On the second day after getting the Lightning Style Chakra Mode, Ryu mastered the Lightning Style Chakra Mode.

"It doesn't mean much to me."

Ryu is wrapped in the armor formed by Lightning Style Chakra, but there is no joy on his face. Perhaps Ryu is too strong. This Lightning Style Chakra Mode is not very useful for Ryu.

Over the years, Ryu's strength has reached the proper sixth level.

In the past, Ten Tails Chakra was needed. After entering the Ten Tails mode, you will have the strength of the sixth level. Now Ten Tails Chakra has been integrated by Ryu to become his own.

Having mastered six Sage Art, mastering Yin and Yang escape, and directly rubbing Truth-Seeking Ball with Chakra with seven attributes, the combat power should not be inferior to that of Six Madara.

Therefore, this Lightning Style Chakra Mode is not very useful for Ryu. His own defense has exceeded that of Third Raikage using Lightning Style armor.

"But it's very useful for Mikoto and Kushina."

Ryu also taught this to Mikoto and Kushina, and both can show Terumi Mei, how could it not be given to Mikoto and Kushina.

"Master Mizukage, have you mastered everything?"

28   Terumi Mei looked at the Lightning Style armor on Ryu's body. She was a little depressed. She has only started practicing now. Ryu has completely mastered the Lightning Style Chakra Mode.

"Well, this thing is easy to master."

Listening to Ryu's words, Terumi Mei didn't say anything at all. Forget it, compare it, why should I compare with Mizukage.

"You should come to see me for something, right?"

"Yes, I'm coming to Master Mizukage, it's the news from Third Raikage, let's do it." Terumi Mei nodded and reported.

"Do it now, Third Raikage is so anxious?"

Ryu is a little bit confused about what Third Raikage is thinking. Isn’t it good to keep Konoha Village fighting Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi? Isn’t it good to continue to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, waiting for the strength of the three parties to continue to weaken?

"He has already heard the news, shall we do it or not?"

"Of course I do, I'm a credible person. Since Third Raikage has contributed all the Lightning Style Chakra Mode, I can't do anything."

Ryu asks Terumi Mei to find Mikoto, and asks Mikoto to arrange for Kiri Shinobi to act on Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi.

"In addition, send a message to Konoha Village. This time we help Konoha Village to clear the siege. They need to pay 5 billion taels as compensation."

When Terumi Mei left, Ryu, who suddenly thought of it, told Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei's expression is a little weird, "Master Mizukage, you are really...treacherous."

After speaking, Terumi Mei ran away quickly, for fear of being caught by Ryu and teaching her.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"If you run fast, next time you dare to say my treacherous things, see how I can clean you up." Ryu chuckled lightly.

On the contrary, it is really to relieve Konoha Village, don't let it go, and Konoha Village still dare not give it, they dare not offend Ryu, the money is for nothing.

Then Terumi Mei found Mikoto and Kushina who were practicing Lightning Style Chakra Mode and told them the news.

At this time, Mikoto and Kushina didn't bother to practice. After thinking about it, Mikoto took a thousand mists and headed toward the battlefields of Konoha Village, Rock Shinobi, and Sand Shinobi.

The battlefield is still in the country of rain, and the country of rain is also unlucky. The Ninja World War will inevitably become a battlefield. Who makes their geographical position so bad?

Sandwiched by the three big countries, the country of wind, the country of fire, and the country of soil, the big countries don't want to put the battlefield in their own country, so they put it in these small countries.

Small countries are actually buffer zones. This is the value that they can survive. If there are not small countries as buffer zones, there will be more friction among major countries.

Wunin moved a little bit, and the entire Ninja world almost knew it, and now they are basically paying attention to the movement of Wunin Village.

Especially in Konoha Village, like a bird of fright, Sarutobi Hiruzen was taken aback after receiving the information that Kiri Shinobu was dispatched.

"Does Uchiha Ryu want to attack us again?" Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was sad.

"It should not be. Kuri Shinobu went to the battlefield of the Rain Country. If Uchiha Ryu wants to deal with Konoha Village, he can attack Konoha Village directly."

Orochimaru said to Sarutobi Hiruzen, which also gave Sarutobi Hiruzen a sigh of relief.

At least I can relax a little bit, but I have to take precautions.

At the same time, Luo Sha and Oh Yemu were also on guard. The two of them had an intuition, feeling that Wu Ren was here to deal with them.

And they also received a message that Cloud Shinobi, who had previously chosen to watch the battle, started to move and approached the Rainy Kingdom battlefield.

"Huang Tu, did you persuade Hanzō of the Salamander?" Oh Yemu asked his son Huang Tu.

Ohnoki wants to persuade Hanzō of the Salamander, let Hanzō of the Salamander join the Ninja war, and help them deal with Konoha Village together.

But it has been rejected by Hanzō of the Salamander several times. This time he asked, Oh Nogi had no hope.

"Father, I didn't even see Hanzo's face this time." Huang Tu said helplessly, Hanzo never saw him.

"Damn Hanzō of the Salamander, the greedy guy who fears death, hum."

Ohnoki knew that Hanzō of the Salamander must be afraid of defeating again, so he was unwilling to join this Ninja battle.

"Forget it, even without him, it would not be difficult to deal with Konoha Village, but for Mizuna, we need to take precautions."

When talking about Mizunin, Onoki's expression became serious.

Wu Ren was dispatched again, and the target was temporarily unknown. According to Onoki's speculation, it should be them or Sand Shinobi Village, or even directly against their two villages.

"Father, it shouldn't be. We have no grudges with them. They have no reason to act on us."

"You stupid, can't you do it without hatred?" Onoki glanced at this son irritably.

Does war require enmity? As long as the benefits are sufficient.

"Misturo and Cloud Shinobi have formed an alliance. It is impossible to attack Cloud Shinobi, at least not before tearing up the alliance book."

"Konoha Village has already surrendered to Kinoha Village. Kinoha Village has no reason to do anything. Even if we do it, they won't come here. They can attack Konoha Village directly, so the target is only us and Sand Shinobi."

With a little analysis, you can know who Wujin's goal is.

"What do we do then? Have we ever played Wuren?" Huang Tu has no confidence, but Wuren, now Wuren Village is recognized as the strongest village.

"Hey, I didn't expect Wunin Village to join the war this time."

Onoki sighed, if Wu Ren continued to live abroad, it would be better not to participate in this war of Ninja world.

It would be better if there was no Uchiha Ryu. Without Uchiha Ryu, Kuri Shinobu would not be scared at all.

"It's all the damn Third Raikage."

Thinking of Third Raikage forming an alliance with Mizuki and dragging Mizuki into this Ninja battle, Oh Nogi couldn't help being angry.

Huang Tu kept silent. Huang Tu has become accustomed to his father's cursing, because it is not the first time Ohyeki has cursed Third Raikage.

After yelling at Third Raikage, Onoki began to think of countermeasures. Mizuna is coming fiercely, which is really great bad news for Rock Shinobi.


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