Three days after Luosha was redeemed, Oh Yemu personally came to the Wuren camp, unwilling to hand over 10 billion taels.

"Don't worry, Third Tsuchikage, after taking advantage, I won't shoot you Rock Shinobi again. I, Uchiha Ryu, speak for words."

Ryu comforted Ohnogi.

As for Onoki's mood, he smiled reluctantly, and then left quickly.

Previously, Ryu sent a message to Onoki, letting Onoki spend money to eliminate the disaster, as long as he put out 10 billion taels, he could not shoot Rock Shinobi Village.

If Onoki doesn't take the money, then don't blame Ryu for being cruel, and will first attack Rock Shinobi Village.

In the end, For the safety of Rock Shinobi Village, Onoki had no other way but to agree to Uchiha Ryu's terms and put out 10 billion taels to eliminate the disaster.

"Let's retreat."

After Ryu got the money, he commanded to the Wunin.

"Shall we go back now?" Mikoto looked at Ryu in a daze.

"Yeah, the purpose of this hands-on has been achieved, and the benefits have been obtained, so why bother to mix it in." Ryu nodded to Mikoto.

"Then Cloud Shinobi will definitely be very upset."

28  "It's okay. If Third Raikage is upset, just let him come to me. I have to see if Third Raikage dares to upset me."

Ryu hugged Mikoto and said with a chuckle. He didn't think Third Raikage would come to him to ask for an explanation.

Hard fist means confidence. No matter what Ryu does, they dare not offend themselves. Even if they are angry, they can only suffocate in their stomachs.

Ryu suddenly went back with Wujin. The news made Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi very happy, Konoha Village was disappointed, and Cloud Shinobi Village was furious.

"Uchiha Ryu, get the benefits and leave."

Third Raikage smashed a tall stone with a punch, and became angry.

"It was a mistake to make an alliance with Wunin, he didn't even want to help." Third Raikage's son Ai was also full of anger at this time.

Cloud Shinobi and Mizuno are allies, but now Mizuno has been eating meat, but Cloud Shinobi can't even drink the broth, so far she hasn't got the slightest benefit.

"Let's turn our faces with Wuren." Ai said to his father Third Raikage.

"No, we really turned our faces with Kiri Shinobu. That was Uchiha Ryu's trap. I guess he is waiting for us to turn our faces with him."

Third Raikage shook his head. Being grumpy doesn't mean that he is a fool. If he is really a fool, Third Raikage can't sit in this position.

This time in the Ninja War, Uchiha Ryu should be able to eat everything, Konoha Village, Rock Shinobi Village, Sand Shinobi Village who has not been eaten by Uchiha Ryu.

Even their Cloud Shinobi Village has paid a lot of materials, and there is also the secret technique of Lightning Style Chakra Mode.

"Forget it, just bear it down."(Read more @

Third Raikage said to his son aggrieved.

The current situation can only be endured, and it is useless to be unconvinced. People's fists are hard, and they will be beaten if they resist.

"According to the information received, both Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi have chosen to return to the village. Are they going to withdraw from this Ninja War?"

"No, I don't think Ohyeki and Luosha can quit. They want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

Third Raikage shook his head to Ai. Both Rock Shinobi Village and Sand Shinobi Village suffered heavy losses and were blackmailed by Uchiha Ryu.

If they withdrew from this war of ninja world, it would be worthless. No matter how stupid they were, they would not make such a choice, let alone Ohnoki and Luosha stupid?

At least I have to earn it back. Going back now is just to recuperate.

"In this case, then we can't get caught."

Ai Yi heard that the other party wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. It seemed that he wanted to watch the battle between Cloud Shinobi and Konoha Village.

"No, we can't give up dealing with Konoha." Third Raikage couldn't give up dealing with Konoha either. Even if Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi didn't do anything, he couldn't stop.

Otherwise, what did Cloud Shinobi get this time?

In the end, Cloud Shinobi and Konoha Village went to war. Poor Konoha Village and other big ninja villages had already fought, and finally Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi retreated.

Before they could catch their breath, the Cloud Shinobi gang came to take advantage of the fire.

But this time, Cloud Shinobi also asked Konoha Village first. As long as Konoha Village can put out 10 billion taels, they are willing to let Konoha Village go.

However, Konoha Village really cannot agree to this request. Uchiha Ryu is compensated too much, and all the materials consumed are money.

Where is so much money given to Cloud Shinobi Village.

What's more, even if the jackals of Cloud Shinobi Village retreat, Rock Shinobi and Sand Shinobi are also a group of jackals.

Even if they retreat now, if Cloud Shinobi Village really benefits, they will definitely come back again.

So there is no other choice, Konoha Village can only continue to fight with Cloud Shinobi Village, and now only Konoha Village and Cloud Shinobi Village are fighting.

Konoha Village, which has been fighting continuously, has shown fatigue, but Cloud Shinobi Village is still very strong, and the Konoha Village that has been fighting has been losing ground.

"You said that if we ask Uchiha Ryu for help, will he help us?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Danzo with a tired face.

"Sarutobi, I think you are crazy, how could Uchiha Ryu help us? You just ask him for help, just insulting him."

Danzo sneered and looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen, wondering if Sarutobi Hiruzen's brain was broken, and he actually wanted to ask Uchiha Ryu for help.

"If enough benefits are given, Uchiha Ryu may not help." Orochimaru said.

"I think so too, Uchiha Ryu is obviously profit-oriented." Jiraiya also agreed.

If they can sacrifice some benefits, and then let Uchiha Ryu help out to deal with Cloud Shinobi Village, their Konoha Village will not have to die or hurt a ninja.

"The relationship between Kiri Shinobi and Cloud Shinobi is an alliance. Do you think Uchiha Ryu will not want his own reputation for a little profit?" Danzo asked with a sneer.

Danzo said a lot, and even Sarutobi Hiruzen stopped talking at this time.

Perhaps the benefits given are large enough to allow Uchiha Ryu to tear up the alliance book, but they can’t come up with enough benefits now.

"Forget it, I'm just saying, you still need to rely on yourself to fight Cloud Shinobi." Sarutobi Hiruzen gave up the idea that had just arisen in his heart.

Ask Uchiha Ryu for help, even if Uchiha Ryu really helps, who is he? Konoha Village and Uchiha Ryu have a deep hatred.

He went to Uchiha Ryu for help, he would definitely make himself stinky Ten Thousand Years, so even for his own reputation, he had to give up this idea.

"Then what can you do with Cloud Shinobi?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked, Cloud Shinobi is stronger than Sand Shinobi and Rock Shinobi, especially Third Raikage. A scar on Sarutobi Hiruzen was caused by Third Raikage.

"Now it can only be dragged down." Jiraiya scratched his head and couldn't find a good way. Although dragging down is not a good way, it can only be done now.

"Let Minato find a way to destroy Cloud Shinobi's supplies, and we can drag it with Cloud Shinobi." Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flickered.

As long as Cloud Shinobi doesn't have enough supplies, it must choose to retreat. Even if it will make a comeback in the future, Konoha Village also has a chance to breathe.


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