Ye Cang followed Ryu and entered Mizukage's office.

"Why did Luosha kill you?" Ryu asked Ye Cang after sitting down.

In the original book, it was the conflict between Sand Shinobi Village and Wuren Village. In order to avoid the conflict, Luo Sha chose to sacrifice the Sand Shinobi hero in exchange for peace.

But now it’s different. Now the war between Wujin Village and Sand Shinobi Village is over. It’s time to come to Keng Yecang, and there is a big problem.

In fact, Ryu also had speculations in his mind. Maybe Yecang threatened Luosha's position, otherwise Luosha would not be able to kill Yecang.

"Someone in Sand Shinobi Village recommended me to become Fourth Kazekage." Ye Cang was silent for a moment and said why.

"Isn't Fourth Kazekage already from Rosha?"

There are more questions in Ryu's mind.

"Rosa is only acting as Fengying, he is not a real Fengying yet."

"That's the case, it seems that you are not wronged if Luosha is going to die." Ryu nodded, Ye Cang blocked Luosha's path, and Luosha wanted to get rid of Ye Cang right.

There is nothing wrong with standing at Luosha's angle, but from Ye Cang's angle, Ye Cang can't wait to unload Luosha right now.

"From now on you will follow Terumi Mei."

After thinking about it, Ryu assigns Ye Cang to Terumi Mei and asks Terumi Mei to monitor Ye Cang. After all, even though Ye Cang joined the Wunin Village, who knows whether she is sincere.

No, Ye Cang has absolutely no feelings for Wuren Village. It is estimated that at least he chose to join Wuren Village because of the pain and unwillingness of being betrayed by his own people.

"it is good."

Ye Cang was obedient, without any rebuttal.

This is also Ye Cang knowing the current affairs, knowing that if he does not obey, he will definitely die in the hands of Uchiha Ryu.

Before Ye Cang was not afraid of death, but now Ye Cang is different, she still has a reason to live, she wants to question Luo Sha.

Could it be that in order to secure Fengying's position, she could kill her who was born and died for Sand Shinobi Village?

And those high-level officials in Sand Shinobi Village did not raise any objections to the task entrusted to her this time. Did they abandon themselves like Luo Sha?

At this time, Ye Cang, it is impossible to say that there is no hatred in his heart.

"In Wunin Village, you'd better be honest, otherwise, I will let you know the cost..." Terumi Mei walked to Ye Cang and whispered in Ye Cang's ear.

The ages of the two of them are almost the same, but there is a big difference in strength. Terumi Mei is a real film-level, able to suppress Ye Cang steadily.

"You don't have to threaten me specifically, now I don't want to die." Ye Cang said flatly.

After that, the incident about Ye Cang joining Wuren Village was directly announced, and the incident that Luosha Pit harmed Ye Cang was also announced together.

This is deliberate by Ryu, as long as it is announced, it will not only damage Luosha's reputation, but also make Ye Cang no turning back.(Read more @

Yekura didn't have any opinions, or it was useless if she had opinions, and she almost gave up on Sand Shinobi Village.

No matter how deep the feelings for the village are, the village will kill you, and Ye Cang will no longer be able to work for Sand Shinobi Village. It would be good for her to go back without resentment.

In fact, Ye Cang suggested that he went back to ask for an explanation, but was rejected by Ryu.

As far as Ye Cang's current strength is concerned, letting go back is not just asking for arguments, I am afraid that going back is a dead end.

After Luosha knew Yecang was not dead and joined Wunin Village, she was a bit panicked, but Luosha's actions were also very fast, and she immediately announced that Yecang had betrayed Sand Shinobi Village and became the traitor of Sand Shinobi Village.

During the war, Luo Sha did such a thing, but it made Konoha Village very happy.

At the same time, the war between Konoha Village and Cloud Shinobi Village also ended in Konoha Village's temporary victory.

This time I won thanks to Might Dai, who is Might Guy’s father, Might Dai.

Might Dai, who was fully open at the Eight Gate, was severely injured by Third Raikage, and Eight Tails Jinchūriki Killer Bee was also severely injured and had to choose to flee.

And Might Dai also paid the price of death.

However, the prohibition of Eight Inner Gates surprised everyone, but the price paid was too great.

"Might Dai is still dead."

When Ryu got the news, he was a little bit emotional.

In the original work, Might Dai beats a group of seven with cruel knives, using the fruits of half a lifetime of cultivation to shine for a moment.

Originally, Ryu thought that Might Dai might not die this time, but Might Dai was still dead, but this time the record was even better, hitting Third Raikage and Eight Tails Jinchūriki.

If Might Dai's strength is stronger, it will not be a serious injury, and kicking Third Raikage to death is the same as playing.

When Cloud Shinobi was defeated, it was blocked by Rock Shinobi. Third Raikage, who was seriously injured, died under Rock Shinobi's siege.

Third Raikage, who died from exhaustion, was really killed this time. He was seriously injured and was dying. Of course, he couldn't beat those Rock Shinobi.

This time, the death of Third Raikage was given the greatest credit by Might Dai, who failed to kick Third Raikage to death, but indirectly led to the death of Third Raikage.

The remaining Cloud Shinobi fled back to the village, and Ai, the son of Third Raikage, became Fourth Raikage.

Ai, who became Raikage, wanted to avenge his father, but was stopped and just replaced Raikage. Cloud Shinobi is not suitable to continue participating in the war.

But Konoha Village, which thought it had repelled Cloud Shinobi and was able to get a respite, once again encountered a joint attack by Sand Shinobi and Rock Shinobi.

I suffered a big loss from Wuren's hands, this account cannot be calculated by Wuren, but it can be recovered from Konoha Village.

Konoha Village has gone through many battles, and it can't stand it anymore.

"¨" It seems that the war will last for several years. "

Ryu felt that within a short period of time, this war would not be over unless Kiri Shinobu made another move.

But Ryu doesn't plan to let Kiri Shinobu. Ryu doesn't plan to participate in this war anymore. The benefits have already been obtained. Naturally, there is no need to participate.

"Weird, Uchiha Madara hasn't heard anything."

Ryu did not discover the shadow of Uchiha Madara in this Ninja War, as if Uchiha Madara did not mix this matter at all.

"Uchiha Madara is not far from death. He has to find a successor. I don't know if he will find Obito."

(Good Zhao good)

Ryu can’t guess, anyway, the current plot has changed. First of all, if Uchiha Madara wants to design Obito, it’s impossible to use Three Tails.

Three Tails has been sealed in Yakura's body, and Yakura has become Three Tails Jinchūriki.

If Uchiha Madara dares to act on Yakura, then he is provoking Ryu, and the provoked Ryu will not easily let go of Uchiha Madara's light.

In fact, Ryu prefers that Uchiha Madara's plan can still continue, well, it can be implemented smoothly without Ryu's prevention.

Ryu won't stop either. He still has the task of defeating Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. The reward is Zanpaku Knife·Ryutsuki Kaguya, which must be obtained, so Ōtsutsuki Kaguya must be resurrected.

If you defeat the Ōtsutsuki Kaguya projection in the system space, it is also considered defeated Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, then the task of Ryu has been completed, but the projection is only a projection.


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