There was a roar from the entire Rain Shinobi Village, and the office of Hanzō of the Salamander, the head of Rain Shinobi Village, exploded.

The sudden attack shocked Rain Shinobi, and Hanzō of the Salamander walked out of the ruins in a panic.

Hanzō of the Salamander sensed the crisis just now, and then quickly left the office, otherwise, if Ryu hit just now, Hanzō of the Salamander would have died.

Hanzō of the Salamander, with an extremely gloomy expression, looked at the person who attacked Rain Shinobi Village. After seeing who it was, Hanzō of the Salamander's expression immediately changed.

"Uchiha Ryu, why are you?"

At this moment Hanzō of the Salamander was shocked, why Uchiha Ryu.

Did he offend Uchiha Ryu? It doesn't seem to be, why Uchiha Ryu will come to deal with him.

"I'm here to kill you, do you want to catch it with your hands, or resist?"

Ryu asked Hanzō of the Salamander lightly.

"I haven't offended you, let alone what to Wunin Village. Don't you think I'm a bully?" Hanzō of the Salamander was also angry.

No matter how strong Uchiha Ryu is, he cannot be bullied like this.

"You didn't offend me, but you offended my God of Wealth." Ryu glanced at Konan. Konan was indeed called Ryu's God of Wealth.

Konan stared at Hanzō of the Salamander with hatred at the moment, wishing to frustrate Hanzō of the Salamander.

"Forget it, don't talk nonsense with you, there is no need to waste my time to solve a miscellaneous fish."

Ryu is also not interested in talking to Hanzō of the Salamander, he is just a dying person anyway.

"Setsuna Fanghua!"

In an instant, Hanzō of the Salamander turned into a dead bone and fell to the ground.

Setsuna Fanghua is the Rinnegan pupil technique that Ryu awakens after Rinnegan is turned on. It can control the acceleration of time. Just a moment ago, Hanzō of the Salamander spent a hundred years with only bones left.

"He's dead?" Konan's eyes widened.

At this time, she didn't even care about the hatred of Hanzō of the Salamander in her heart. The death of Hanzō of the Salamander was too ridiculous.

"Yes, it's dead."

Ryu nodded, and then glanced at Rain Shinobi around him. Hanzō of the Salamander was dead, but no one dared to move towards Ryu.

Because Hanzō of the Salamander died so bizarre, they were a little frightened.

A good person becomes a skeleton in the blink of an eye, and the skeleton begins to weather.

"Let's go."

Use Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space channel and take Konan to leave Rain Shinobi Village.

In fact, this time Hanzō of the Salamander did not suffer any loss. This is the first time that Ryu has used Setsuna Fanghua to a person, and Hanzō of the Salamander is the first person to experience it.

"thank you."(Read more @

After returning to Wunin Village, Konan looked at Ryu with some gratitude, and thanked Ryu.

"If you really thank me, help me make more money."

Ryu waved his hand, and then asked Konan to go to the Uchiha clan. He came to Mizukage's office, and it was time for him to take care of his official duties, lest he be said to be irresponsible.

Ryu killed Hanzō of the Salamander with a pupil skill, and the news soon passed, and the rain Shinobi Village group of dragons was at a loss.

In addition, Nagato, who received the news, looked a little blank.

Originally wanted to create the Six Ways of Penn, he went to take revenge, but Uchiha Ryu solved the goal of revenge.

"Uchiha Ryu."

Obito, standing behind Nagato, flashed a strange light. When Uchiha Madara died, he warned him several times not to provoke Uchiha Ryu.

Obito is fairly obedient, not to mention that he and Uchiha Ryu have no conflicts, and of course he will not provoke Uchiha Ryu.

"It's better for Hanzō of the Salamander to die, just to take Rain Shinobi Village into his own use."

After looking at Nagato, Obito said in a deep voice.

Akatsuki will develop in the Rain Country in the future. Obviously, Hanzō of the Salamander will die no matter what, but Uchiha Ryu will solve it. This is a good thing for them.

"I want to attack Wunin Village."

Nagato held the wheelchair handrails tightly with both hands, and the coldness of Rinnegan revealed coldness.

"what did you say?"

Uchiha Obito was stunned by Nagato's words. Nagato and Kirinin Village have hatred? If this is the case, it will be troublesome.

"You are not Uchiha Ryu's opponent now."

Whatever the reason, Nagato has such an idea, Obito must get rid of Nagato.

"I know, so I asked you to help me, aren't you Uchiha Madara? It's okay to deal with Uchiha Ryu."

Nagato said blankly.

He is not a fool. He has already doubted the identity of Uchiha Madara. Nagato suspects that he is not Uchiha Madara at all.

Everyone knows that Uchiha Madara is dead. Can he live that long even if he is not dead?

"Of course it is easy to deal with Uchiha Ryu, but my identity cannot be revealed."

Obito is closed to death. Even if you bite the bullet, you still have to pretend to be. In fact, Obito is a bit confident and thinks that even if you face Uchiha Ryu, you won't suffer.. ........

Maybe he can't beat him, but relying on his Mangekyō Sharingan, he can also be invincible.

"For our plan, we can't deal with Uchiha Ryu right now."

After Obito finished speaking, he immediately disappeared. Otherwise, it might be revealed. Although it might be suspected, at least it has not been exposed. That's good.

After the mask man left, Nagato lowered his head not knowing what he was thinking.

Yahiko is dead, but Konan must be rescued, she must not be allowed to stay in Wunin Village, and he does not know how Konan has been in Wunin Village. I hope she is okay.

"That masked man, is that Uchiha Madara?"

A strong suspicion flashed in Nagato's eyes. He claimed to be Uchiha Madara, but Nagato had never seen his true face.

Owning Mangekyō Sharingan, but Mangekyō Sharingan cannot prove that it is Uchiha Madara. After all, there are not a few people who are known to have Mangekyō Sharingan.

This is not the original work. In the original work, Obito can use Mangekyō Sharingan to bluff Nagato, but not now.

"No matter who he is, as long as he is a helper, maybe he is using me, but I am also using him."

Nagato simply ignored the real identity of the masked man. Now Nagato has only two thoughts. One is Yahiko's request to bring peace to the world.

The other is to rescue Konan from Wunin Village.

However, Nagato's thinking has also changed. In the past, Akatsuki's purpose was not to use extreme force to achieve peace, but now Nagato uses extreme force to ensure the arrival of peace.

Agree with the idea of ​​"Uchiha Madara", collect the nine-tailed beasts to resurrect Ten Tails, and rely on the power of Ten Tails to deter the five great Ninja villages.

This is Nagato's thoughts after being fooled by Obito.

The original Akatsuki organization can be considered disbanded. Those mobs died, and those who ran away also ran away. Now Nagato himself is left, oh, there is a masked person who cannot be trusted.

So Akatsuki needs to be rebuilt, and Nagato alone cannot achieve the plan. The right person must be found to ensure that the tail beasts can be collected in the future.

Obito is now looking for the right person, and it is imperative to expand Akatsuki's organization.


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