Since Ryu said that Mikoto should be the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, Kushina has been very unconvinced.

She feels that according to her ability, she can be a commander in chief, so when she looks at Ryu, she always looks very angry.

But even if she is angry, it's useless. In terms of Kushina's strength, Ryu doesn't doubt that she is definitely a powerhouse in the ninja world now, and not many can beat her.

It's just other aspects that Ryu feels unreliable.

At the same time, several guests were welcomed at the entrance of Wuren Village.

"I'm going to meet Uchiha Ryu again."

A tall, bronze-skinned man in a white martial arts uniform stood at the gate of Wunin Village, with several ninjas behind him. Seeing that their forehead protector is Cloud Shinobi.

"Master Ai, Third Raikage reminded you not to be impulsive."

It seemed that something was wrong, and said Cloud Shinobi, who was behind Ai.

"I know that I will obey my father and not act impulsively."

The future Fourth Raikage Ai took a deep breath, let go of the hatred, now they come to Wunin Village to seek cooperation.

"The 28 people from Cloud Shinobi Village came to our entrance to Wunin Village. Are they provoking?"

Hoshigaki Kisame came with Samehada on his back, staring at the ninja in Cloud Shinobi Village.

"We are not here to provoke, please inform Fourth Mizukage, we are the messengers of Cloud Shinobi Village, come to seek cooperation."

At the same time, Ai looked at Hoshigaki Kisame a few more times. It was the first time I saw someone who looked like a shark.

Indeed, Hoshigaki Kisame is really like a shark. If there are murlocs in this world, then Hoshigaki Kisame must be a murloc.

Looking at the Kiri Shinobi behind him, Hoshigaki Kisame asked the Kiri Shinobi to report, while he stayed here to stare at the Cloud Shinobi.

Who knows if they really cooperated or faked it. In fact, Hoshigaki Kisame thinks that they have a bad heart, and they can do it at that time.

Hoshigaki Kisame's character is still quite impulsive and combative, but now the other party is a messenger, he is really hard to get started.

"Master Kisame, Master Mizukage has an order, let them in."

Soon the Kiri Shinobu returned and reported Ryu's order to Hoshigaki Kisame.

"Master Mizukage has already ordered, so let them in. It's best not to mess around in Wunin Village, or I won't let you go."

Hoshigaki Kisame showed sharp teeth and threatened Ai viciously.

Ai is not a good temper. If it is changed to another place, he will definitely fight Hoshigaki Kisame, but this is Kirinin Village, and he still knows that this is not a place where he can go wild.

One of them led the way and led them to the Mizukage building. Then only Ai was allowed to enter, and the other Cloud Shinobi had to wait outside.

They can only accept this. Even Ai feels unsafe in Wuren Village.(Read more @

In Mizukage's office, Ryu looked at Ai faintly. This guy is about the same age as him, so he looks the same as his 30s.

He looks anxious.

"Are you here to discuss cooperation on behalf of Third Raikage?" Ryu showed a playful smile on his face.

The shame that Ryu gave to Third Raikage was not small. Although more than ten years have passed, Ryu does not think that Third Raikage will be so forgetful.

"Yes, we at Cloud Shinobi Village are willing to form an alliance with Wuren Village. When the time comes, the Thunder Congress will declare war on the country of wind, the country of soil, and the country of fire."

Ai Zhan reveals the ambition of Cloud Shinobi Village and declares war on the three big countries at the same time. Is he really emboldened or overpowered?

"I remember the hatred between Third Raikage and me is not small." Ryu said lightly.

"Master Mizukage, I think Cloud Shinobi Village is ill-intentioned."

At this time, Terumi Mei, who was in Mizukage's office, stared at Ai with a sneer. Of course, she said this deliberately in order to put pressure on Ai.

"Fourth Mizukage, back then..."

"Call me Master Mizukage."

Terumi Mei stared at Ai sharply, his gaze was like a knife, and Ai felt his scalp numb.

At first, Ai didn't pay attention to Terumi Mei, the secretary, but now he feels a strong threatening aura in Terumi Mei.

"This is Wunin Village, shouldn't there be the least respect when seeing us Mizukage?" Terumi Mei faintly tried to do it.

Ai's face was ugly, and he had to bow his head under the eaves.

"Master Fourth Mizukage."

Ai Wubi shouted aggrievedly.

Terumi Mei's imposing manner was withdrawn, and then blinked at Ryu playfully.

Ryu chuckled lightly, and she would not stop what Terumi Mei did, she was establishing her majesty.

"Master Fourth Mizukage, the original hatred has now been wiped out with the passage of time. Now we have common interests, shouldn't we unite?"

At this moment Ai spoke again, and he couldn't see that he was concerned about the previous hatred on his face, but from the look in his eyes, he could still see his unwillingness.

In fact, this time he was going to cooperate with Wuren Village. That was his father's intention. At the time, Aike strongly opposed, but was reprimanded by Third Raikage.

If you don't form an alliance with Wunin Village, you need to always guard against Wunin Village, because Wunin can enter the kingdom of thunder from the sea, and the kingdom of water is behind the kingdom of thunder.

If the rear is unstable, how can you dare to take action against other Shinobu villages?

"If you want to form an alliance with Wunin Village, it can't be done in vain, shouldn't I let me see your sincerity?" Ryu said flatly.

"I don't know what conditions Master Fourth Mizukage has?"

When I came here, Third Raikage had already said that, as long as it is not too excessive, it can be agreed.

"Materials, this time we are dealing with the materials of the Land of Fire, and we need you to provide them, and I need to see them immediately, otherwise I don't mind shooting you in the Land of Thunder."

Ryu also unceremoniously put forward the conditions. What is needed most for war is the materials, and the ninja is not an iron fight. If the materials can't keep up, they can't hold it.

And the materials are not just food, there are ninjas such as detonation talisman, kunai, shuriken, and Senbon, as well as medical drugs.

These things are a big expense. To earn some free from Cloud Shinobi Village, Ryu will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Ai squeezed his fists, feeling a little bit aggrieved. Originally, Cloud Shinobi Village's plan caused the materials to be a little insufficient. Now, I still need to give Wu Ren, where can I get it.

"If you don't want to, then go."

Ryu motioned to Terumi Mei and asked Terumi Mei to see him off.

"Please, don't bother us Mizukage-sama, we Mizukage-sama still have a lot of work to do, but I don't have the time to waste time with you." Terumi Mei said unceremoniously.

This is in Wunin Village. She has full confidence and does not need to be polite with the other party. Even in other Shinnin Villages, Terumi Mei still has confidence.

"Wait a minute, I didn't say whether to agree, we Cloud Shinobi Village agreed to this condition, I just hope Master Fourth Mizukage won't have any other conditions."

Seeing that Terumi Mei was about to send off the guests, Ai responded directly and did not bargain with Ryu. With the current situation of Cloud Shinobi Village, it is no problem to agree. I only hope that this ally will not let them down.


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