When Ohnoki was worried, the Sand Shinobi camp also had a meeting.

"Consultant Chiyo, why do you think that Kiri Shinobu's goal is us?"

Luo Sha looked disbelief, making Chiyo a bit anxious. Luo Sha was deliberately fighting against herself. Every time she raised something, Luo Sha had to refute it, just like Kong Jing.

"The goal of Kiri Shinobi is not Cloud Shinobi or Konoha Village, except Rock Shinobi is us. Do you want to make preparations?"

Chiyo slapped the table.

"Rosa, I know you are dissatisfied with me, but you don't want to joke about Sand Shinobi's life." Chiyo warned Rosha.

These days, the contradiction between Luosha and Chiyo is getting bigger and bigger. Finally, following Eilao Zang's words, Chiyo has already begun to make concessions, but Luosha is a little better.

"Regardless of whether Wuren's goal is us, we all need to be prepared, and even plan to retreat."

Eilao Zang stood up and said at this time.

Luo Sha frowned, what do you mean, are you planning to quit this Ninja World War? Luo Sha was unwilling, he felt that the two old guys, Chiyo and Hai Laozang, were too courageous.

But after hearing the news that Wu Ren was coming, he frightened himself.

"Even if Kirinin comes, what if Uchiha Ryu comes to the battlefield in person, I can deal with him." Luo Sha said confidently.

"Losa, maybe I should really consider looking for someone else to be Fengying. You are really not suitable to be Fengying."

Chiyo is a little tired, you can't even beat Namikaze Minato, and you dare to speak out against Uchiha Ryu.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and their courage is commendable, but what's the use of this?

"Feng Ying, let's listen to the two consultants. If Wu Ren's goal is us, let's retreat as soon as possible."

"Yes, it's best not to fight against Kiri Shinobu."

The other elite Jōnin from Sand Shinobi Village also said the same to Luo Sha.

They all participated in the Second Ninja World War, unlike Luo Sha who had never participated in the Second Ninja World War, and only heard of Uchiha Ryu's prestige.

Rosha is also a genius. Most geniuses have a common problem with pride. The more Uchiha Ryu's names are heard, my heart becomes more and more unconvinced.

"Enough, I am Fengying now, everything is up to me, Wu Ren does not need to bother..."

Luo Sha, a newborn calf, is not afraid of Uchiha Ryu. He feels that Uchiha Ryu's reputation is greater than his strength, how strong he can be.

Sand Shinobi is also unlucky for the rest of the brain with a problematic brain.

In less than two days, Wu Ren arrived in the country of rain, and everyone who received the news began to be on guard.

The same is true for Sand Shinobi, mainly Chiyo's orders. Although Luosha is now a wind shadow, it does not mean that Chiyo has no power.

"Do you do it now?" Mikoto asked Ryu.

"No, we are not in a hurry, wait for Cloud Shinobi to do it first, and they invited us, of course, Cloud Shinobi to do it first, so let us do it first."

Ryu is not in a hurry to make a move, and waits until Cloud Shinobi makes a move.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Yes, what if Cloud Shinobi gets tricked? Let them do it first." Kushina nodded.

"In fact, Cloud Shinobi didn't dare to cheat us, but we have to look at their sincerity."

Ryu doesn't think that Cloud Shinobi has the courage to cheat Ryu. If they have the courage, Ryu doesn't mind teaching them how to behave.

"Master Mizukage, I got the news that Cloud Shinobi has taken action and launched an attack from behind Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi."

"So fast?"

When Ryu heard Terumi Mei's report, his face was full of surprise.

In fact, after Cloud Shinobi knew that Ryu led the arrival of Kiri Shinobi, he immediately moved to Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi.

In addition, Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi were also unlucky. Because they were guarding against the fog, they didn't have much defense against the rear, so they were attacked by Cloud Shinobi.

"In this case, then we should also show sincerity."

Ryu ordered Mizuna to take action against Sand Shinobi and Rock Shinobi, Kushina to deal with Rock Shinobi, and Mikoto to take Mizuna to deal with Sand Shinobi.

At the same time, the Konoha Village who got the news was a little confused. Why did Kiri Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi both work towards Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi?

"Should we take the opportunity to deal with Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi at this time?" Jiraiya asked Sarutobi Hiruzen a little emotionally.

"Well, we also take the opportunity to shoot."

Sarutobi Hiruzen is very decisive this time without any hesitation. If Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi are given a chance to breathe, Konoha Village will still be attacked.

In addition, Sarutobi Hiruzen has other thoughts, that is to show good to Ryu, yes, to show good to Ryu.

Now that Mizuki has already started on Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi, they are now helping Mizuki, and they will be able to get some relationship with Mizuki.

As for the previous conflict with Uchiha Ryu, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't think about it either.

Anyway, grudges can’t be avenged. Even if there are unshakable grudges, people have to look forward. Even if it’s for Konoha Village, they have to look at the form clearly.

As a result, Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi, who didn't know what the situation was, were suddenly besieged, and Ohyeki and Luosha were also very confused.

"Could it be that Konoha Village, Kirinin Village and Cloud Shinobi Village have joined forces."

Onoki, who was attacked by the three parties, had endless anger on his face.

"¨"Father, what should we do? "Huang Tu asked Ohnoki.

"Retreat, prepare to leave."

Oh Yemu made the most correct choice at this time. Isn't staying here waiting to die, of course it is to retreat and retain his strength.

"Give me full attack on Cloud Shinobi, and then break out from behind."

After Ohnoki gave the order, Rock Shinobi chose to break through and didn't dare to confront Kiri Shinobi at all.

If it's just facing Cloud Shinobi and Konoha Shinobi, Ohnoki can still withstand the pressure, but if you add a Kiri Shinobi village, then forget it.

For people in the Uchiha family, to be precise, for Susanoo, Onoki has a shadow in his heart, and the last thing he wants to face is Uchiha Ryu, who doesn’t know how strong he is.

Rock Shinobi made the most correct choice, but compared to Rock Shinobi, Sand Shinobi's choice is a bit ignorant.

"No need to retire, I don't believe Uchiha Ryu can do anything to me."

Luo Sha said in a deep voice.

In fact, Luo Sha knows that the current form is not very good, but Luo Sha just doesn't want to listen to Chiyo's words, otherwise, doesn't it appear that he is a puppet like Feng Ying. (So ​​good Zhao)

"I think you are crazy."

Chiyo can't wait to beat Luosha violently now. To be honest, Luosha is so angry with Eilaozang this time. They know the strength of Uchiha Ryu best.

What's more, even Konoha Village was easily defeated. Is Konoha Village weak?

Those who have fought against Konoha Village know that Konoha Village is not weak, but the current Konoha Village is still the Konoha Village after the defeat.

So how strong is the Mist Shinobu who easily defeated Konoha Village? Just think about it in your head and you will know that Wunin is definitely an enemy that cannot be defeated.

"Rosa, this is your choice."

Qian Yan looked at Luo Sha coldly, then turned and left Ji.

Seeing Qiandai who turned to leave, Luo Sha frowned, instinctively feeling a bad feeling.

But immediately, Luo Sha knew what Chiyo was going to do, and she actually took Sand Shinobi to retreat.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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