of Kirinin Village and various ninjutsu Ryu have read them all.

"Teach you an S-level Water Style ninjutsu first."

After thinking about it, Ryu taught Terumi Mei the Water Style·Hard Vortex Water Blade. This ninjutsu does not consume much Chakra, but it has strong penetrating power and great power.

Seeing Ryu show her (good Zhao), Terumi Mei's eyes lit up slightly. Can such powerful ninjutsu be taught to her?

In fact, the current Ryu doesn't care about the preciousness of ninjutsu anymore. In Ryu's eyes, there is no ninjutsu that is precious anymore, and S-rank ninjutsu is nothing.

What Ryu needs is the real high-level power of Xianshu, Six Ways of Xianshu, or Yin and Yang Escape.

Mikoto and Kushina watched Ryu teach Terumi Mei nearby. In Kushina's words, it was to prevent Ryu from taking advantage of the teaching excuse.

Ryu, who heard this, wanted to hit someone, did he really treat him as a pervert.

Before, Kushina wanted to learn Sage Mode with him. Originally, Ryu wanted to teach her, but now you don’t even think about it.

Kushina didn't know, because of her own words, Ryu didn't want to teach her Sage Mode. If Kushina knew about it, I would definitely regret it.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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