Time is always passing by inadvertently. Five years of time are fleeting, and over the past five years, major powers have clashed again.

Now more than ten years have passed since the Second Ninja World War, and the major Ninja villages have been well cultivated, and then the forces of the fighting faction have raised their heads again.

"Third Kazekage is missing."

Ryu looked at the intelligence with thoughts in his eyes.

The disappearance of Third Kazekage was the beginning of the Third Ninja World War, and he was not missing, but was killed, and died at the hands of Sasori of the Red Sand.

Sasori is Chiyo's grandson. His parents died at the hands of Konoha Shiakuto Hatake Sakumo in the Second Ninja War. Hatake Sakumo committed suicide, and Sasori didn't vent his words for revenge.

Finally, Sasori transferred the hatred to Third Kazekage, thinking that his incompetence in Sand Shinobi Village caused the death of his parents, so he assassinated Third Kazekage.

"Master Mizukage, what shall we do? According to the information obtained, some villages have begun to move towards Sand Shinobi Village."

Terumi Mei looked at Ryu questioningly.

In five years, Terumi Mei has also grown up, and under Ryu's guidance, her current strength has reached the shadow level.

"Sand Shinobi Village without a leader, now is a good time to take action. I think we should also take advantage of this maneuver."

Although I don't know what Ryu thinks, Terumi Mei still proposed to Ryu.

Now that Wuren Village has developed so powerfully, it naturally wants to expand. Some militant Wuren have begun to advocate war.

"Don't underestimate the Sand Shinobi Village where there is no leader. Even if there is no leader, they are not easy to provoke."

Ryu tapped the table lightly, and really had no idea about Sand Shinobi Village.

There are two reasons. The first reason is the distance, the distance between the country of water and the country of wind is too far, and the other reason is that Sand Shinobi Village is poor and worthless.

"Even if we want to make a shot, it is not a shot against the country of wind. Whether we shot against the country of fire or the country of thunder, it is better than against the country of wind."

Ryu really looks down on the Land of the Wind. Although the Land of the Wind is very large, most of them are deserts and there are not many oasis.

After removing the uninhabitable places, the territory of the Kingdom of Wind may not be comparable to the country of water composed of islands.

"Master Mizukage, that is to say, our Wunin Village will participate in this war."

Terumi Mei's eyes are shining. Although the Ninja War hasn't erupted yet, the eruption is already a certainty.

"Yes, get the benefits we deserve." Ryu nodded lightly.

"But Terumi Mei, you're very combative?"

Ryu looked at Terumi Mei with a look of excitement, with a strange expression. Is Terumi Mei so combative? He really didn't know.

"I want to make the development of Wuren Village better. Now the development of Wuren Village has reached a bottleneck. Only war and plunder can allow us to break through this bottleneck."

Terumi Mei spoke to Ryu seriously.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

In addition, Terumi Mei feels that it is time for her to improve her strength, otherwise, why should she practice so hard?

"You arrange for the ninjas in Wujin Village to prepare."

Ryu left the matter to Terumi Mei to deal with, and now Ryu already believes in Terumi Mei's abilities very much. Over the years, Terumi Mei has basically dealt with the affairs of Kirinin Village, and has taken care of Kirijin Village in an orderly manner.

After Ryu returned home, the three women at home, Mikoto, Kushina, and Tsunade did not know what they were muttering, and stopped chatting immediately after seeing Ryu back.

"Why are you not talking?" Ryu asked strangely.

"Huh, we are talking about women's affairs, how do we talk about you here." Kushina snorted softly.

Kushina and the others are also very strong now. Mikoto has a pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, which is not weaker than Uchiha Madara. Well, Uchiha Madara before Rinnegan was turned on.

Both Kushina and Tsunade are at the peak of the shadow level, and master Sage Mode. After using Sage Mode, they should be able to burst out of super shadow level power.

"The third Ninja World War, I am afraid it will break out."

Ryu sat down and said to the three girls.

"Ninja war is about to break out?" Kushina stood up suddenly, her eyes glowing, and Ryu was quite speechless.

"Do you want to get involved too?"

"Of course, during the Second Ninja World War, I was still young, and I hadn't even been to the battlefield. Of course I can't let it go this time."

For Kushina's character, not only Ryu, but even Mikoto and Tsunade feel speechless. Do you think the battlefield is a joke?

"Will Kirinin Village participate in this too?" Mikoto asked Ryu.

"Naturally, this is also the meaning of many Ninja Village Ninjas."

Ryu nodded, his strength is stronger, and he naturally feels dissatisfied with what he has now. Now the development of Wunin Village is good, but Wunin wants to be better.

As the Mizukage of Ninja Village, Ryu will not stop them from thinking like this. If you don’t want to make progress, then Ninja Village is really over...

"Do you want to take action on the country of fire?"

Tsunade looked at Ryu.

If the country of water participates in the war, then there are two enemies that are considered to be dealt with, one of which is the country of fire and the other is the country of thunder.

Among these two choices, anyone who is a little ambitious will choose the country of fire, because the country of fire is the best, occupying the best area in the entire Ninja World.

"Well, I'm going to work on the country of fire, Tsunade, don't you want to? If you really don't want to, I can change my mind."

"No need, now I have nothing to do with Konoha Village."

Tsunade shook his head at Ryu. Now that he has become Ryu’s person, he naturally considers Ryu’s interests. As a Mizukage, Ryu considers the interests of Mizukage Village and Water Country. It is the best choice to take action against Fire Country. .

"But for Konoha Village, I can only take care of the logistics."

Although she won't stop Ryu from taking action against Konoha Village, she doesn't want to take action personally to destroy the village established by her grandfather.

"Tsunade, you can stay in the village." Ryu naturally saw what Tsunade thought, and decided to keep Tsunade in the village.

Even Ryu himself didn't have the idea of ​​taking action personally. For these weak people, he was not interested in taking action. He only had to watch the third Ninja battle proceed.

But don't worry, it's just the beginning. Third Kazekage has just disappeared, and those ambitious haven't come out yet.

Although the Third Ninja War has not yet begun, anyone with a bit of brain can see that this war is bound to break out.

"At that time, you must let me go to the battlefield." Kushina took Ryu's hand and said to Ryu.

"Well, well, let you be the deputy commander when the time comes."

"Then the commander-in-chief is you? If it's not you, I'm not convinced." Kushina asked.

"It's not me. I'm not interested in participating in this kind of children's play house. Mikoto is the commander-in-chief." Ryu looked at Mikoto.

"Me?" Mikoto was stunned for a moment, then nodded and didn't refuse.

At home, Mikoto has a gentle personality and is a perfect wife and mother, but Mikoto has also managed Wunin Village before.

Therefore, she believes she can do a good job of commanding the battlefield.


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