At the Sand Shinobi camp, Luo Sha invited two consultants, Granny Chidai and He Lao Zang to come.

"Two consultants, this time I invite you to discuss one thing." Luo Sha's eyes were full of ambition.

Now Luosha is only temporarily replacing Fourth Kazekage, Fengying's position has not yet been firmly seated. If Third Kazekage appears, his position will still be handed over.

However, Third Kazekage is very likely to be dead. This Luosha is not particularly worried, but inside Sand Shinobi Village, it is not that no one is competing with him.

If you want to secure the position of Fourth Kazekage, you can only get merits. As long as you take Sand Shinobi Village to prosper and win this Ninja War, he is the hero of Sand Shinobi Village, the strongest wind and shadow.

"I decided to change my plan to temporarily put aside my hatred with Cloud Shinobi and deal with Konoha Village."

Rosa said her plan.

The battle with Cloud Shinobi did not take advantage. Cloud Shinobi took advantage of the disappearance of Third Kazekage and led the Cloud Shinobi troops to attack Sand Shinobi Village, which really made Luosha and the ninjas in Wujin Village very angry.

However, in the face of interests, even if it is hatred, you have to give in. I didn't see the Third Raikage, who had an antagonism with Uchiha Ryu during the Second Ninja War, chose to cooperate with Uchiha Ryu.

28  temporarily put aside the hatred with Cloud Shinobi, and turn to deal with Konoha Village, taking advantage of the opportunity to make money is better than fighting Cloud Shinobi.

"I agree."

Eilao Zang stood up and agreed to Luo Sha's plan to deal with Konoha Village.

I thought it would take a lot of effort to persuade the two consultants, but I didn't expect that it would be so simple to get Eilao Zang to agree.

Then Luo Sha looked at the grandmother of the thousand generations. Among the two, the prestige of the grandmother of the thousand generations was the greatest.

"I also agree to deal with Konoha."

The mother-in-law of the thousand generations wanted to deal with Konoha Village even more. Her son and daughter-in-law died under the knife of Konoha White Fang, and the beloved grandson is now missing. No one hates Konoha Village more than the mother-in-law of the thousand generations.

"It's just that you have thought about the reason to shoot against Konoha Village?"

Dealing with Konoha Village also has to play a banner, so that it will have a good reputation for Sand Shinobi Village.

"I have already thought about it, isn't our Third Kazekage missing? You can put this incident on Konoha Village."

Luo Sha's eyes showed a sinister color.

Chiyo and Eilao Zang are smart people, how could they not know Luosha's plan, but they did not object.

Two days later, a gossip circulated within Sand Shinobi's troops that their Third Kazekage was not missing, but dead, and was assassinated by Konoha Shinobi.

This news quickly ignited Sand Shinobi's anger. On the same day, many Jōnin went to find Luosha and asked Luosha to send troops to Konoha Village.

Luo Sha also directly asked Konoha Village to give Sand Shinobi Village an explanation, otherwise he would take action against Konoha Village.


"Damn Sand Shinobi, they are taking advantage of the fire."(Read more @

Jiraiya furiously slapped the table. Who knows the disappearance of Third Kazekage, suddenly a pot was thrown on Konoha Village's head.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face is blue, how he doesn't know that this is Sand Shinobi taking advantage of the fire, in fact, he is the wind shadow of Sand Shinobi Village, and he will definitely do the same.

The battle against Kirinin was not only compensation, but Konoha himself suffered heavy losses. Many Jōnin and elite Jōnin died on the battlefield.

Sand Shinobi's behavior is shameless, this is shameless, but in front of the interests, there is no shame.

"Sarutobi, I already know that we can't retreat in the face of Sand Shinobi."

Danzo opened the door and walked in. There were Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu behind, and the Konoha elders came.

They also had anger on their faces. Sand Shinobi took advantage of the fire and took advantage of Konoha Village's weakness to deal with Konoha Village. If they retreat, other Shinobi villages will pounce on like evil wolves.

"I know that Konoha Village must show a tough side now."

Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped the table and stood up, with a cruel look on his face. He must fight and win, otherwise the sick tiger in Konoha Village will face the prying eyes of countless wolves.

Then Konoha Village announced that the disappearance of Third Kazekage had nothing to do with Konoha Village. By the way, Sand Shinobi mocked Sand Shinobi and couldn't even hold his own shadow.

Konoha Village is very tough and warned Sand Shinobi to dare to slander Konoha Village, so he took action against Sand Shinobi and asked Sand Shinobi to apologize.

"Konoha Village is so stiff."

After Ryu got the news, he was surprised. When did Sarutobi Hiruzen get harder?

"Ryu, shall we intervene now?"

"No need for the time being. Let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight." Ryu is not in a hurry to make another move, just sit and watch those Danin village fights.

"What if those guys unite and attack us?"

Mikoto asked slightly worried.

"I said Mikoto, do you think we would be afraid of them joining forces?" Kushina asked Mikoto confidently.

Even in other villages, even if Xiaonin Village join forces, it is absolutely impossible to beat them, so don't worry at all.

What's more, will they unite? Even if the major Ninja villages are united, they will not be wholehearted.

Why can they unite in the Fourth Ninja War? That's because it is related to their survival, and they have to unite. They have a common enemy.

"I worry too much. Together, I can solve it." Mikoto also showed confidence on his face. The powerful strength really made Mikoto very confident.

"Sand Shinobi Village chose to do something on Konoha Village. I don't know how to choose Rock Shinobi Village and Cloud Shinobi Village."

Ryu thinks that maybe Rock Shinobi Village and Cloud Shinobi Village will also besiege Konoha Village. At this time, Konoha Village becomes the weakest one, and everyone wants to share the pie.

I'm happy to watch the show. It has nothing to do with Ryu anyway. Even if Konoha Village can't sustain its extinction, it won't have any impact on Ryu.

The toughness of Konoha Village really makes Luosha a bit unexpected, but even if it is unexpected, it will not change Luosha's determination to take action on Konoha Village.

Lead the ninja of Sand Shinobi Village to leave the battlefield with Cloud Shinobi and head towards the border of the country of fire.

Onoki from Rock Shinobi Village scolded secretly, Sand Shinobi was really shameless, but after Sand Shinobi left, Onoki did not take Rock Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi to fight.

Before Sand Shinobi was there, they could still have the upper hand, but if only they were Rock Shinobi, they would probably not be able to beat Cloud Shinobi.

Counting it all up, their Rock Shinobi was scammed by Sand Shinobi, and Ohnoki kept this account in his mind.

Cloud Shinobi didn't do it anymore. They truce tacitly, ready to watch this battle between Konoha Village and Sand Shinobi Village. If Konoha Village really can't stop it, then they will definitely participate.

This time Konoha Village is also fully fighting, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzō, and even Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu are also on the battlefield.

The strength of these two old guys is not weak, the quasi-shadow-level combat effectiveness, the strength is still at its peak.

There are also Jiraiya, Orochimaru and Namikaze Minato. To be honest, Konoha Village's top combat power is better than all other villages except Kirinin Village.

However, the number of elite Jōnin and Jōnin seems a little scarce.

Mainly in the battle with Kirinin, a large number of elite Jōnin and Jōnin died, and a large part of elite ninjas were missing.

Even ninjas who have just graduated, as long as they are outstanding, are drawn to the battlefield by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

It's about life and death, not the time to keep.


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