Within the next three days, the Cloud Shinobi delegation brought by Ryu and Ai signed an agreement. The two sides formed an alliance against the other three countries. During this period, they were not allowed to attack their allies.

"The covenant has been signed, and I hope you will deliver the materials as soon as possible, otherwise this covenant is equivalent to invalidation."

Ryu reminded them when they left.

"Master Fourth Mizukage rest assured that we will not violate the terms we agreed to."

Ai left with the Cloud Shinobi delegation. Now that the agreement has been concluded, he needs to go back and report the situation as soon as possible.

"Mizukage-sama, we signed an agreement with Cloud Shinobi. Wouldn't it be great if we want to attack Thunder Country in the future?" Terumi Mei said to Ryu.

"This so-called covenant is actually just a piece of waste paper, which can be torn at any time." Ryu ignored the covenant and threw it aside.

Is this kind of paper text binding?

"Get ready, I guess Cloud Shinobi is about to do it."

Ryu thinks that Cloud Shinobi should be the first to attack Sand Shinobi Village, because it is the weakest time of Sand Shinobi Village, and he is still looking for Third Kazekage, but did not select Fourth Kazekage.

After all, it is not certain whether Third Kazekage is dead. If Third Kazekage is still alive, wouldn't it be embarrassing to select Fourth Kazekage?

The dragons have no heads, and Sand Shinobi Village is just a piece of fat. Maybe Ryu doesn't like this piece of meat, but there are many people who can like this piece of meat.

On the fifth day of the signing of the alliance contract, the first batch of supplies promised by Cloud Shinobi Village had been delivered, and the intelligence of the Sand Shinobi Village raid led by the elite Cloud Shinobi led by Third Raikage was also placed on Ryu's table.

"Third Raikage is really bold."

Ryu was a little surprised, although he guessed that Third Raikage would do it soon, he didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Master Mizukage, do you think Third Raikage can capture the entire Sand Shinobi Village?"

"Impossible, I understand the strength of Third Raikage. His strength is indeed very strong, but his destructive power is not enough, and he lacks the ninjutsu of large-scale destruction. In the end, he can only leave in embarrassment."

Ryu shook his head and said, Third Raikage may be very good in heads-up, but facing a large number of ninjas, it is difficult to cause effective damage.

In addition, Sand Shinobi, who was hit at the door, will also explode with unprecedented strength. Anyone who is hit at home will explode with anger, which is enough to defeat Third Raikage and his Cloud Shinobi.

"Although Sand Shinobi Village has no heads and looks like a soft persimmon, in fact, Cloud Shinobi shouldn't start from Sand Shinobi..."

To be honest, Ryu really couldn't understand the operation of Third Raikage, and shot Sand Shinobi. Is it because the front line is not long enough?

In addition, you shot Sand Shinobi as soon as you shot, and you actually declared war on the country of fire, the country of soil, and the country of wind.

Ryu suspects that Third Raikage has swelled, and I really don’t understand how Cloud Shinobi Village is developing over the years. Is the development of Cloud Shinobi Village particularly awesome?

"I guess Cloud Shinobi Village has no brains. If it were me, I would definitely choose to form an alliance with Sand Shinobi Village and then deal with Konoha Village and Rock Shinobi Village."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Terumi Mei also felt that Third Raikage had no brains, otherwise he would not make such an operation.

Sure enough, a few days later, news came that Third Raikage was repelled, and Sand Shinobi Village elected Fourth Kazekage Luosha.

At the same time, the ninjas of Rock Shinobi Village also blocked Third Raikage under the leadership of Onoki, causing the elite Cloud Shinobi led by Third Raikage to suffer heavy losses and fled back to Cloud Shinobi Village in embarrassment.

After escaping back, Third Raikage immediately released the news that Cloud Shinobi Village had formed an alliance with Wunin Village, and the two became allies.

The announcement of this news was to frighten the other Shinobi villages first, and then began to prepare to send troops. Before, I underestimated Sand Shinobi Village and let Third Raikage realize that other Shinobi villages were not that weak.

"Third Raikage is using our Ninja Village?"

Terumi Mei's eyes were uncomfortable, and there was a cold light in her eyes.

"When we form an alliance, aren't we just using each other."

Ryu's expression is very calm. The so-called allies use each other and can betray when necessary.

"Let's do it too, aiming at the land of fire, this time the Ninja World War will occupy at least part of the land of the land of fire."

Ryu summoned all the Jōnin among the mists for a meeting and set a goal for them.

Why did the war break out? It is not for expansion. If it fails to expand, then this war means failure.

After that, Ryu began to arrange, Uchiha Mikoto as the battlefield commander, Uzumaki Kushina as the deputy commander, and Terumi Mei as the assistant. Tsunade stayed in the village and was responsible for the management of the village.

And selected the elite of the three thousand mist ninjas, the weakest is Chūnin's strength, and most of them are elite Chūnin.

Ryu will also go to the battlefield, but Ryu will not intervene, this time he just wants to watch.

And there is no need for him to intervene. As Mizukage, unless the pressure of the village is really great, the shadow of a village basically won't make a move.

The actions of Wunin Village are not so secret, and all the major Ninja villages have been installed with spies, so it is easy to know the actions of Wunin Village.

Onoki and Fourth Kazekage Rosa are not worried for the time being, but Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen is completely panicked, and now he needs to face Kirinin Village.

If the opponent is the former Mizunin Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely not be afraid. No matter how mysterious the Mizunin Village before, it is definitely not as good as Konoha.

But now it is Uchiha Ryu's management of Wunin Village. Uchiha Ryu's strength has been able to destroy Konoha Village ten years ago. What is his strength now?

It's hard to imagine, at least Sarutobi Hiruzen can't imagine.

"¨" What can you do? "

Sarutobi Hiruzen summoned all the high-level officials to discuss how to resist Kirinin Village.

In addition, Cloud Shinobi Village is also a threat. Fortunately, Cloud Shinobi Village is temporarily caught by Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi.

"There is no good way now, only challenge."

Orochimaru glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen, then said calmly.

Jiraiya is also in Konoha Village now, with a solemn expression.

"Yes, there is no strategy right now, and other villages will not help us, only relying on our ability to challenge."

Sarutobi Hiruzen has a sharp look on his face, this time he will go to the battlefield in person.

And Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Danzo were all taken by Sarutobi Hiruzen. Facing the attacking Kirinin Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen needs to go all out.

At the same time, he also regretted that Hatake Shumo was dead. If Hatake Shumo was not dead, Konoha Village would also have an extra strength. Hatake Shumo was alive as the peak power of the film class.

"This time is a life and death battle for Konoha Village, so that all the big families in Konoha Village don't hide it." Sarutobi Hiruzen gave another order.

In the past, when the major families retained their strength, he didn't say anything, but now this time it is different. The remaining strength of Konoha Village is over.

Afterwards, Sarutobi Hiruzen led the five thousand ninjas to set off, preparing to block the mist before landing in the land of fire.

In this way, the battlefield can be pulled outside the land of fire, and also want to take the lead. In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also well prepared. He has prepared the killer, not to mention that he can win, but it is a good fight to stay unbeaten.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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