After Kushina got 100 million taels from Ryu, she left happily, but Tsunade's eyes flowed, not knowing what she thought, and left with Kushina.

"Ryu, do you think Kushina can make money from doing business?" Mikoto asked Ryu.

"It should not be possible. The 100 million tael should be a waste of water."

Ryu doesn't think Kushina can make money. Now the third Ninja War is not over yet, no matter what business you do, it is estimated that you will not make much money.

"In this case, you pay her back."

"If you don't give it to her, wouldn't she want Tenten to pester me."

Ryu spreads his hands towards Mikoto, and if you lose it, you will lose it. Anyway, he is really not short of money now.

"By the way, why does Kushina have the idea of ​​doing business?" Ryu thought Mikoto might know why.

"Maybe it's boring, she didn't tell me before, it should be a sudden decision."

Mikoto also doesn't know why Kushina has the idea of ​​doing business, but Mikoto is also not optimistic about Kushina.

"I guess Kushina's business hasn't started yet, and an asset will be defrauded."

Thinking of just now, Tsunade walked out with Kushina. Ryu thought Tsunade should have cheated Kushina's money, but I don't know if Kushina can be smarter.

Anyway, if the money falls into Tsunade's hands, it will definitely be in vain.

Well, Ryu's guess is correct, Tsunade is indeed "borrowing" money from Kushina.

"Kushina, you lend me the money, and I will pay you 200 million back tomorrow."

"Hehe, do you think I'm stupid? Even if I throw away the money, I won't lend it to you."

Kushina looked at Tsunade defensively. She knew that if she lends money to Tsunade, there is a high probability that she will lose her money, and there will be nothing in the end.

Will Tsunade repay the money he borrowed? Also, can she pay it back.

This time Kushina was still smart, and she went to prepare her own business happily without letting Tsunade borrow a penny.

Kushina thinks that if you sell the special products of the water country to other countries, you should be able to make money, and you can make a lot of money.

In fact, Kushina's idea is good, but the time is not right. Because of the influence of the Third Ninja War, her business is doomed to be difficult.


"Master Mizukage, I left Nagato and Konan from Akatsuki's organization, and asked that Yahiko to raise 2 billion taels, and let him redeem them with 2 billion taels."

Terumi Mei and Ryu report on the handling of the three members of Akatsuki.

"By the way, that Nagato may be from the Uzumaki clan, and I found out that he has the legendary Rinnegan."

This is the key to Terumi Mei's report, that Nagato actually owns Rinnegan, that is the first of the three pupil arts.(Read more @

But Terumi Mei is very strange. Didn't Rinnegan evolved from Sharingan? That Nagato is obviously from the Uzumaki clan, so why can he have Rinnegan.

Yes, Terumi Mei also knows that Sharingan can evolve into Rinnegan. This is the news that Terumi Mei learned from Ryu. When she first learned about it, she was shocked.

"I know this." Ryu chuckled as he listened to Terumi Mei's report.

"Master Mizukage, you know?"

Terumi Mei was stunned for a moment, and then nodded slightly. It is not surprising that he would know. After all, he had seen that Nagato, and even if he deliberately hid it, he couldn't hide it from Ryu.

"The eyes are not his but Uchiha Madara transplanted to him."

Ryu thinks Terumi Mei did a good job of keeping Nagato, so Uchiha Madara will definitely come to him and ask him for Nagato.

In that case, Ryu may be able to blackmail something in Uchiha Madara's hands, such as the Six Ways of Immortality mastered by Uchiha Madara.

"Uchiha Madara?"

Terumi Mei's mind is a little stunned, and her eyes are Uchiha Madara's. Terumi Mei feels that this involves a big secret, but she didn't ask much.

"Leave the two most valuable, not bad."

Nagato and Konan are more valuable than Yahiko. To be honest, the weakest among the trio is Yahiko as the leader.

"Detain them first."

Next, waiting for Uchiha Madara to find the door, Ryu believes that he will find a way to take Nagato away.

"By the way, did that Yahiko leave the country of water?"

"Not yet, but I'm planning to leave the Water Country. I guess I'm trying to pool some money." Terumi Mei and Ryu said.

In fact, Terumi Mei doesn't think that Yahiko can make up enough of this money. For a big Shinobu village, this money is heartbreaking, let alone an unknown organization. It's strange to be able to take out this money.

"Master Mizukage, Rinnegan's value is no longer measured by money. That Konan is pretty and valuable. Why should I arrange for her to serve you?"

Terumi Mei blinked at Ryu.

"No, it's okay to have your unscrupulous little secretary serving you." Ryu squeezed Terumi Mei's pretty face and said...

"Oh, is Mizukage-sama planning to accept me?" Terumi Mei didn't blush, but stared at Ryu with wide eyes.


Ryu coughed slightly and winked at Terumi Mei. Terumi Mei immediately turned her head and saw Mikoto, who was looking at her tenderly behind her.

"Terumi Mei, I just have time these days, I can give you some ninjutsu."

Mikoto's voice was gentle at this time, but it contained a chill that made Terumi Mei shiver.

"That, no need, thank Mikoto sister, I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I won't bother." Terumi Mei hurriedly fled.

Women's sixth sense is very strong. Intuition tells Terumi Mei that if she really agrees, she might die miserably.

"Is it a pity now?" Mikoto sat down, poured a cup of hot tea for Ryu and asked Ryu.

"What, I don't understand what you are talking about."

Ryu looked at Mikoto with a puzzled look, as if he really didn't know what Mikoto was talking about, but if he didn't understand it or not, it was unclear.

Mikoto glanced at Ryu, who was pretending to be stupid, then ignored him.

"Ahem, Mikoto, aren't you angry?"

"No." Mikoto shook his head slightly, honestly Mikoto was not angry.

"Actually, if you can convince Kushina and Tsunade, it's not impossible."

Mikoto blinked at Ryu, but Ryu didn't have any happy expressions.

Maybe Mikoto really thinks this way, but trying to convince Kushina and Tsunade is almost impossible, so it's not worth Ryu's excitement.

However, Mikoto's character is really gentle and understanding. Sitting next to Mikoto, and then holding Mikoto in his arms, it happens that there is no one else here. Ryu and Mikoto have lived in the two-person world very well.

Ryu's little days are very good, but some people are in a bad mood, such as Uchiha Madara.

It was a joy to find the chess piece Uchiha Obito, but at this juncture, his other chess piece, Nagato, fell into Uchiha Ryu's hands. For a moment, Uchiha Madara suspected that Ryu was going to destroy his plan.

In fact, Nagato's life and death are not important, but the important thing is that Rinnegan is in Nagato. Without Rinnegan, Project Tsuki no Me can declare bankruptcy.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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