Looking at Luosha who had been beaten into a pig's head, Ryu shook his head slightly. It was really miserable. Even people who are familiar with Luosha would not see the appearance of Luosha anymore.

"Out of breath."

Kushina let out a sigh of relief, and now feels much better.

"Kill me if you have the ability." Luo Sha stared at Ryu and Jiu~Sina with hatred.

"Okay, if you want to die, then I will fulfill you, then kill you-."

Ryu slowly drew out a big sword, and then slashed towards Luosha. This sudden movement frightened Luosha.

Didn’t you tell Uzumaki Kushina not to kill me? Why do you want to kill me now?

Why did Luo Sha just say that he killed him so hard? Is Luo Sha really not afraid of death? Actually not, mainly because Luo Sha feels that Uchiha Ryu should not kill him.

Otherwise, he would not be caught, and Uzumaki Kushina would be merciful.

But this didn't follow the routine at all, and it was about to be done. Facing the threat of death, Luosha could only speak out.


"Oh, I was afraid of death. I thought you were really not afraid of death."

There was a playful smile on Ryu's face, just to scare Luo Sha. I didn't expect Luo Sha to be so scared. It was really embarrassing.

"What do you want?" Luo Sha asked Ryu, he felt a bit humiliated, even if he was stupid, he could tell that Uchiha Ryu was teasing him.

If you really have the courage, Luo Sha simply let Uchiha Ryu kill a hundred, but Luo Sha really does not have this courage.

He just became Fengying, although he is acting as Fengying, but it is not difficult to become a real Fengying, it is him.

In this case, how could Luo Sha be willing to die.

"What do I want? Actually, I don't want to kill you, but the premise of everything is profit. Only enough profit can let me let you go."

Ryu took the knife back. After Ryu took the knife, Luo Sha's sense of crisis suddenly became much less.

You can relax temporarily, at least the knife that was going to be cut is gone, indicating that there is a great chance of survival.

"I want your Magnet Style, I think you should teach me."

Ryu stated his purpose. In Ryu's view, Rasa is more valuable than Ohnoki.

If you catch Ohnogi, you need at most some of Rock Shinobi Village's benefits, but if you catch Luosha, you can get the blood limit.

Luo Sha's face was gloomy, how could she teach others with her own capital, absolutely impossible.

What's more, is it so easy to teach others?

The Blood Succession Boundary can be passed on, and future generations are likely to inherit the Blood Succession Boundary, but to let others learn the Blood Succession Boundary, the difficulty can be called hell-level.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Take Luosha, for example. Although he has mastered Magnet Style, Luosha's Magnet Style is different from Third Kazekage's Magnet Style.

"It seems you don't want it anymore. If so, then you don't have the capital to survive, so just kill it."

Ryu drew his knife again, and killed him if he didn't agree with him. This frightened Rosha.

"Wait a minute, I can teach you, but if you can't learn it, it doesn't matter to me."

"Haha, it doesn't matter, you'd better pray that I will learn, otherwise you will be ready to die." Ryu sneered, and said unreasonably.

Ryu is a bit arrogant and unreasonable. Luo Sha's face turned green when he heard Ryu's words. He was really not sure to let Ryu master the Magnet Style.

Because this is not what he can guarantee, it is a fusion of the two Chakra nature changes, and a certain Chakra ratio must be mastered, and one point cannot be bad.

In fact, Ryu didn't want to kill Luo Sha, he just wanted Luo Sha to teach with all his heart, so as not to play some tricks.

As long as what Luosha taught is true, then Ryu will definitely be able to master it.

Even the seven Chakra properties change, Ryu can merge, and then create a Truth-Seeking Ball, as long as it is correct, it is not difficult for Ryu to master a blood inheritance boundary.

I was afraid that Luosha would not teach wholeheartedly when she played a trick.

"I will do my best."

People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. Ryu also taught Luosha a lesson. At least Luosha, who didn't put Ryu in his eyes before, dare not put Ryu in his eyes anymore.

"In addition, you Sand Shinobi need to pay 10 billion taels as a price. I will let you go and will not continue to deal with you Sand Shinobi Village."

Ryu added another condition, which he would send people to Sand Shinobi Village.

"So you need to expect Sand Shinobi Village to agree. If they don't agree, you won't be worth living anymore."

After Ryu finished speaking, Luo Sha's face turned purple and blue. At this time Luo Sha had only one thought in his mind, and that was the end.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

Chiyo was originally dissatisfied with herself, would she spend 10 billion taels to save her life? This is not a small amount, especially for the poor Sand Shinobi Village.

After that, Ryu started to let Luosha teach Magnet Style. All Luosha could teach was some theories. At most, it was a concealment, but that was enough.

"Magnet Style, it doesn't seem to be difficult."

Ryu took the theoretical knowledge written by Luo Sha and said flatly.

The corners of Luosha's mouth twitched. It is not difficult. He didn't know how to make Magnet Style. Even with the teaching of Third Kazekage, it was the Magnet Style that he learned by chance.

I feel that Uchiha Ryu is a little bit embarrassed, but at other times, Rosha definitely has to show his disdain for Uchiha Ryu.

... .. 0

But now he is a prisoner, and he dare not do that.

What's more, Luo Sha still hopes that Ryu can learn Magnet Style. If Uchiha Ryu can't learn it, then his life won't be saved.

"Are you interested? Let's watch if you are interested."

Ryu asked Mikoto, Kushina and Terumi Mei next to him.

"I have always been interested in the Blood Succession Boundary, but I already have two Blood Succession Boundaries. I don't think I can get another Blood Succession Boundary."

Terumi Mei gave up without hesitation, she doesn't have the energy anymore.

Mikoto's interest is not very big, but Kushina's interest is very big. Magnet Style is also a very powerful blood succession limit. If you can learn it, Kushina will never give up.

Ryu and Kushina studied Magnet Style together. With Ryu's ability, it is impossible to study the limits of Magnet Style by just looking at the theory.

In fact, Magnet Style will not greatly improve Ryu's strength, at most it will let Ryu master a means of attack.

"Master Mizukage, the news has been sent to Sand Shinobi, but will Sand Shinobi promise to redeem Rosha?" Terumi Mei asked Ryu.

"It should be. As long as Sand Shinobi Village does not have a suitable wind shadow candidate, Luosha will definitely be redeemed. Moreover, Luosha is also a bit prestigious, and it is unlikely that Sand Shinobi Village will give up Luosha."

Ryu actually didn't care, even if Sand Shinobi Village really gave up Luosha cruelly in the end, it would be a big deal to execute Luosha directly, without any loss to Ryu.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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