Ryu got Uchiha Madara's Six Ways of Immortality and released Nagato.

"Uchiha Madara, you remember, it's best to let Nagato and Uchiha Obito not come to provoke me, otherwise, I don't mind pinching them to death."

When Uchiha Madara left, Ryu told Uchiha Madara.

"Do you know Uchiha Obito?"

Uchiha Madara stared at Ryu deeply. How did he know that he had to choose Uchiha Obito as a chess piece.

"Hehe, there is nothing in this world that I don't know, so let them not mess with me, otherwise they can't afford it."

Ryu doesn't mind shocking Uchiha Madara, lest this guy make a moth for himself.

The momentum of the sixth level was released and pressed on Uchiha Madara's head.

This power is not something Uchiha Madara can beat, just feel the breath, Uchiha Madara knows it.

Then Uchiha Madara left, his heart was very restless, Uchiha Ryu's strength exceeded his imagination.

Although Uchiha Ryu was overestimated as much as possible from the beginning, Uchiha Madara finally found that he still underestimated Uchiha Ryu.

"Master Mizukage, is it really worth letting go of Nagato like this?" Terumi Mei asked Ryu softly.

"Can you talk to me well."

Ryu feels that since the last time, she has been seduce herself in Ruoyoruowu, really not afraid of transforming herself into a wolf and eating her completely.

Terumi Mei gave Ryu a white look, and then said, "I don't think it's worth letting go of a pair of Rinnegan."

"Don't think that this Rinnegan is a good thing. Only Uchiha Madara can exert the full power of this pair of Rinnegan. Others want to use Rinnegan at a high price."

Part of the reason why Nagato is so skinny and Uchiha Itachi forms a duo of old, weak, sick and disabled comes from Rinnegan.

Rinnegan is powerful, but if Nagato's Chakra is not enough, you need to consume life force to use Rinnegan.

"That thing has no value to me, and it's not bad to exchange for the results of Uchiha Madara's research."

Ryu took what he got from Uchiha Madara, which was the work of Uchiha Madara for most of his life.

"Is that person really Uchiha Madara...?"

Terumi Mei thought of the old man, she felt suspicious in her heart. She felt that Uchiha Madara was too weak.

"Yes, he is Uchiha Madara. Don't think he will die soon, but his strength can easily suppress you."

Uchiha Madara, who is dying now, is also better than Terumi Mei. If he breaks out with all his strength, it is estimated that he can fight Mikoto today.

"Nagato is let go, what about the remaining Konan?" Terumi Mei asked Ryu.

"Let’s keep it in custody, Uchiha Madara just gave Nagato the ransom, and there is no Konan."

Ryu wouldn't pack Konan back. If you want Konan to leave, let them redeem it with money.

"I don't know if I detain Konan here, will it cause the fellow Yahiko to die." Ryu suddenly thought of this question.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Part of Yahiko's death was related to Konan being caught by Hanzo, otherwise Yahiko would not die so easily.

"No, that fellow Yahiko must die."

Even if Hanzo didn't do anything to Akatsuki, Uchiha Madara or Uchiha Obito trained by Uchiha Madara would find a way to kill Yahiko.

The most important thing for Akatsuki is Nagato. Yahiko is of no value at all, and even Yahiko is a hindrance.

In other words, the greatest value of Yahiko is to blacken Nagato so that the dead Yahiko can play his value.

"Master Mizukage, you are not going to slip away again."

Terumi Mei saw Ryu walking outside and immediately asked Ryu.

"Ahem, I don't think there is any major issue that needs me to deal with, so I will deal with my own affairs."

Ryu dashed away immediately, leaving Terumi Mei in Mizukage's office, oh no, and Ryu gave Terumi Mei's assistant, Hakura.

"As the head of a village, he is a bit irresponsible." Ye Cang said involuntarily.

Anyway, Ryu is the most weird one she has ever seen. He left everything on hand to his subordinates to deal with, and he has nothing to do with him.

"Actually, Master Mizukage is a qualified Mizukage." Terumi Mei said.

The development of Wuren Village is getting better and better. This is proof that no matter what you do, as long as the village can develop better, that is a good Mizukage.

"You think he is a qualified Mizukage because you like him."

Ye Cang glanced at Terumi Mei and said lightly.

"Heh, don't you like him? I have seen several times and you have been watching him secretly." Terumi Mei couldn't help fighting back.

Ye Cang's face flushed, and he hurriedly defended: "I'm not the same as you."

Although Ye Cang's peeking is true, it is definitely not because of liking, no, it should be said that it is not that kind of liking, it is simply attracted by the appearance.

Both men and women can't help but appreciate the beautiful things.

"Yes, it's not the same, you're an lsp." Terumi Mei's words were not polite at all, because Ye Cang couldn't tell her anyway.

The angry Ye Cang didn't look at Terumi Mei, and took care of his own affairs.

A few days later, in Mizukage's office, Terumi Mei brought Konan to see Ryu.

"I heard you want to see me, what do you see me doing?" Ryu asked Konan lightly.

"I want to work for you." Konan had a firm expression on his face.

"what did you say? "

Ryu was stunned by Konan's words and wanted to work for him. In an instant, Ryu also understood Konan's purpose.

"Oh, you want to earn money by working, and then redeem yourself."


Konan nodded, she didn't want to be detained anymore, being detained in the dark dungeon every day, she really couldn't bear it.

Especially in the dungeon, there is only herself, that kind of loneliness makes her cry every night.

"Can you make 2 billion taels?" Ryu asked Konan amusedly.

"Even if it takes a lifetime, I will earn it. I just hope you won't bother with Yahiko and Nagato in the future." Konan took a deep breath and said.

She already knew that Nagato was also released, and now Konan was at ease, as long as her companions were fine, and she would be fine if she stayed here forever.

Of course, the premise is not to be imprisoned in a dark dungeon. If she has been imprisoned in it, she might not help but commit suicide.

That kind of silence, in the prison where only she exists (Ho Nuo Zhao), it is better to be alive than to die.

"I think you……"

When Ryu was about to say that Konan could not make 2 billion taels in his life, he suddenly thought of something and his eyes started to shine.

At this time, Ryu looked at Konan's gaze a little hot, but Konan couldn't bear it. The blazing gaze made her look down Zhu.

Don't get me wrong, although Konan is very delicate and beautiful, Ryu doesn't have any ideas, at least he doesn't have any ideas right now.

It's just that Ryu thought that Konan is a cash cow.

What is Konan most famous for? Six hundred billion detonating charms, so many detonating charms, definitely not a simple purchase, the price of a detonating charm now is three thousand taels.

Kakuzu is just working for a lifetime, earning a lifetime of money and not being able to buy 600 billion detonation charms, there is only one possibility. Konan made it herself, at least most of it was made by Konan herself, but she mastered the secret technique of paper escape.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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