Time passed slowly, and two years passed in a blink of an eye.

The third Ninja War has been going on for more than two years. During these two years, Ryu has been sitting in the mountains watching tigers fight and watching the excitement.

Other major villages, including Cloud Shinobi, seem to have withdrawn from this war forever because of the death of Third Raikage.

Sand Shinobi lost too much, humiliatingly defeated and surrendered.

Now only Rock Shinobi Village is still struggling with Konoha Village. Right now, Rock Shinobi Village has the upper hand, but Konoha Village has Namikaze Minato, which may come back at any time.

In the third Ninja World War, the most famous person was Namikaze Minato, who relied on Flying Thunder God Technique to kill countless enemies.

As for the battle of God Wubi Bridge, it seemed like fate, what was supposed to happen happened, Obito was dying under the boulder.

Sharingan, which was opened when he was dying, was used as a gift to celebrate Kakashi's becoming Jōnin, and then Namikaze Minato rushed back and took Kakashi to destroy the Kamimubi Bridge.

In this war, everyone thought that Obito was dead, but Obito was rescued by Uchiha Madara dispatched by White Zetsu.

"Master Madara, why do you want to save him? Does Master Madara want to use him to complete the plan?"

White Zetsu believes that Uchiha Obito is not good, just a crane tail, and the talent is not high in the Uchiha family.

"He fits well."

Uchiha Madara said lightly, he has been observing Uchiha Obito for a long time.

Will choose Uchiha Obito, but it is not an accident, but Uchiha Madara has long been eyeing Uchiha Obito.

His character is kind and naive, and very optimistic, but once such a character falls into the darkness, it will burst out with more power than anyone else.

However, Obito would be seriously injured and dying. Uchiha Madara did not expect it, but as long as he didn't really die.

With Senju Hashirama's cells, as long as they are not dead, they can be rescued.

Now Uchiha Obito is still in a coma, and Uchiha Madara is also considering how to persuade Uchiha Obito to make Obito his plan to play chess pieces.

In the end, Uchiha Madara set his sights on Rin Nohara. What Uchiha Obito cares about is this little girl, so she makes good use of it.

As for using a little girl, Madara is not guilty. Although he is for peace, Uchiha Madara is really not a good person.

At the same time, Wuren Village also welcomed three guests.

"The purpose of your coming to Wuren Village is best to say, otherwise I don't guarantee that you will survive."

Loquat Shizang stared fiercely at the two young men and a woman, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The two men and the woman are Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, and yes, they ran to Wunin Village.

"I want to see your leader, Lord Fourth Mizukage." Yahiko is neither humble nor humble in the face of Loquat Juzo's murderousness.

"Hmph, our Mizukage is what you can see if you want to meet, so get out of Wunin Village quickly, otherwise I will kill you."

Loquat Shizo is very welcome.

Nagato clenched his fists, feeling the murderous aura of Loquat Juzo, faintly blocking Yahiko's body.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"We don't seem to even see Mizukage." Konan said with a wry smile.

In fact, she didn't suggest Yahiko to come to Wunin Village at all. Not only can I not see Mizukage, but she may even take herself in.

"You talk about your purpose first."

At this time, Uchiha Ye appeared here, and after seeing Uchiha Ye appeared, Loquat Juzo left the matter to him.

Uchiha Ye is the leader of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the confidant of Master Mizukage, so Loquat Juzo stood behind Uchiha Ye and made no more noise.

"We are here for this Ninja War, and for peace, I want to form an alliance with Master Mizukage, and then persuade others to stop this Ninja War."

"Because of this Ninja World War, too many people have died, and I don't want to see anyone die anymore."

Yahiko stood up and said the purpose of the trip.

Uchiha looked at Yahiko in surprise, while Loquat Juzo looked at the three of them like a fool.

"You come with me first." Uchiha Ye said, his eyes staying on Nagato's body for a little longer.

The red hair is probably a member of the Uzumaki family. Of course, this is not important. The important thing is that Uchiha is threatened by him.

It is precisely because of this that Uchiha Ye intends to take them to Mizukage's office. As for whether or not Ryu-sama meets, it is Ryu-sama's business.

"Yahiko." Nagato glanced at Yahiko, meaning to ask if he wanted to follow.

"Go, let's follow."

Yahiko actually has a sense of trepidation in his heart. After all, this is in the Wunin Village. If he annoys others, he may not be able to get out of the Wunin Village.

Mizukage office, Ryu happened to be here today. After hearing Uchiha's report, Ryu looked strange.

How did Akatsuki come to Wunin Village?

"Let them in." Ryu said toward Uchiha.


Uchiha went out wild and let in Yahiko, Nagato and Konan.

"He is Uchiha Ryu."

Konan looked at Ryu and couldn't help but take a few more glances. There was a lot of curiosity in this, and he was also attracted by Ryu. After all, Ryu was the most handsome guy in the entire Uchiha family.

The Uchiha people are generally very handsome.

But Konan is more curious about Ryu, who is recognized as the strongest in the ninja world.

Uchiha Ryu is the strongest Ninja village today, and Uchiha Ryu is also the strongest Ninja world today.

After noticing Konan's gaze, Ryu looked at her and glanced at Konan. Konan immediately lowered his head.

With a chuckle, Ryu asked, "Tell me about your purpose."

"Master Fourth Mizukage, this time I came here to form an alliance with Wunin Village." Yahiko immediately stated his purpose.

"To form an alliance, what qualifications does your organization have to form an alliance with Wuren Village?"

Ryu calmly asked Yahiko.

Yahiko felt a bit painful. In fact, Yahiko had already searched for Ohnoki in Rock Shinobi Village and explained his intention to Ohyeki, hoping that Rock Shinobi Village would stop the war, but he was despised by Ohyeki.

At the same time, he told them unceremoniously that Akatsuki is not qualified to form an alliance with Rock Shinobi Village, and Rock Shinobi Village will not let go of the war.

"Mizukage, don't underestimate our strength." Nagato stood up with a bit of anger on his face.

"What if you look down upon you?"

The momentum of Ryu's body suddenly pressed against Nagato's body, and instantly cold sweat dripped from Nagato's forehead, and he felt like he would be killed at any time.

The current Akatsuki organization is still too immature. Only three of them can be seen, and the rest are a mob.

"The Akatsuki organization does not have the strength to ally with Wuren Village. What's more, what benefits can you bring to Wuren Village by ally with your Xiao Organization? If you can tell the benefits to Wuren Village, I might be able to promise. you."

Ryu's words directly stunned Yahiko.

This Yahiko never thought of bringing benefits to Wunin Village.

The main reason why Yahiko came to form an alliance with Wuren Village was to increase his bargaining chips.

If he can form an alliance with Wunin Village, he will go to Konoha Village and Rock Shinobi Village to negotiate to stop the war. It is estimated that they will not continue to ignore it. This is the main purpose of Yahiko.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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