"I don't know what happened to Raikage this time?"

Although Ryu knew the purpose of Third Raikage, he would not say it, but let Third Raikage say it himself.

"Mizukage, we have formed an alliance before, and now I plan to take the opportunity to fight Rock Shinobi, Sand Shinobi, and Konoha. Since it is an alliance, we should fight together."

Third Raikage didn't hide it, and directly stated the purpose of finding Ryu here.

"Well, the alliances should help each other, and I also want to help Raikage, but Kiri and Konoha suffered heavy losses in the battle, I am afraid there is nothing I can do."

With his eyes open and telling lies, Ryu is a must. Kiri has suffered a heavy loss. Whether you believe it or not, I believe it myself anyway.

Third Raikage's expression was stiff, and it looked a little ugly. What happened to Kiri Shinobi? Wouldn't he who is watching Third Raikage know?

Konoha's fiasco was defeated by Mizuna, and it didn't cause any damage to Mizuna. Now Uchiha Ryu said Mizuna suffered a heavy loss, and he was obviously talking nonsense.

"Don't Mizukage want to gain the benefit of defeating the other three Ninja villages?"

"Everyone wants benefits, and I also think about it, but Wu Shinobu really doesn't have this ability right now."

Ryu once again tactfully rejected Third Raikage.

It's a good opportunity right now. Third Raikage doesn't know why Uchiha Ryu gave up this opportunity. Is there a bigger plan, or does he really want to make a move?

"By the way, we have consumed a lot of supplies recently, and we need Third Raikage to help provide it."

When we formed the alliance before, it was said that this time Wunin participated in the third Ninja World War, and the materials were provided by Cloud Shinobi Village.

Hearing Ryu begging him for supplies, Third Raikage's expression didn't look good.

"Why, don't Third Raikage want to agree, if you don't agree, don't blame me for tearing up the alliance book."

"Materials will be delivered in the next few days."

In the end, Third Raikage chose to compromise. I have to say that it is really not easy for him to compromise with his temper.

Since seeing Ryu, he could not help but clenched his fists several times. When he saw Ryu, the scars on his body began to ache.

"What are the requirements for Mizukage to help Cloud Shinobi Village?"

Third Raikage simply clarified with Ryu. He also knew that Ryu was for profit. As long as the profit can impress Uchiha Ryu, he will definitely take action.

"I heard that your Lightning Style Chakra Mode in Cloud Shinobi Village is very powerful. I have seen it and I am very interested in it."

Seeing that Third Raikage was clear, Ryu didn't pretend, after all, it was very tiring to bend around.

"Mizukage is playing Lightning Style Chakra Mode."

Third Raikage stood up and looked at Ryu's expression very badly.

"Third Raikage, are you going to do it here? Do you dare to do it, I guarantee you can't get out of this door." Terumi Mei threatened Third Raikage with her mouth.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Taking a look at Terumi Mei, and then at Uchiha Ryu, who seemed to care about nothing, Third Raikage sat down again.

"Raikage, what's the idea of ​​playing Lightning Style Chakra Mode, don't say so ugly, this is a deal, if Raikage is unwilling to trade, you can leave at any time, I will definitely not stop it."

Ryu spoke to Third Raikage.

"Give Raikage a few days to think about it. If you don't want to trade, just leave."

After speaking, Ryu motioned to Terumi Mei to see him off.

Ryu has already made it clear that he is sending off the guests, and Third Raikage has not stayed here anymore. Ryu's request has been given to him, and then it will be up to him whether he can get the bargaining chip.

"Master Mizukage, will Third Raikage really hand over Lightning Style Chakra Mode? Why don't we use other methods."

There was a flash of killing intent in Terumi Mei's eyes. Of course, the other way was to kill Third Raikage and attack Cloud Shinobi Village to steal it.

"I like that others take the initiative to give it to me. Robbery is not good for our reputation." Ryu said to Terumi Mei.

"Master Mizukage, are you joking, our reputation is not good."

Indeed, the reputation of Ryu and Kirinin Village is not good. The reason is that in the Second Ninja World War, too many people died in Ryu's hands.

Many people regard Ryu as the god of death, the god of death who harvests life, and Ryu is also notorious in the ninja world.

Three days later, Third Raikage came to Ryu again. When he came to Ryu, Ryu knew he was stable.

If he is unwilling to trade, then Third Raikage has already left, and now come to him, he is definitely willing to hand over Lightning Style Chakra Mode.

"I agree to this transaction. I can give you the practice method of Lightning Style Chakra Mode, but you must ensure that only you can practice this, not to outsiders."

This secret technique is very important. To be honest, Third Raikage can agree. It was a lot of determination. He struggled for three days.

"No problem, I promised..."

Ryu readily agreed, but Ryu agreed too quickly, which made Third Raikage feel a little unsure in his heart.

But now that it agreed, it was agreed. Third Raikage was also very refreshed and directly taught Ryu the cultivation method.

"I accepted the things, and I can help you deal with Sand Shinobi and Rock Shinobi, but Konoha just surrendered to me, it seemed I was too bad to deal with them, so Konoha left it to you."

"In addition, to deal with Sand Shinobi and Rock Shinobi, I can't just let me do my own work. You Cloud Shinobi must also do it. It's best not to use cleverness to calculate me, otherwise you will regret it."

Ryu is warning Third Raikage to prevent Third Raikage from doing calculations behind his back. This kind of disgusting thing is not impossible to do.

It was very uncomfortable to be warned by threats, but in the end Third Raikage could only nod and agree, and Third Raikage really had no idea of ​​calculating Ryu.

He didn't want to offend Ryu either. Although he formed an alliance with Ryu, he still had a feeling of inferiority.

"Next Raikage is going to prepare, and when it's time to do it, just give me a message." Ryu said to Third Raikage.

"it is good."

Third Raikage leaves, he needs to go back and take Cloud Shinobi to prepare.

"I didn't expect Third Raikage to agree. I was ready for Third Raikage to refuse." Ryu held the Lightning Style Chakra Mode training method in his hand.

"I didn't expect that this should be their town and village treasure, I didn't expect to be able to take it out."

Then Terumi Mei glanced at the Lightning Style Chakra Mode in Ryu's hand, but she wanted to see it in her heart.

"Want to see it, don't you?"

Ryu directly threw the training method of Lightning Style Chakra Mode to Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei stared at Ryu with wide eyes.

"Master Mizukage, did you agree to Third Raikage? Only you can practice this Lightning Style Chakra Mode."

"I agreed, but I don't plan to follow those conditions now. What can Third Raikage do with me?" Ryu asked with a smile.

"Why, are you not interested? If you are not interested, I will take it back."

"Yes, of course I am interested, thank you Lord Mizukage."

Terumi Mei happily took it, and then opened a glance.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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