"Sister, Luosha was arrested, do we want to rescue Luosha back?"

Ezang asked Chiyo.

"If you don't save it, let him die."

Chiyo was very angry. She felt that Luo Sha was looking for death on her own. If she retreated with her, how could she be caught.

Besides, ten billion taels, is this a small number? For Sand Shinobi Village, which is not already rich, it is difficult to come up with this tens of billions of dollars. It is estimated that you need to seek a name.

Seeing her angered sister, Eilaozang gave a wry smile and then began to persuade Chiyo.

If Rosha is still alive, you really have to save it, otherwise there will definitely be trouble inside Sand Shinobi.

The agent Fengying is also Fengying. Fengying falls into the hands of the enemy and does not want to be rescued. The reputation of Sand Shinobi Village will also plummet.

"Sister, this tens of billions of dollars can not only save Luo Sha, and Wu Ren promised not to shoot us, in fact, it is not impossible to take it out."

"Huh, when have you been so naive, Uchiha Ryu said that he would not shoot us, you really believe it."

Chiyo can't believe that Uchiha Ryu really won't do anything to Sand Shinobi Village.

"Then you really want to give up Luosha?"

"Forget it, I'm just annoyed, think of a way to make up this tens of billions of taels."

In the end, Chiyo sighed, and still couldn't give up Luosha, otherwise, Sand Shinobi Village didn't know what the chaos would be like.

What's more, Uchiha Ryu said that he would not attack Sand Shinobi Village. As long as the news is released, it is estimated that Uchiha Ryu will not attack Sand Shinobi Village again for the sake of face.

It took several days to raise money, but Chiyo went out to find the daimyo himself, so that the daimyo of the kingdom of the wind gathered 10 billion taels.

"Sister, do you really want to meet Uchiha Ryu in person?"

Hearing that Chiyo said that he would send money in person and bring Luosha back, Eilao Zang was shocked.

To be honest, Eilao Zang didn't want his sister to take risks, and there was another reason, that is, he was afraid that Chiyo would be angry, and if he couldn't control his temper, he might fight.

It was really going to be killed by Uchiha Ryu. That guy was cruel and cruel.

"Don't worry, I know what you worry about, I have a sense of measure, and I have to go there myself."

Otherwise, Chiyo is even more worried, so Chiyo finally left the camp with a few Sand Shinobi and headed to the Kiri Shinobi camp.

In the past few days, Ryu has mastered Magnet Style, and Kushina, who is studying at the same time as Ryu, still looks sad and has no clue.

"Ryu, do you think I am too stupid?" Kushina asked Ryu.

"You finally recognize yourself."

Ryu smiled immediately when he heard Kushina's words, and said jokingly.

"Damn, I'm not stupid." Kushina rushed towards Ryu angrily, but immediately Kushina was overpowered by Ryu, and she could only stare at Ryu.

"Well, don't be angry, I will help you master Magnet Style."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ryu comforted Kushina. If Ryu wants to help Kushina and help Kushina master Magnet Style, he can really do it.

It's just that the process is a bit troublesome, but it's okay, and Ryu is not afraid of trouble.

"Can you really help me?" Kushina's eyes lit up.

"When did I deceive you."

"What are you waiting for, come and help me." Kushina said impatiently.

"Mizukage-sama, Chiyo came with Sand Shinobi and said that he would trade with you."

At this time Terumi Mei came here and reported to Ryu.

"You heard that too. I can't teach you for the time being. You can study it yourself first. When I have time, I will definitely let you learn Magnet Style."

"Okay, I see, you go and do things."

Kushina nodded, business is the most important thing. Kushina will never disturb Ryu at this time.

Then Ryu followed Terumi Mei and met Chiyo who came to exchange Luosha.

"Chidai old lady, I didn't expect it to be you. Don't you fear that I will hold you here?" Ryu asked with a smile looking at the old acquaintance Qiandai grandma.

"There is no need for Mizukage to scare me with such words, what about Rosha?"

Chiyo knew that Ryu did this on purpose, she was not angry, or Chiyo held back not being angry.

"Ten billion taels have already been brought here, and I will take Luosha with me now, and Kiri Shinobi agreed not to Sand Shinobi to continue the war."

With that said, Chiyo asked someone to bring over 10 billion taels and put them in front of Ryu, and Kiri Shinobu came to take inventory immediately.

"Mizukage won't worry that I will underpay, right?" Chiyo asked slightly unhappy after seeing Kiri Shinobu's movements.

"I'm really worried, in case you really underpaid, it's me who will suffer."

Ryu sat down calmly and said lightly.

The count was completed very quickly, and it was indeed 10 billion taels. The old lady, Qiandai, didn't dare to play virtual. Of course, Qiandai didn't dare to do so.

If she really does this, the consequences will not be something she can bear...

"Can you see Luosha now?"

I haven't seen Luosha yet, Chiyo is a little worried, worried that Luosha is dead now, and it is not necessarily because of Uchiha Ryu's death.

Soon, the scarred Luosha was brought over. The injuries on Luosha's body were the last time Kushina beat him.

After being beaten at that time, no one gave Luo Sha treatment, so in the past few days, Luo Sha's injuries have not only not recovered, but the injuries have become more serious.

After seeing Luosha, Chiyo was very unkind, but this was not the time when he was angry with Luosha and asked someone to bring Luosha, and Chiyo was ready to leave.

This time the transaction has been completed, Chiyo doesn't want to stay here for a long time, because Chiyo is worried about being detained by Uchiha Ryu and cannot go back here.

"I hope Kiri will stop shooting Sand Shinobi."

Before leaving, Chiyo said.

"Since Uchiha Ryu has collected the money, I won't do anything to you again, provided that you don't come to provoke me, otherwise I don't mind running over you."

Ryu said flatly.

After that, Chiyo took Rosa and left, and Ryu didn't make a move either.

"Master Mizukage, just let them go?" Terumi Mei seemed unwilling.

"Yeah, otherwise, what do you want me to do? Are you really detaining both of them and eating another wave of Sand Shinobi Village?"

"It's not bad." Terumi Mei looked at 10 billion taels, but her appetite grew even stronger.

"Your appetite is bigger than mine, but no matter how much you want, it's useless. Sunin Village can't get it out."

Ryu tapped Terumi Mei's forehead lightly, and then said to her.

Terumi Mei's face was reddened, and the movement of Ryu's light tapping on her forehead made her feel a little intimate, but Terumi Mei did not reject it at all.

In Terumi Mei's heart, Ryu is actually the most suitable mate in her eyes, but Terumi Mei is embarrassed to speak up.

There is also concern about Uchiha Mikoto, Uzumaki Kushina and Tsunade. I am afraid that if I do something, I will be beaten to death by those three women.

After all, those three women, Terumi Mei couldn't beat one of them. If you really do, the one who suffers must be yourself.

Ryu didn't go to see Terumi Mei at this time, and didn't know her careful thinking. What Ryu is thinking about now is how to make a fortune from Rock Shinobi Village.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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