Ryu returned to Wunin Village with Wunin, and Ryu didn't plan to participate in the next war, because all the benefits he deserved had already been obtained.

No matter what other villages are fighting for, it has nothing to do with Ryu.

The one-third of the land obtained from the country of fire, let Yakura stay for treatment, and leave Yakura with a thousand mists.

"you're back."

Looking at Wunin Village, it feels like he has returned home, and Wunin Village is indeed his home.

"I don't know how Tsunade manages Kurinin Village."

"Ryu, I think you should worry about whether Tsunade will use Kirinin Village's money to gamble." Kushina reminded Ryu.

"Probably not."

Ryu's heart slammed, I didn't think about this before, but don't really be the same as Kushina said, Tsunade lost all of Kushina Village.

"Ryu, what are you worried about, forget that the casino belongs to the Uchiha family?" Mikoto smiled and said.

"Yeah, what am I worried about? Even if Tsunade loses, it is something that belongs to me."

Ryu's worried expression disappeared instantly, but he went to Mizukage's office to find out.

"You actually came back, why didn't you send me a message? I didn't even know you were back."

Tsunade looked at Ryu over a drink in the Mizukage office.

"I said, is this how you work in your office? I really feel worried about Kiri Shinobu." Ryu felt that Tsunade was a bit pitted at this moment.

"Don't worry, I only drink when I have nothing to do. You leave it to me about Wunin Village, and I will definitely not let you down."

Tsunade is not weak in management. At least Wunin Village is well managed by Tsunade. As for Tsunade, who was worried about losing all of Wunin Village, this is not at all.

Ever since Ryu left and gave Tsunade the affairs of Kirinin Village, Tsunade has never stepped into the casino.

"Unexpectedly, you didn't destroy Konoha Village." Tsunade looked at Ryu with a complicated expression, and then asked, "You didn't destroy Konoha Village because of me?"

"Yeah, moved?"

Ryu hugged Tsunade and asked Tsunade.

"Cut, I'm not touched at all. Konoha Village and I have nothing to do with each other, and now I am a rebel of Konoha Village..." Tsunade said with a curled mouth.

Duplicity, although I am not moved, in fact Tsunade still feels sweet in his heart, not because Konoha Village has not been destroyed, but because Ryu cares about her thoughts.

"In fact, even if you destroy Konoha Village, I won't blame you. Konoha Village today has nothing to do with my Senju clan."

Now that the bond with Konoha Village has been cut off, Tsunade will not be broken.

"Stop talking about it, follow me home first."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ryu smiled, and then took Tsunade back home with the Flying Thunder God Technique.

It's been a long time since I saw each other, so Tsunade, Mikoto, and Kushina naturally talked for a long time.

But their chat made Ryu very depressed, because Ryu couldn't get in the conversation at all, so he just went to give Terumi Mei some tasks.

In this war, Kirinin Village can be said to have won a big victory, so of course it needs to be celebrated. Regarding the celebration, let Terumi Mei take full responsibility.

"Hey, the most tiring person in the whole Kirinin Village is me." Terumi Mei said bitterly.

Although the power is great, Terumi Mei would rather not have these powers, and looked at Ryu with a bitter look. At this time, Terumi Mei wanted to strike.

"I know your merits, and I will definitely reward you afterwards."

"Hehe, the rewards Mizukage-sama said are bad checks. They have never been cashed. I don't expect them anymore." Terumi Mei laughed, then turned his head away.

"I will definitely give you a reward this time. I will use my character to assure you."

"But you have no character." Terumi Mei murmured.

Although Terumi Mei's voice was very small, Ryu could still hear Terumi Mei's muttering, and instantly the smile on Ryu's face became a little bit cold.

"Ahaha, Master Mizukage, I'll go to finish the task you arranged right away, and remember to reward me." When Terumi Mei was leaving, she dared to wink at Ryu.

I have to say that although Terumi Mei is still immature, she is quite charming.

After Ryu sent the matter to the secretary, Terumi Mei, he entered the system space.

In fact, the system space Ryu still comes often, and will accompany Xiaomeng to chat when he is fine, lest Xiaomeng is alone in it.

"Little Meng, help me exchange Tenseigan."

Ryu said to Xiaomeng.

"Obviously you can exchange it yourself, you have to let me help." Xiaomeng reluctantly got up from the ground, and then waved, the power belonging to Tenseigan melted into Ryu's eyes.

Tenseigan needs one million points to exchange. Fortunately, Ryu now has a lot of points. After using one million points, there are more than 4 million points. He has kept the points unused.

After Ryu exchanged for Tenseigan, pupils flowed in his eyes, and a cool breath came into Ryu's mind.

"The eyes have turned blue."

Ryu’s six gou jade reincarnation Sharingan was originally red, but now it’s the blue that belongs to Tenseigan, but Rinnegan’s circle is still there, and so are the six gou jade.

"¨" It should be called Tenseigan now. Xiaomeng said to Ryu.

With all the abilities of Rinnegan, Tenseigan, and Sharingan, it is definitely not weaker than Ōtsutsuki Kaguya's Nine Goblin Jade Reincarnation Sharingan.

"It's still a six-gou jade, isn't it up to the level of a nine-go jade." Ryu was a little disappointed, his eyes could go further.

"Also, redeem me six Dao· Planetary Devastation!"

"It needs 1 million points, are you sure you want to redeem it?"

That's right, the price of exchanging Six Paths·Planetary Devastation is actually the same as exchanging Tenseigan and Rinnegan. Who makes this the strongest seal technique?

The super sealing technique, which is combined with the power of the six yin and yang, is also the only way to deal with Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

"Of course the exchange is confirmed." Ryu himself felt that it was not worth it, but in order to deal with Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, it had to be exchanged.

Who made Ryu unable to study it himself, and did not draw the projection of Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, there is no way to explode, only to choose to redeem it.

Soon, all the information about Six Paths (Alright Zhao)·Planetary Devastation entered Ryu's mind.

Six Paths· Planetary Devastation, in fact, should be distinguished from other Planetary Devastation, this seal technique is actually very powerful.

As long as you use the power of yin and yang to reach the target, you can deprive the opponent of power, even the sixth level will instantly lose power and have no resistance.

And when the target is regarded as the source of gravity, it will increase gravity as it rises. Even in the universe, it can continue to absorb meteorites, reaching the size of the moon.

"It's not a big loss to deal with the sixth-level arithmetic, and 1 million points is not a big loss." Ryu tried to convince himself.

However, compared with Tenseigan, they are all 1 million points. Ryu still thinks that Tenseigan is more cost-effective. If it were not for Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Ryu would definitely not be taken advantage of.

Ryu will definitely earn these points spent on Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.


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