In one afternoon, the ninjutsu that can be taught to Terumi Mei is actually very limited. Ryu also taught Terumi Mei the ninjutsu of Rasengan.

Of course, Terumi Mei didn't learn it. He just wrote down and went back to practice. If you want to learn a ninjutsu, you can't learn it instantly.

Terumi Mei doesn't have the blood inheritance limit of Sharingan that can replicate ninjutsu. She needs to learn and master slowly by herself.

Terumi Mei was left for a dinner. Terumi Mei's eyes lit up, and she was thinking about how to eat rice. There was no way, but the food Mikoto made directly conquered her.

The next day, Uchiha, who was sent by Ryu to find Uchiha Madara, returned. By this time, he was fully adapted to the transplanted Senju cells.

I can easily use a few Wood Styles, and I don’t need to worry about Mangekyō Sharingan's pupil power for the time being.

"Yes, you should have the strength of the peak of the shadow rank."

Ryu looked at Uchiha wildly with satisfaction. In the past, Uchiha wild can also exert shadow-level combat power, but can't fight for a long time.

The transplanted Mangekyō Sharingan still has some rejection with him.

In addition, Mangekyō Sharingan has a great side effect on the body. The use of pupil surgery will cause the eyes to bleed, and the use of Susanoo will cause body soreness.

There is no need to worry about these side effects for the time being. Even Chakra has exploded. I have to say that First Hokage's cells are really useful.

In fact, Ryu's current cell is no different from First Hokage Senju Hashirama, and even surpasses Senju Hashirama.

After all, Senju Hashirama has it, Ryu has it, Senju Hashirama does not have it, Ryu has it.

After Uchiha Ye returned, let him continue to be the leader of the Ninja Seven.

With this leader position, Uchiha Ye should be able to sit down completely.

At this time, the seven Ninja swords in Wuren Village were Uchiha No (double swords and flounder), Hoshigaki Kisame (big swords and Samehada), loquat Juzo (broken swords and beheaded swords), and Kuriha Kushimaru (long swords) · Stitches), Grass-Break (Dull Knife·Pouch Cut), Wuli Jinba (Burst Knife·Smooth), Black Hoe Thunder Teeth (Thunder Knife·Tooth).

Uchiha is the pinnacle of the wild shadow class. Because Hoshigaki Kisame is still young, he only has the strength of Jōnin, and the rest are elite Jōnin.

Counting Yakura, the former Fourth Mizukage, today's Wunin Village is indeed full of talents, even Konoha Village can't match it.

"You came to me again to borrow money."

Ryu looked at Tsunade in front of him angrily.

"Ryu Ryu, lend me one more time~~! I promise to pay you back this time." Tsunade rubbed Ryu's arm, making Ryu a little bit happy.

"No, I have principles. If I borrow again, I will let you pay for it. Are you ready?"

Ryu is not simply tempted.

"Okay." Tsunade gritted his teeth and glared at Ryu and said.(Read more @

"Don't worry if you don't want to, anyway, I know you will definitely refuse..."

"Well, did you agree?"

Ryu stared at Tsunade who was gritting his teeth, and Tsunade looked at him with some shame.

"Why, don't you want to." Tsunade glared at Ryu in embarrassment.

"Yes, I certainly do."

Just kidding, if Ryu doesn’t eat the meat delivered to the door, I’m so sorry to myself.

In fact, Ryu was just joking at the beginning, but he didn't expect it to come true in the end.

Then naturally everything that should have happened happened, and everything that shouldn't have happened also happened.

"It's cheap for you guy." Tsunade leaned in Ryu's arms. In fact, she was in a complicated mood before, but now she feels at ease leaning in Ryu's arms.

"When did I like him?"

Tsunade couldn't help but murmured in her heart, she would give herself to Ryu, but it was not for paying the bills, joking, if it wasn't like that, how could the old man like Tsunade pay the bills.

"Forget it, I don't want to, anyway, if you like it, you like it." Tsunade closed his eyes comfortably and fell asleep in a daze.

The next day, Ryu left the Uchiha clan and came to Nawaki's current residence.

"Why did you come to me early in the morning?" Nawaki asked Ryu strangely.

"Oh, it's hard to say in one word."

Ryu sighed. Could I tell you that it was because your sister came to the door by herself, and I couldn't help but eat it, and then after Kushina knew about it the next day, she was going to kill me with a knife.

Looking at Three Tomoe Sharingan in Nawaki's eyes, Ryu asked Nawaki, "How about Mangekyō Sharingan?"

"It's okay, but it will take some time to fully grasp it."

Nawaki said, thanking Ryu.

"Thank me, no need, Nawaki, you will call my brother-in-law from now on." Ryu patted Nawaki on the shoulder and said.

Nawaki's expression froze slightly, then his face showed...ecstasy, yes, ecstasy, grabbing Ryu's hand, Nawaki's expression was very excited.

"Hey, Nawaki, what are you doing, I have no interest in men."

Ryu pulled out his hand in disgust, and at the same time stepped back, looking at Nawaki warily.

"Ryu, ah no, brother-in-law, please be sure to take care of my sister in the future, so that she will not come to me for money, please."

Nawaki solemnly bowed to Ryu, feeling that her violent old sister was finally controlled, and she would not bully herself in the future and take away the money she finally saved.

Also, it’s really not easy for his violent elder sister to be asked by someone. Nawaki had always doubted Tsunade’s character before, and whether he could find the other half, now I don’t have to worry about it.

Ryu looked at Nawaki who was extremely excited, and the corners of his mouth twitched. Nawaki's life was not easy.

Not long after being here from Nawaki, Ryu headed to the Mizukage building.

"Hmph, you are finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Kushina sat in her seat and looked at Ryu with a sneer.

"Ahem, what do you want to do, anyway, you have already done what you need to do, you won't murder your husband." Ryu didn't run away at all.

"Damn it, kill you."

Kushina threw at Ryu angrily, thinking that she and the woman Tsunade became "good" sisters, Kushina couldn't help being angry.

Sure enough, her vigilance was relaxed, and she didn't stare at them properly, which allowed the woman to succeed. She had long seen that the woman's mind was impure, and it was true.

In the end, Kushina, who was extremely annoyed, could only let Ryu go, but what could Ryu do. Who made this the person she liked? Did he really need a chopper.

What's more, even Mikoto didn't say anything. She had any qualifications to say anything, so she could only vent a little to Ryu.

"What the hell happened?"

Terumi Mei, who was watching from the side, had Eight Trigrams in her heart, as if a cat's paw was scratching, she wanted to know what Mizukage-sama did to make Kushina so annoyed.

But although I want to know, Terumi Mei dare not ask. What if he asks any secrets, what if he is killed in the end? Or honestly, when I didn't see it, I didn't hear it.


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