The Akatsuki organization is slowly developing. Nagato makes Penn's Six Ways, and Obito asks Suzu to find the right rebels to join Akatsuki organization.

At the same time, the war between Konoha Village and Rock Shinobi Village also came to an end. Sarutobi Hiruzen issued an armistice agreement to Onogi, and the two sides had ceased the war.

The war between Konoha and Rock Shinobi is over, and the Third Ninja War has come to an end.

However, Cloud Shinobi is still ready to move. I don't know if it will start a war. At least on the surface, this war is over.

"Master Naruto, are you really going to step down as Naruto?"

"Well, this time Konoha Village suffered a heavy loss, and I am no longer fit to continue to be Hokage." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked old.

"So it is imperative to choose Fourth Hokage, let the villagers of Konoha Village choose the right Hokage."

When the war was over, Sarutobi Hiruzen planned to abdicate to the virtuous, and then Konoha Village began voting.

Among them, Danzo also wants to compete for Fourth Hokage, but not many people choose to vote for Danzo. They have always been hidden in a dark corner. Not many people really know 28 Danzo.

And most importantly, Danzo has no credit.

In addition, Naruto’s strong competitors are Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato.

Compared with Orochimaru and Jiraiya, Namikaze Minato is a younger generation, but there are more people willing to support Namikaze Minato.

Not only is Namikaze Minato outstanding, but also Namikaze Minato is handsome.

Jiraiya chose to abstain. He did not want to be Fourth Hokage. After Jiraiya abstained, those who were willing to support Jiraiya voted for Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato is a disciple of Jiraiya, voting for Namikaze Minato is equivalent to supporting Jiraiya.

Danzo wants to support Orochimaru to become Hokage. He has no hope, so he wants to nominate himself in the position of Hokage.

Now the two of them are colluding, and they are collaborating on First Generation cells and Sharingan, so Danzo and Orochimaru are barely their own.

Unfortunately, even with Danzo's support, Orochimaru still lost to Namikaze Minato, and Namikaze Minato was elected Fourth Hokage by overwhelming majority of votes.

"Hahaha, Orochimaru, my disciple beats you." Jiraiya is also happy that his disciple has become Hokage.

Namikaze Minato is Jiraiya's most concerned disciple, and also the most promising disciple. Although Nagato, Yahiko and Konan are also Jiraiya's disciples, they are obviously far from Namikaze Minato in his heart.

Listening to Jiraiya's show off, Orochimaru turned and left.

"This stinky snake won't be angry, right?"

Seeing Orochimaru's back, Jiraiya couldn't help sinking into thought.

In the past, Orochimaru didn't seem to be particularly concerned about Hokage's position. Is he fake and doesn't care?(Read more @

In fact, the current Orochimaru doesn't really care about Hokage's position, but is it true that Orochimaru has no temper when it is compared to a junior.

At the same time Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Orochimaru leaving, and Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

In fact, Namikaze Minato can become Hokage, and Sarutobi Hiruzen helped him build momentum. As for Orochimaru, the disciple, Sarutobi Hiruzen suppressed it.

Will suppress Orochimaru is actually very simple, because Sarutobi Hiruzen already knows that Orochimaru and Danzo are mixed, and Orochimaru's current character is not suitable for being a Hokage.

"The succession ceremony of Fourth Hokage will be held seven days later, and the other villages are notified and they are welcome to watch the ceremony."

Sarutobi Hiruzen announced something.

"Old man, what do you mean, Fourth Hokage takes over the ceremony to let people from other villages come to watch?" Jiraiya found Sarutobi Hiruzen, frowning.

He doesn't think this is a good thing, even Jiraiya thinks there may be trouble.

"Actually, I want to invite the shadows of the Ninja Village to discuss some things."

Looking at Jiraiya, who came to him for inquiries, Sarutobi Hiruzen told his reason. The main reason why he let people from other villages come to watch the ceremony was mainly because he wanted to invite other villages.

Discuss about the Ninja World War, and now the Ninja World, which seems to be calm, will actually break out at any time.

Once the Ninja War breaks out again, Konoha Village will be the first to bear the brunt. There is no way. Who makes Konoha Village the best location? The country of fire is also the country with the best economy.

But it's not easy to say now, because one-third of the country of fire is returned to the country of water, so the country of fire may not be comparable to the state of water.

And there is Konan, a money-making machine in Wunin Village.

The topic is too far away. Sarutobi Hiruzen's idea is to sign an agreement with the shadows of other villages, hoping to get temporary peace and Konoha Village has the opportunity to recuperate.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's invitation was quickly sent to major villages.

"Third Hokage has abdicated, and Fourth Hokage is actually Namikaze Minato." Terumi Mei was a little surprised at the news.

Although Namikaze Minato is out in the limelight, Terumi Mei thought that it should be Orochimaru or Jiraiya who became Fourth Hokage.

"Jiraiya voluntarily abstained. The cold-blooded fellow Orochimaru is not suitable at all. This is nothing strange."

Ryu is not surprising at all, Sarutobi Hiruzen abdicated, and the only one who can take over is Namikaze Minato.

Oh, if Hatake Sakumo does not die, Hatake Sakumo is also qualified, and more qualified than Namikaze Minato, but he is dead.

"Invite us to go to the ceremony, should we give this face?"

Terumi Mei looked at Ryu, and if Ryu said to go, she would definitely go.

"Let's go and see, Sarutobi Hiruzen should have another purpose. It is estimated that other movies will also go."

Ryu said with interest, staying a bit boring in Wunin Village, and went out to join in the fun.

"Then can I go with me?" Terumi Mei's face showed expectation.

"No, if you leave, who will manage Wuren Village, so you can't go with me."

Ryu rejected Terumi Mei on the spot. No matter how many reasons Terumi Mei gave, Ryu did not agree to let Terumi Mei go with him.

After that, Ryu returned home and talked to Mikoto and Kushina, mainly to ask them if they were interested in going to Konoha Village.

"I won't go." Tsunade shook his head.

She felt it would be embarrassing to go to Konoha Village again, and Tsunade didn't want to go back.

Tsunade refused, but Mikoto and Kushina were very interested, so this time Ryu planned to take Mikoto and Kushina with them.

"Are the only three of us going there? Don't bring some people?" Kushina asked Ryu.

Kushina thinks that we should pay attention to the pomp, there are only three people, doesn't it appear to be very weak, weak in momentum.

"Just the three of us, you two belong to my guard."

"Bah, who is your guard, Mikoto, you listen to what he said, and actually say we are guards, it's hateful and not hateful." Kushina angrily pulled Mikoto to fight against Ryu with Mikoto.

"It's not that it's troublesome, it doesn't make sense to bring so many people."

Ryu doesn't pay attention to any pomp, who dares not give him face when he goes out?


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