"That old lady Chiyo."

Luo Sha was furious, and now nearly half of Sand Shinobi in the Sand Shinobi camp was taken away by Chiyo to fight Cloud Shinobi, ready to break through.

Chiyo was using this method to force Luosha, so that Luosha could only retreat with Sand Shinobi, but Chiyo herself did not expect that she underestimated Luosha.

Even if Chiyo took away a part of Sand Shinobi, Luo Sha still had no plans to leave. He led the rest of Sand Shinobi and took the initiative to find the door to deal with Wu Ren.

"I absolutely want to prove my strength."

Luo Sha's expression was gloomy.

This kind of IQ loss operation can be done by Luo Sha. In fact, it is not only because of his stupid brain. Another reason is that the pressure on him by Chiyo is too much.

Now he became the acting Fengying, but his power as Fengying was not that great, and the elders had too much power to distribute.

So Luo Sha wanted to prove herself, since everyone is afraid of Uchiha Ryu, let him defeat it.

Luo Sha will step on the stepping stone of Uchiha Ryu to become the strongest wind shadow.

But Luosha didn't meet Ryu, because Ryu didn't make a move at all, Luosha met Uchiha Mikoto.

"You deal with the other Mistura, he left it to me to deal with."

Mikoto commanded to Mizuna behind him.

Sand Shinobi Village’s new wind shadows, I don’t know how strong they are, but they should not be able to compete with Third Hokage.


At the very beginning, Mikoto respected Luosha, and used Susanoo, a fully-body Susanoo, which made the spirited Luosha directly dumbfounded.

"What is this?"

The first time Luo Sha saw Susanoo, that terrifying body, that evil Chakra, directly shocked Luo Sha.

After Wu Ren saw it, he dodged far away so as not to be affected.

"No matter how many times I see it, I feel shocked." Loquat Juzo looked at Susanoo in full, as if he was looking at God.

For them, Susanoo, who is completely body, can be called the power of God.

"Are those Sand Shinobi idiots? I still don't disperse now. Isn't this looking for death?" Li Hao Kushi Maru said with a sneer.

"I should be scared stupid, if I face Susanoo, I will be scared stupid too."

Loquat Shizo can understand it, and he must be frightened.

This is indeed the case. Sand Shinobi who followed Luosha are all unseen Sand Shinobi. The first time they saw Susanoo, they were completely scared.

They seemed to be living targets who were motionless, but Mikoto wouldn't be merciful when faced with such a living target.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Hurry up."

Luo Sha shouted loudly, even if she was stupid at this time, Luo Sha knew that this was not a power she could resist at all.

Mikoto controlled Susanoo, had already pulled out the knife, and then cut it straight down.

It was too late, it was too late when Luosha shouted out, and the Sand Shinobi who followed Luosha suffered countless deaths and injuries in an instant.

Luo Sha had some strength, and was not hacked to death with a single knife. She used Magnet Style dust to block for a moment, and then escaped.

But his dusty gold, as fragile as paper, was just a little touched by Susanoo's sword, and it shattered directly.

The main target of Mikoto was Luosha. Those Sand Shinobi were incidental. They only attacked those Sand Shinobi once, and Mikoto put the main target on Luosha.

For the other Sand Shinobi, Mikoto doesn't need to take action. Naturally, there will be Mist Shinobi to deal with it. As long as Mikoto can get rid of Luosha.

Luo Sha really couldn't escape when Mikoto was staring at him. Even after Susanoo's attack was dodged several times, Luo Sha was hit hard.

It's just that he was hit hard and didn't die, because Mikoto deliberately left Luosha, but Loquat Juzo immediately caught Luosha.

The rest of Sand Shinobi were also solved seven or eighty-eight, and fled in panic. Fortunately, the mother-in-law of the thousand generations had already left with someone, otherwise Sand Shinobi didn't know how much she would lose.

"Damn idiot Luo Sha, he damn."

After Chiyo escaped from Sand Shinobi who followed Luo Sha, he couldn't help cursing when he knew the situation.

"Sister, let's leave now."

Eilao Zang gave a wry smile, and Cloud Shinobi was still chasing them. If Cloud Shinobi were to be held back, Sand Shinobi would not be able to leave when he came.

"What about Luosha?"

Chiyo hesitated, after all, Luosha is still Fengying, and acting Fengying is also Fengying, so I can't ignore Luosha. Although he has opinions on Luosha, he can't watch Luosha die.

"I can't manage that much for the time being, and Sand Shinobi will only lose a lot of money if I stay."

In the end, Chiyo decided to ignore Luo Sha for the time being. If he could escape, it was his luck. If he died, it was his life.

But I guess Chiyo didn't think that Luo Sha was caught now.

This is Ryu's order. It is best to catch Ohnoki and Luosha alive. Dead is of no value, but alive is worth money.

It's just that Oh Yemu has escaped, only Luo Sha, a fool, did not run and was caught.

Sand Shinobi ran away, and Rock Shinobi ran away. Mizuna didn't chase them, but went straight back. Even Cloud Shinobi didn't pay much attention to them.

However, Cloud Shinobi directly attacked Konoha Village, repelling Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi, and Cloud Shinobi's ultimate goal was on Konoha Village.

Because it was not ready to fight Cloud Shinobi, Konoha Village suffered a temporary loss.

In the Wuren camp, Ryu looked at Luosha with interest.

"Damn it, let Ohyeki run away. If you catch Ohyeki, it will be fine."

Kushina was a little dissatisfied. She and Mikoto went out with Mizuna separately. Mikoto caught Fengying, but she didn't even kill a Rock Shinobi.

That's right, Kushina didn't solve a Rock Shinobi, nor was Kushina's weak ability, but Kushina didn't meet a Rock Shinobi at all.

Rock Shinobi had already run away before Wu Ren could kill him, and even Cloud Shinobi could not stop Rock Shinobi.

"Don't be upset." Mikoto smiled and comforted Kushina.

"Unexpectedly, I was actually defeated by a woman." Luo Sha looked humiliated.

This time, I planned to defeat Uchiha Ryu, but Uchiha Ryu didn't meet him. Instead, he was defeated by a woman.

"Why, don't you look down on women?"

Kushina is not welcome, kicked directly, kicked Luosha this guy flying out, let Luosha spray a mouthful of blood, and almost fainted.

"Ryu, you should have no objection if I beat him?" Kushina asked Ryu.

"Just don't beat him to death. If you beat him to death, it will be worthless." Of course, Ryu has no problem, but I should remind Kushina to avoid Kushina's heavy hand and beat him to death.

"Don't worry, I will leave his life, and I will never kill him." Kushina nodded to Ryu, she was still very measured, since Ryu said not to be killed, then forgive him. A life.

Next, Kushina shot without any kind of politeness, and his fist fell on Luo Sha's body like raindrops, especially constantly greeted Luo Sha's face.

In fact, Luo Sha is also bad luck. Kushina was in a bad mood, but Luo Sha also offended Kushina. He didn't get beaten by anyone.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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