"Master Mizukage, please don't consider your interests in everything. I have formed an alliance with Kirinin Village to persuade Rock Shinobi and Konoha Village to let go of the war. This is a good thing and contribute to peace in the Ninja world."

Yahiko's face flushed red to defend Ryu.

"What does the war between Konoha Village and Rock Shinobi Village have to do with Wunin Village? Ninja world peace has nothing to do with Wunin Village. You really want to convince me to take out real money."

Ryu was unmoved by Yahiko's words. To be honest, Yahiko's behavior was too naive, and his death was not accidental but ~ inevitable.

"Master Mizukage, do you want to see the people of the Ninja world continue to die because of the war?-" Yahiko was a little angry.

Of course they couldn't get the real money. Akatsuki clinked poorly, and the people who mixed in in the country of rain were also very unhappy.

In fact, the reason why Yahiko wanted to prevent the war was because the battlefield was in the country of rain. Of course, the battlefields of Konoha Village and Rock Shinobi Village could not be placed in their own country.

The mortals suffered when the gods fought, and the rain country, which did not participate in this war, was actually the one that suffered the most.

"You don't need to use righteousness to suppress me, and you don't need to use morality to kidnap me. It is impossible for me to do things that are not good."

"How can you be so indifferent."

Yahiko is very upset with Ryu.

"Hehe, in Wunin Village, I advise you not to annoy me." Ryu sneered.

With a word of Ryu, Nagato made Nagato like an enemy, and instantly pulled Yahiko to make Yahiko say a few words, lest Uchiha Ryu really do it.

"This will not do any harm to Wuren Village. Why do you have to die without saving?"

Yahiko stared at Ryu angrily.


Konan's face changed abruptly, and then he glanced at Ryu quickly, feeling bad in his heart.

"I can't help it?"

Ryu smiled, but the smile was cold. Originally, Ryu didn't have any disgust with Yahiko, but now, Ryu thinks this guy is really disgusting.

"Am I wrong? You can help and end this war in a peaceful way. If you don't help now, wouldn't it be impossible to save you?"

"Yahiko don't say anything."

Konan felt like he was going to die, didn't he feel that Uchiha Ryu was already showing cold murderous aura.

Nagato stands in front of Yahiko and Konan, but is unable to move because of Ryu's murderous intent. If Ryu takes action, Nagato will definitely die.

"Our Mizukage-sir, you can't make irresponsible remarks. What are you guys."

The door was pushed open, and Terumi Mei walked in with Ye Cang, looking at Yahiko and the three of them with some cold eyes. They heard it from outside just now.

To be honest, it's ridiculous. Does not align with them will mean nothing to save you? Where does the world of ninja come from so much kindness.

You are kind and you save yourself, why do you want to pull others with you.

"I haven't experienced severe beatings."

Ryu felt that they should be beaten up and let them know the cruelty of the world.

"Bang~!"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Yahiko, who accused Ryu in anger, was suddenly hit hard. Ryu, who appeared behind Yahiko at some unknown time, stepped on Yahiko with one foot.


Nagato and Konan looked worriedly at Yahiko who was vomiting blood and wanted to save Yahiko, but they couldn't move. Ryu's aura made Nagato and Konan unable to move.

Rinnegan didn't have any effect in front of Ryu. From the tremor of the soul, Nagato's Rinnegan seemed to be ineffective.

"Run to my site and accuse me, I don't know if your life is more courageous." Ryu's foot on Yahiko's body was slightly hard, and the floor instantly cracked.

"Let go of Yahiko." Nagato roared.

Looking at Nagato who was in a runaway, Ryu frowned slightly, and then knocked down Nagato for a month.


Looking at the fallen Nagato, Konan's face was anxious. Yahiko was seriously injured. Even Nagato, the strongest combat force, also fell. Now I don't know the life or death.

"I am willing to apologize for letting them go."

"Does an apology work? Do you think you can just apologize if you offend someone?" Ryu looked at Konan flatly and asked.

"No matter what the price is paid, I am willing to bear it and let them go."

Konan gritted his teeth and looked at Ryu pleadingly.

However, Ryu won't feel soft because of this. With a click, the sound of broken bones sounded. Yahiko, who was almost in a coma from the pain, woke up instantly and screamed like a pig.

"If you don't have enough strength but want peace, you are insulting yourself." Ryu's face was mocked.

The current Akatsuki organization wants strength but no strength, money but no money, so what peace is talked about, is it delusional?

If you have a dream, you have to do what you can, not to mention that Yahiko dared to come and criticize him, just yelling at his nose.

The casualties caused by the war between Konoha Village and Rock Shinobi Village seem to have Ryu also become a murderer. If this kind of person does not teach him a profound lesson, he will never recognize how many catties he is.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

"Actually, it's boring to bully you. If you spend 2 billion taels, I can consider letting you go."

Ryu kicked Yahiko away, and Yahiko smashed against the wall and fell, breaking several bones again.

"We...can't take it out at all."

Konan looked desperate and regretted not persuading Yahiko. If Yahiko was persuaded not to come to Wunin Village, it would not be the case.

If I stopped it while Yahiko was talking, it would not cause the current scene.

"Terumi Mei, leave it to you."

Ryu ignored their despair, and when passing by Nagato, he sealed Nagato's Chakra with a sealing technique.

Without Chakra, even if Nagato had a pair of Rinnegan, it wouldn't be possible.

After that, Ryu left and handed it to Terumi Mei to deal with it. I believe Terumi Mei should take care of it. It doesn’t matter how Terumi Mei handles it anyway.

... ........ 0

Even if Terumi Mei kills all three of them, it doesn't matter, the big deal is for Uchiha Madara to choose another piece.

But now that Nagato is in Ryu's hands, Uchiha Madara should be anxious. Nagato's Rinnegan is the key to Uchiha Madara Project Tsuki no Me.

Without Rinnegan, it would be difficult for him to resurrect.

When he got home, Ryu put the matter behind his head. Yahiko was really disgusting Ryu, but it didn't affect Ryu's mood.

"Ryu, you are back."

Kushina saw Ryu coming back, and immediately came over and poured a cup of hot tea for Ryu.

"Why are you so diligent?"

Ryu looked at Kushina vigilantly, offering nothing but hacking or stealing. Now that Kushina is so attentive to herself, it must be no good.

"Ah~ I'll just say it straight, I want to do business to make a lot of money, but now I lack a certain amount of capital, so I want to find you to invest."

Kushina stated her purpose.

"What? Kushina, you want to do business." Ryu looked at Kushina very unexpectedly, what was wrong with her, and she actually wanted to do business.

"How much do you need?"

"First take one hundred million taels. I think one hundred million taels is enough for the time being."

Ryu flipped through Byakugan. Although he has money, he can't just give out 100 million taels. Besides, Kushina is in business, and the more I think about it, the more I feel unreliable.

In the end, Ryu still didn't stop Kushina's hard work, and promised to give her 100 million taels, but if you lose all of it, don't even want to ask him for it in the future.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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