Konoha camp! ! !

"Everyone, I plan to negotiate with Rock Shinobi, what's your opinion?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Konoha Jōnin around him.

This war is about to drag down Konoha Village. Originally, Konoha Village was about to defeat Rock Shinobi Village. As a result, Rock Shinobi Village purchased the detonation charm of Wunin Village.

Relying on the detonating charms abruptly held on, and this also caused Konoha Village to have to buy detonating charms.

Originally, the war should have ended two months ago, but because of the detonation charms sold in Wuren Village, the war abruptly lasted for two more months.

"we agree."

"There is no need for this war to continue. We agree with Lord Naruto's proposal."

"I don't agree, I can win right away, so I won't be willing to discuss with me like this."

"I agree, Konoha Village can't afford it anymore. I feel that selling detonation charms to us is the conspiracy of Wuren Village, and we must stop the loss in time."

In the end, most people supported the negotiation, because most people in Konoha Village were longing for peace. They didn't want to continue fighting, and they didn't want to see their companions die in front of them.

After hearing that most people chose to agree and support the negotiation, Sarutobi Hiruzen also relaxed. This is a good thing.

In fact, Sarutobi Hiruzen is also very tired. Konoha Village continues to fight with four Shinobu Villages. Only he knows the specific situation of Konoha Village.

The current Konoha Village is extremely weak. If it weren't for the deep heritage, there would be no Konoha Village now.

Later, Sarutobi Hiruzen proposed a truce to Onoki, and Onoki's thoughts at this time were also intended to end the war.

The war is now where it is, and Rock Shinobi is unlikely to want to win.

According to the news that Onoki got, Cloud Shinobi is also constantly buying the detonation charms sold by Wunin. Who knows if Cloud Shinobi will shoot Rock Shinobi.

After all, the death of Third Raikage has something to do with Rock Shinobi, and it is not impossible for Cloud Shinobi to attack them.

When the two sides discussed an armistice, something not too big or small happened in the Kingdom of Rain.

It may be just a small matter in the present, but the impact on the future is not small.

This incident is that Yahiko died and was still forced to death by Hanzo. Hanzo joined forces with Danzo and gave the members of Akatsuki's organization.

This time, Konan was not captured as a hostage, but the members of the Akatsuki organization established by Yahiko were captured.

In order to save these mobs, Yahiko crashed into Nagato's suffering and died in Nagato's arms.

Seeing the death of a good friend, Nagato erupted. He summoned the Gedo Statue and killed Rain Shinobi and the root organization ninja, but Hanzo escaped.

Well, the reason why there is a root organization ninja is because Danzo also participated, but Danzo did not take it personally, but let his subordinates go.

Nagato summoned the Gedo Statue, and the damage to himself was also great after the runaway. He consumed a lot of vitality due to lack of Chakra, which made himself skinny.

And Nagato's legs were blown off by Hanzo using the detonation charm, and he can only use a wheelchair in the future.

After Nagato was taken away by Obito, Obito replaced Uchiha Madara's name and began to fool Nagato.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Also, Uchiha Madara is also dead, and Black Zetsu, who was originally hidden in the dark, has also begun to appear on the bright surface.

Black Zetsu is now Uchiha Madara's will, um, Uchiha Madara himself thinks that Black Zetsu is his will and will never betray. He would never think that Black Zetsu is the will of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and is the third son of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

Ryu also told Konan about the news of Yahiko's death.

Anyway, Konan will know it sooner or later, and there is no need to hide her.

After learning of the death of his friend Yahiko and the news that Nagato disappeared and whereabouts were unknown, Konan was a little bit tranced. In the end, it was Mikoto who looked at Konan a little bit pitiful, and he was relieved with comfort.

After a few days, Konan was completely relieved and found Ryu.

"Master Mizukage, I ask you to do me a favor. If you can help me, I can promise you no matter what happens in the future."

Konan gritted his teeth and said to Ryu.

"You want me to help you solve Hanzō of the Salamander, right?" Ryu guessed Konan's purpose in an instant.


Konan nodded. She and Yahiko and Nagato are close friends. They have depended on each other since childhood and have regarded each other as their own family.

"Okay, I can promise you." Ryu looked at Konan and nodded.

"You... did you agree?"

Konan looked at Ryu with some excitement. Ryu agreed to Konan, which really made Konan very excited.

"It's not a big deal. You have made a lot of money for me. I am not so unconscionable."

Ryu is at least somewhat conscientious. Konan has made a lot of money in helping Wunin Village these days. With the value that Konan brings, it is worth Ryu to help her.

"Thank you...thank you."

Konan secretly made up his mind to repay this kindness for the rest of his life.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····

If Konan stayed in Wujin Village before, he was reluctant, but after Ryu promised to help her kill Hanzō of the Salamander, Konan had decided to help Ryu forever.

Looking at Konan, Ryu felt it was worth it. Killing Hanzō of the Salamander was just a little hands-on for Ryu.

"Let's go."

Ryu didn't want to waste time either, and set off now.

"Are you going now?" Konan widened his eyes slightly when he heard Ryu's words.

"If you don't want to go now, you can go another day."

"Okay, go now."

Konan thought of Hanzō of the Salamander, with strong hatred in his eyes, Hanzō of the Salamander must die.

"Huangquan Hirazaka."

Ryu opened the space channel, and then walked in. Konan didn't hesitate and walked in. She believed that Ryu would not harm her, and she didn't need to use this method.

.... 0 ...

After passing Huangquan Biliangzaka, Ryu took Konan directly to Rain Shinobi Village in the Land of Rain. This speed made Konan's eyes wide open.

Wuren Village is far overseas, while the Land of Rain is in the center of the mainland. The distance is too far apart, and it can be reached in an instant.

"Is this space-time ninjutsu?" Konan asked curiously.

"Yes, Ultimate Time Space Ninjutsu."

"Only the two of us can deal with Hanzō of the Salamander?"

Konan hesitated for a moment, and asked Ryu, this is within Rain Shinobi Village, singled out a Shinobi Village, even though it is a small Shinobi Village, it still cannot be underestimated.

What's more, Hanzō of the Salamander is also known as the demigod of the Ninja world. This title is still quite bluffing. Some people think that the strength of Hanzō of the Salamander is more powerful than the shadows of the major Ninja villages.

In reality, however, Hanzō of the Salamander is only the pinnacle of the movie class.

If the Summoning beast and his poison were removed, it would be just a very ordinary shadow level, not very powerful.

"You are underestimating my strength. The total strength of the entire Ninja World is not my opponent."

Ryu glanced at Konan. He didn't expect Konan to worry about this problem.

"Next, it's time to give Hanzō of the Salamander a meeting ceremony."

Ryu stretched out his hand, and the super Big Ball Rasengan took shape quickly, and was thrown out by Ryu, instantly hitting the tallest building in Rain Shinobi Village, which is where Hanzō of the Salamander is located.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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