"You... what are you going to do? Although I want freedom, I won't betray myself."

Konan looked at Ryu with alert eyes, and took a few steps back, with a nervous expression on his face.

"You think too much, even if you sell yourself now, I might not accept you." Ryu flipped over Byakugan.

Konan looked at Ryu with some irritation. Is this disgusting himself?

I have to say that women's brain circuits are indeed a bit strange.

"Can you make detonators?"

Ryu asked Konan. At this time, Ryu felt that he was about to be promoted to the richest man in the ninja world. Ryu swore that he would let Konan work for him for a lifetime.

This is a money printing machine, no, it is even more exaggerated than a money printing machine.

"No." Konan shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, it won't be possible to learn."

Ryu doesn't mind. You can learn it if you don't know how to make detonating charms. It is not particularly difficult to make detonating charms. Ryu has studied the making of detonating charms.

"In the future, you will follow Mikoto to learn how to make detonating charms. I can promise you that you will not trouble Yahiko and Nagato in the future, but you will be mine from now on. Give me a lifetime of work."

Konan's eyes widened. At this moment, the words "you will be mine" kept echoing in her mind.

Considering the safety of Yahiko and Nagato, Konan gritted her teeth and nodded her head in agreement, no matter what the deal was.

In fact, Konan has misunderstood now. Ryu simply asked Konan to help him work, but Konan thought of something else.

Terumi Mei's expression was a little weird at this time, but she felt a little unhappy when she looked at Konan, and showed some hostility towards Konan.

If he knew that this woman would become a potential rival, Terumi Mei felt that she should be executed.

Next, Ryu took Konan to the house, gave Konan to Mikoto, and asked Mikoto to teach Konan to make detonation charms.

Ryu will make initiation talisman and Mikoto will make it. Ryu is too lazy to teach Konan, so he throws Konan to Mikoto.

Perhaps because of his high talent in this area, or perhaps because of his knowledge of the secret technique of paper escape, Konan learns to make detonation charms very quickly.

Then Ryu brought Kushina over again.

Isn't Kushina going to do business? In that case, let Kushina sell the detonator.

After Konan learned to make detonating charms, he used the paper escape secret technique to let Ryu see what the real efficiency is.

Taking advantage of the fact that the third Ninja World War is not over, although it is already at the end, it is definitely possible to sell a batch.

"Sell the detonator to Konoha Village and Rock Shinobi Village?"

Kushina looked at Ryu with a weird expression, and felt that Ryu was too bad. Is it because Konoha Village and Rock Shinobi Village were not playing fiercely enough.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Let's contact them next, besides, not only Konoha Village and Rock Shinobi Village, we want to spread the detonation charm business to the entire Ninja world."

Ryu needs to make a lot of money with the detonation charm business.

"This will threaten our Kirinin Village, too." Mikoto reminded Ryu.

What if someone else gets the detonation talisman and uses it to deal with Wuren Village? This still needs to be considered.

"It's okay, I don't believe anyone dares to provoke Wuren Village."

Ryu really doesn't believe it. Who would dare to provoke Wunin Village at this time? If the major Ninja villages have the courage, Ryu wouldn't mind destroying them.

"What about the price, if the price is too high, we are not very competitive."

Tsunade was also very interested at this time. She was also thinking about whether she should make a fortune from this business, so she wouldn't have to borrow money when she went to the casino.

"Now because of the Ninja World War, the price of the detonation talisman is as low as 3,000 taels, and the highest has reached 5,000 taels. Let's sell them at 2,000 taels."

Ryu sets a price. This price can still be bought in large quantities for major Shinnin villages, and the strategic value of the detonation talisman is very high.

If the detonating talisman trap is set properly, even the shadow-level powerhouse will suffer a big loss if it is not careful.

Seven days later, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Onoki each received a batch of detonating charms from Kushina.

"Cloud Shinobi is also contacting me to buy the detonator."

Kushina said to Ryu, Cloud Shinobi took the initiative to contact to buy the detonation charm, it would be impossible without thinking.

Konoha Village and Rock Shinobi Village are both enemies of Cloud Shinobi, so it is not impossible for Cloud Shinobi to join this war again.

"Isn't it because I sold the detonation talisman, that this ninja world war, which is about to end, will rise again."

Ryu thinks it is possible, but the money that should be earned is still less. Since Cloud Shinobi wants to buy the detonation charm, Ryu will also sell it to them.

However, there are not many detonating talisman now, because Konan has just learned to make detonating talisman, even if the paper escape can be used to accelerate, but the speed is still not fast enough.

"Kushina, how much money did you make?" Ryu asked Kushina.

"3 billion has been transferred."

Kushina reported to Ryu happily that she was really a genius in business, and she actually made so much.

If you let Ryu know what Kushina's thoughts are in his mind, he will definitely despise Kushina and a genius in business. Of course, this detonating talisman business is handed over to Kushina.

But Kushina's other businesses have lost a lot.

For example, if you buy special products from the country of water and sell them in other countries, those fish cannot be sold, and some seafood products cannot be sold in the end.

If it weren’t for Ryu to let Kushina do the detonator business, I’m afraid Kushina could have declared bankruptcy now.

"I made 3 billion, can you let me go?"

Konan thought that the condition for redeeming himself was 2 billion, and now he has made 3 billion for him, and I don't know if he can leave.

"Hehe, you want to be beautiful, and you will stay in Wuren Village to work in the future."

Of course it is impossible for Ryu to let Konan, a cash cow, really let her go. Wouldn't it be a fool to let her go.

"But don't worry. Give me a part-time job. I won't treat you badly. You will live a comfortable life in Wuren Village."

Ryu patted Konan in a bad mood, and comforted her, at least he can make money for himself, it is worthy of his own comfort.

In fact, Konan staying in Wuren Village is not necessarily a good thing. In fact, Konan is also a very miserable character in the original work. Well, it seems that everyone is miserable.

From the protagonist to the villain, there is no one in Naruto World that is not miserable.

Taking a breath, Konan also accepted her fate. She was ready to stay in Wunin Village.

Just now I made this request with Ryu, but Konan didn't expect Ryu to agree.

In a blink of an eye, two months have passed, and the Ninja World War is still going on. Rock Shinobi Village is still stubbornly holding on relying on the purchased detonation charms.

In addition, Uchiha Obito was successfully blackened under the design of Uchiha Madara. Rin Nohara is still dead, still dead in Kakashi's hands.

However, the original Lin Lin was implanted with Three Tails, and now Lin Lin's body was sealed with Seven Tails.

After being taken away by Rock Shinobi Village, Seven Tails was used on the battlefield, but it was solved by Uchiha Madara himself, and Seven Tails was sealed on Nohara Lin.

Lin Lin was calculated to die, and Obito was stimulated by Lin Lin's death and started Mangekyō Sharingan and embarked on the road of blackening the big boss.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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