Uzumaki country, Mikoto brought Mizuna to stay here.

"Why not kill the country of fire, Mikoto?"

Kushina asked Mikoto suspiciously that the country of Uzumaki is very close to the country of fire, and it can take up to half a day to reach the country of fire.

"If I'm not mistaken, the Konoha Shinobi is already waiting there, and he might be ambushed in the past, so check the situation first before speaking."

At this moment, Mikoto looked serious.

Since Ryu asked her to be the commander of the battlefield, she must do well, and she must not betray Ryu's trust in her.

"It makes sense, why didn't I expect it." Kushina patted her head.

"Because you are stupid, so you can't think of it."

Ryu spoke unceremoniously at this time.

"What are you talking about, I killed you, the big bad guy, and, if you don't stay in Wunin Village, and don't help, what are you going to do with you?"

Kushina grabbed Ryu's hand angrily and took a bite on Ryu's arm.

"I followed here first to prevent accidents, and second, to be a little bored in Wunin Village, so I came out to breathe."

Although Ryu doesn't want to intervene in the third Ninja battle, the prerequisite for not intervening is that Kirinin Village can win it. If Kirinin Village loses, Ryu will definitely take action.

Don't interfere because you can win without him. If you can't win, then Ryu will definitely intervene.

Of course, Ryu believes that this Ninja World War can be won even if Ryu doesn't make a move.

Let's first count the strength of Wunin Village. First of all, Mikoto is the strongest, the strength of the super shadow level peak, and then Kushina, after using the Sage Mode, there is also the super shadow level strength.

Uchiha, Nawaki, the peak combat power of the shadow rank, yes, Nawaki also followed this time. His main purpose is to deal with Danzo.

After that, there are ordinary shadow-level strengths, Terumi Mei, Yakura, and Hoshigaki Kisame.

In addition, there are three tail beasts, namely Three Tails, Five Tails and Six Tails. When these combat powers add up, the four Ninja villages can't even defeat the Wu Nin village.

As for the elite Jōnin, there are more. Which of the Uchiha clan is weak, and the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan are also not weak.

Ryu can play soy sauce and watch this crushing battle.

"The information has already been obtained, and as expected, the Konoha Shinobi has come." Mikoto took the information and looked at it.

"Then what Mikoto thinks should be done? If we act rashly, we might suffer." Kushina put away her impulsive personality.

To get past the mist, a boat must be used. I'm afraid that if he can't get to the shore, the ship will be destroyed. In that way, the mist can only be on the sea.

Although Wu Ren is proficient in Water Style, it does not mean that he will not be drowned. If he treads the water, he will not last long at sea, which consumes Chakra.

"I will shoot."(Read more @

Mikoto decided that she would take action, first lay down a station in the country of fire to be a foothold, otherwise she would remain passive.

"Are you going to single-handedly challenge the entire Konoha Shinobi team? How about me and you?" Kushina's eyes lit up slightly.

"No, after my commander-in-chief leaves, you must take on the task of commanding."

Kushina was a little disappointed when she was rejected, but she didn't make a fuss about making a move.

"Why, are you surprised?" Kushina asked, looking at Ryu next to her.

"What am I surprised?"

"Aren't you surprised that I didn't make a fuss about making a move, or even taking the place of Mikoto against Konoha Shinobi's troops?"

"Haha, Kushina, do you think I don't know you? Although you usually mess around, but at critical times, I know you won't be fooling around."

Ryu smiled slightly. He has been with Kushina for so many years, don't you know Kushina's character?

Sometimes that hot temper might make her a little impulsive, but when it comes to real big things, Kushina still thinks a lot.

After that, Mikoto left alone and killed the Konoha Shinobi troops alone, but it was enough.

Of course, although Ryu believed in Mikoto, he also followed Mikoto secretly, but Mikoto didn't know it.

Mikoto is very strong, but if Ryu doesn't want Mikoto to find out, Mikoto can't find the slightest trace of Ryu.

In the past five years, Ryu's progress has been terrifying, and his power has been controlled to the point where he wants, much stronger than it was five years ago.

Mikoto passed by alone, and of course she was discovered from the sea, but she was not afraid of being discovered, and when she approached the shore, she turned on Susanoo.

Sakura's purple Susanoo, a bit feminine, looks like a Valkyrie.

The height of more than 100 meters, the horrible momentum is like a black cloud, making Konoha Shinobi who found Mikoto a little breathless.

"Uchiha Mikoto."

After Sarutobi Hiruzen arrived, his expression was extremely solemn.

One piece of good news and one piece of bad news. The good news is that Uchiha Ryu is not coming, and the bad news is Uchiha Mikoto in front of them. It seems that they can't deal with it.

At this moment, the tenderness on Mikoto's face disappeared, replaced by indifference.

"Teacher, this doesn't seem to be something we can deal with," Orochimaru said.

Even if Summoning is out, Susanoo is just a kid, can it survive Susanoo's cut?

"Order the Konoha Shinobi to retreat, and we block Uchiha Mikoto."

Sarutobi Hiruzen blankly ordered that Uchiha Mikoto must be blocked, otherwise she could cause the Konoha Shinobi to suffer heavy losses.

"How to stop this?"

Danzo asked Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Susanoo, who is more than 100 meters tall, can destroy the world with a single blow. Can they withstand a move?

"Use Four Red Yang Formation."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was going to use this assassin. Originally, he was prepared to guard against Uchiha Ryu. Although he didn't think it was very useful, Sarutobi Hiruzen still regarded this as a assassin.

Now that Sarutobi Hiruzen has said the method, it can only be used. The four shadows jointly use the Four Red Yang Formation to temporarily trap Mikoto's Susanoo inside the barrier.

This is a barrier. The four Naruto of Impure World Reincarnation in the original book used Four Red Yang Formation to block Ten Tails.

However, the ones currently used by Sarutobi Hiruzen, Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Danzo certainly cannot be compared with the four Impure World Reincarnation Naruto.

Impure World Reincarnation can consume Chakra unlimited, but they can't do it, not to mention the strength.

"Enchantment? Let me see if I can break it."

Mikoto, who was blocked by the barrier, didn't panic, controlled Susanoo, pulled out the slender Tachi hidden in the wings, and slashed towards the barrier.

One hit did not cause the slightest disturbance. After all, it was the powerful barrier that could trap Ten Tails. How could it be so easy to break.

However, Mikoto’s attack will speed up Sarutobi Hiruzen’s consumption of Chakra, so now Sarutobi Hiruzen’s Chakra is consumed wildly.

If they were consumed in this way, they could not last for five minutes, not Impure World Reincarnation, and could not squander Chakra unscrupulously.

Orochimaru's gaze flickered, and it wouldn't work to continue like this. If you keep going, there will be only a dead end.


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