After returning to Konoha Village, Sarutobi Hiruzen once again convened a group of high-level Konoha Village to come to discuss.

"Uchiha Ryu is too much." Mitokado Homura's eyes flashed fire.

The appetite for one-third of the land of Fire Nation is also too great. Except for the big families, everyone here is filled with righteous indignation.

Those big families don't have much emotional fluctuations, and even this is what they want to see, as long as they don't continue to fight Wunin Village, they can accept it.

What's more, it's not their interests that are lost. They won't get too excited, and at most they feel that Uchiha Ryu has a big appetite.

They also didn't make a statement, sitting there with a posture that it had nothing to do with them, as if this discussion had nothing to do with them.

"Sarutobi, did you agree?" Utatane Koharu asked Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Others also looked at Third Hokage.

"If I agree, I won't sit here and discuss with you. Let's vote by show of hands. Should I agree to Uchiha Ryu's terms."

After a sigh, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke somewhat lonely.

"Isn't this matter supposed to be reported to Lord Daming so that Lord Daming can choose?"

"I have reported, but I want to know what you think."

Sarutobi Hiruzen glanced at the patriarch of the Nara clan, and then said lightly.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen has a tendency in his heart. He can give up even his family for Konoha Village, and there is nothing he can't give up.

In order to preserve Konoha Village, we can only sacrifice the interests of the daimyo. As for whether the daimyo agrees, this Sarutobi Hiruzen is also sure to convince the daimyo of the fire country.

"Hokage-sama, even if we agree to this condition, what if Uchiha Ryu turns back?"

"Yes, we can't believe Uchiha Ryu."

"He doesn't need to lie to us, Uchiha Ryu's strength does not need to play such tricks, he wants to destroy us, as long as he attacks Konoha Village with all his strength, we can't stop it at all."

"Nine Tails Jinchūriki was severely injured and unconscious. At present, we don't have the slightest strength to fight back."

After discussing for a long time, most people began to tend to agree to the conditions.

The initiative is in the hands of others, and they are afraid of surrendering that they will not agree, and even if this condition is too excessive, they must agree to it.

"Since you have decided, then I will go to Daimyofu. Uchiha Ryu only gives me one day."

Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a sigh of relief.

The choice of most people has already set the matter, and although some people did not choose to agree, they did not object.

For example, Danzo, although he did not agree, he did not object, but remained silent.

Even Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu, who were unhappy before, kept silent. In their hearts, as long as Konoha Village has no loss.(Read more @

If you really don't agree to surrender, Uchiha Ryu will fight, Konoha Village will be destroyed, and they may die.

After that, Sarutobi Hiruzen hurried to the daimyo mansion and saw the daimyo of the country of fire. At the beginning, the daimyo disagreed at all.

Not to mention it was one-third of the country, even a little bit he was unwilling to let it out.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen told him that if he didn't agree, the whole country of fire would perish, the country of fire would cease to exist, and he would die.

Although the daimyo of the country of fire cared about his own interests, he was more afraid of death, and finally had to agree.

Convincing the daimyo of the country of fire by intimidation, Sarutobi Hiruzen immediately rushed to the Wunin camp and found Ryu again.

"After wasting a day, I still agreed."

Ryu was not surprised at all. In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen could only agree, unless he was willing to take Konoha Village and the Fire Country to coexist and die.

"Since the first condition is agreed, then the second condition."

"What, there is a second condition."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up directly, with anger in his eyes. It was too much to take away one-third of the territory of the Kingdom of Fire, and there were other conditions.

"Naturally, if you don't want to, then let's go, but the battle between Kirinin Village and Konoha Village will continue."

Ryu ignored Sarutobi Hiruzen's anger and said calmly.

Trying to suppress the anger in his heart, Sarutobi Hiruzen sat down.

"What's the second condition?"

"The Sealed Book of Konoha Village, I want the ninjutsu above."

The ninjutsu in the Seal Book of Konoha Village is also something that Ryu can admire, such as Impure World Reincarnation Technique. Although it can be exchanged, Ryu is not willing to spend points.

In fact, Impure World Reincarnation Technique doesn't mean much to Ryu, he just wants to study it.

"Okay, I promise you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen gritted his teeth and agreed. I was a fish by the artificial knife. If you don't agree, you can't do it.

"The last condition is that Konoha Village enshrines one billion taels worth of supplies to Wuren Village every year."


Sarutobi Hiruzen’s fists creaked. One billion taels of supplies is not a small amount. The most important thing is one billion taels of supplies per year. Does this use Konoha Village as a cash machine?

"This is just the last condition?"

"Yes, this is the last condition. It doesn't matter if you don't agree. In fact, I don't really care whether you agree or not..."

Ryu did not expect at all on his face. Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed, and Sarutobi Hiruzen also knew that, like the Sealed Book of Konoha Village, if Uchiha Ryu breaks Konoha Village, it will be his.

The same is true for supplies, so these Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen declared defeat and surrendered, he gave Ryu all the things that should be given to Ryu.

For example, the book of seals in Konoha Village. After reading the book of seals in Konoha Village, Ryu threw it to Sarutobi Hiruzen again.

What he cares about is the ninjutsu above, and there are a lot of ninjutsu collected on the Book of Seals, and even the secret arts of Konoha's major families.

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't care much about the book of seal that Ryu threw back, because when the book of seal was handed over to Ryu, he also prepared a backup.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also hurriedly handed over the other billion taels of materials to Ryu.

As for one-third of the territory of the Fire Nation, this would be a little troublesome if you want to hand over it, and it is quite a headache to deal with.

But these things, Ryu will definitely not have a headache, he is used to throwing his hand at the shopkeeper, and arranges Yakura to take charge of this one-third of the territory.

By the way, Ryu arranged for Yakura to establish a branch of Wunin Village to manage this newly acquired territory.

The fire country Konoha Village was defeated, the news soon spread to other countries, and the shadows of the major ninja villages also received the news.

Seeing Wunin Village accept the conditions of surrender of the defeated, Fourth Kazekage Luosha's eyes are red. One-third of the territory of the Fire Country is returned to the Water Country, and Konoha Village gives Wunin Village one billion taels of supplies every year.

As for the seal of the book, it was not announced. This was requested by Sarutobi Hiruzen, who wanted to preserve a little face for Konoha Village.

For this small request, Ryu will not fail to agree. Anyway, the benefits are already in hand, even if he agrees to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The jealous are not only Fourth Kazekage Rosa, Third Tsuchikage Onoki, but also Third Raikage, which is not eager for the gains of Wunin Village.


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