"Mr. Sarutobi, my Chakra can't hold it anymore. When the Chakra is exhausted, we may have to wait to die."

Orochimaru reminded Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Three minutes, we insist on three minutes, let the ninja troops retreat, we can leave." Sarutobi Hiruzen is not stupid, will not stay to die.

If they all die here, then Konoha Village will also exist in name~.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words let Orochimaru relax. For three minutes, he insisted on it more than enough, and then there was more than enough energy to escape.

In this way, Mikoto used Susanoo completely and was trapped for three minutes. The Four Red Yang Formation was indeed strong enough, and with Mikoto's current power, it could not be cracked.

"Forget it, don't hunt down."

Mikoto looked at the escaped Sarutobi Hiruzen and they gave up chasing after them, because if they were to kill them, they would definitely cause a lot of damage to the surroundings.

Mikoto needs to use this to build a camp, and doesn't want to destroy it, and chasing them up may not be able to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen and them.

Susanoo's destructive power is powerful, but when the enemy wants to escape, killing the enemy is not so simple.

Then Mikoto sent a message, letting Kushina lead Mizuna to rush over from the country of Uzumaki.

In the evening, Wu Ren finally stepped into the territory of the country of fire from the country of Uzumaki, and began to build the camp.

"The situation of the Konoha Shinobi troops needs to be investigated. In addition, we need to launch an attack on the Konoha Shinobi troops."

After Mikoto took over the command again, he began to order.

The Seven Ninjas are here, so Mikoto asked the Seven Ninjas to take action together, the weakest being the Quasi-Kage-level Ninja Sevens, and the threat to Konoha Village is not small.

"Ryu, what do you think of my arrangement?"

Mikoto looked at Ryu and asked.

"It's not bad. The seven Shinobi people attacked together. The Konoha Shinobi will be unable to sleep."

Ryu trusts the strength of the Ninja Seven, Uchiha No, the peak of the shadow class, and the shadow class of Hoshigaki Kisame, plus five quasi shadow class combat power.

They united, enough to come and go freely in Konoha camp, and Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't keep them even with a shot.

"Actually, it is not difficult for us to defeat Konoha Village. After defeating Konoha Village, we should also attack other villages." Mikoto looked at Ryu questioningly.

"Mikoto, we haven't beaten Konoha yet. You are thinking about what happened after defeating Konoha. In Ryu's words, you are swollen."

Kushina walked up to Mikoto and squeezed Mikoto's face with her hands. Is this swollen person in front of her really Mikoto? Kushina suspected that the Mikoto in front of her was a fake.

Mikoto opened Kushina's hand angrily.

"Don't you have the confidence to defeat Konoha Village, Konoha Village has been defeated since we sent troops."

Now Mikoto is not swelling, but Mikoto knows that he can definitely win. It is already a must-win situation. If you want to lose to Konoha, you don't know how to lose.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Of course I have confidence, but I think it's too early to consider this, and I will talk about it after I really beat Konoha Village." Kushina said.

"Well, don't worry for now, just like Kushina said, let's talk about it after defeating Konoha Village."

Ryu nodded, agreeing with Kushina's words, first take his time one by one, and wait until Konoha Village surrenders before considering defeating other Shinobu villages.

Since Wunin Village has made a move, he must be the only victor of the entire Ninja World War.

At the same time, the seven Ninja swords who were sent out have now found Konoha camp. At this time, Konoha camp was brightly lit and very guarded.

"Chief, let's just kill it."

With a cruel smile on Muri Jinba's face, he can't wait to see the Konoha Shinobi being blown up.

"It's really a good choice to kill directly. I can't wait." Hoshigaki Kisame held Samehada, full of fighting spirit.

The Seven Ninjas are all militants. They were suppressed in Wunin Village before, but now they are naturally liberated against the Konoha Shinobi.

"Then just kill it."

As the leader of the Ninja Seven, Uchiha Ye is the decision maker, and they will act only after he agrees.

"Be careful, I don't want to see one of you stay here." Uchiha Ye reminded them.

These are the knives in the hands of Lord Ryu. Uchiha Ye didn't want Lord Ryu to lose a knife, so he told them.

Without using the power of Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha wildly uses the power of the flounder, but in fact, the flounder is not weak.

The ability of flounder is that as the number of kills increases, it can increase the Chakra contained in the weapon, thereby increasing its power.

And it can also use the flounder to liberate, playing a super powerful Chakra ball, which is very destructive.

The seven Ninja swords were a little apart from each other, but the distance was not too far, and they could take care of each other when something happened.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····


Uchiha Ye took the lead in beheading a Konoha Shinobi, and then the vigilant Konoha Shinobi had begun to assemble, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was blue, and he came to attack.

But the only good news is that it is not Uchiha Ryu and Uchiha Mikoto who are coming.

The swordsmanship of the Seven Ninja Swords was very sharp. They entered the Konoha Shinobi army, killing all quarters, and ordinary Jōnin was easily beheaded.

Bang~! ! !

Kisame, who was killing all quarters, suddenly encountered a powerful enemy and was repelled by a ninjutsu. If it weren't blocked by Samehada, he would have been injured.

"who are you?"

Hoshigaki Kisame looked at the yellow-haired Konoha Shinobi. He was very young, at most in his early twenties.

.. .... 0

However, the opponent's strength was great, and Hoshigaki Kisame felt a threat from the opponent.

"Namikaze Minato, my name is Namikaze Minato."

After speaking, Namikaze Minato shot again, and now he has mastered the Flying Thunder God Technique, and scattered Flying Thunder God Kunai around Kisame, which can completely suppress Kisame.

On the other side of the Ninja Swordsman, facing Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru and Jiraiya, they can no longer kill the Quartet as before. As for Danzo, I don’t know where he is now, and he is not here.

"Flying Thunder God Technique, he actually mastered Flying Thunder God Technique."

Uchiha Ye's heart was shocked, and he saw that not far away, he was using the Flying Thunder God Technique and Rasengan to suppress Hoshigaki Kisame's Namikaze Minato.

But when he was just distracted, Sarutobi Hiruzen seized the opportunity to repel him.

"It seems that Mangekyō Sharingan's power must be used."

Uchiha wild glanced at the situation of the Ninja Seven. They are now dragged down. This is Konoha camp. It will be dangerous to fight for a long time.


Susanoo in the third stage, although not completely physical, but Susanoo's deterrence is still there.

"Jiraiya, come and help me." Sarutobi Hiruzen yelled to Jiraiya. He was not unable to cope with it himself, he was just worried that Susanoo would hurt too many Konoha Shinobi.

The two of them don't say that they can be defeated, at least they can block Susanoo, especially Jiraiya's Summoning beast, which is not small in size and should be able to compete with Susanoo.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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