"Ryu, when you arrive at Konoha Village, will those people grit their teeth with hatred?"

On the way to Konoha Village, Kushina asked with a smile.

When Ryu destroyed Konoha Village once, there are many people who died and injured in Konoha Village. Even though more than ten years have passed, there are still many people who hate Ryu.

"What about hate."

Ryu is not afraid of their hatred, not to mention that no one would dare to show hatred to him after Ryu went.

"I don't know whether the current Konoha Village is the same as the previous Konoha Village." Mikoto said involuntarily.

"It must be different, after all, it was rebuilt once."

After that, Ryu and the group speeded up, and it didn't take long to come to Konoha Village. Ryu came to Konoha Village. Of course, Sarutobi Hiruzen had to meet him in person.

Looking at Uchiha Ryu, Sarutobi Hiruzen grinned reluctantly. To be honest, this time he actually didn't want to invite Ryu.

Sarutobi Hiruzen originally only wanted to invite the shadows of the other three ninja villages, but later thought, if Ryu was not invited, he would be misunderstood by Uchiha Ryu and not put him in the eyes.

So he had to invite Ryu over, but he really didn't want Ryu to come to Konoha Village.

Fortunately, other movies say that there will be no trouble in Konoha Village, but Uchiha Ryu is really beyond his control.

In addition to Sarutobi Hiruzen, Namikaze Minato, who is about to take over as Fourth Hokage, also came with him.

"Third Hokage gives me face."

Ryu smiled and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Master Mizukage is able to come, already to give Konoha Village face, of course I will do my best as a landlord."

Now they look very harmonious, as for the thoughts in their hearts, who knows.

If Sarutobi Hiruzen does not hate Ryu, it is impossible. The Sarutobi family died because of Ryu, and Ryu forced him to kill his own family.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Ryu turned back and ruined Konoha Village.

Had it not been for the preparations at the beginning, I would have prepared for the worst. I am afraid that Konoha Village is now history.

Ryu took Kushina and Mikoto into Konoha Village, and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen that he was strolling in Konoha Village so that he didn't have to follow.

"Let Minato follow you, after all, you are not familiar with Konoha Village..." Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

Of course, Uchiha Ryu is familiar with Konoha Village in the past, but Uchiha Ryu is not necessarily familiar with Konoha Village that has been rebuilt once.

But the most important thing is that Sarutobi Hiruzen is not worried about Uchiha Ryu, so let Namikaze Minato follow to prevent any difference.

"I don't like having people follow." Ryu said faintly, and the smile on his face disappeared.

"In this case, then we won't bother."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Sarutobi Hiruzen's footsteps came to a halt, and he felt an invisible pressure covering his heart, making him a little frightened.

Sixth level and ordinary people are no longer a life form. Even a simple aura can make Sarutobi Hiruzen sweat, like a rabbit facing a tiger.

"Master Third Hokage, do you really trust him?"

After leaving, Namikaze Minato asked Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"No way, but I have already warned. No one will deliberately provoke Uchiha Ryu. As long as no one provokes him, he will not attack ordinary people."

Sarutobi Hiruzen could only comfort Namikaze Minato in this way, and then he went to receive Third Tsuchikage Onoki, and got the news that Onoki had also arrived.

Ryu took Kushina and Mikoto to stroll around Konoha Village for a while. He didn't see it with hateful eyes, but he saw a lot with fearful eyes.

"I'm not a monster that eats people, why are they afraid of me."

Kushina was a little upset, probably because she was afraid of Ryu, which caused her gaze to look at Kushina with fear.

"It's boring, let's just go to the place arranged by Konoha Village to stay."

At this time, Mikoto also felt boring, shopping outside made those people seem to see evil people on tour, which affected their mood.

Ryu did not refuse Mikoto, and took Mikoto and Kushina to the place arranged by Konoha Village, and then saw Third Tsuchikage Onoki and Fourth Kazekage Rosa.

Well, Fourth Raikage is also here, and Fourth Raikage is the earliest one to come.

"Uchiha Ryu is here too." Onoki murmured in his heart, but facing Uchiha Ryu, he was not as scared as a mouse.

"Mizukage is here too."

"Yeah, after all, it was an invitation from Third Hokage. I dare not save face." Ryu nodded with a chuckle.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen on the side heard Ryu's words, the corners of his mouth twitched. Don't you dare not save face? If you don't give me face, what can I do to you? Actually, I wish you would not give me face.

"Third Hokage, you invited us to come, not just to observe the ceremony, right?" Fourth Raikage asked Sarutobi Hiruzen in a deep voice.

Here Fourth Raikage has the worst expression, watching Sarutobi Hiruzen and Onoki squeeze their fists. His father died because of Konoha and Rock Shinobi.

"There are indeed important discussions."

Third Hokage nodded, and then led Ryu and the others to the reception room.

"The rare five shadows gather together." Ryu said after sitting down.

Indeed, it is not easy for the Five Shadows to gather together and sit down and talk. The last time the Five Shadows sat together, when Senju Hashirama was still alive, that was also the first Five Shadows meeting to discuss the tail beasts. Attribution.

"¨" Mizukage was right, the rare five shadows gathered, so I want to discuss about this Ninja War. Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up.

"This is the third Ninja World War. Now the war is over. I believe you all know the pain caused by the war. Our villages have a lot of damage. How about signing a peace agreement?"

After Sarutobi Hiruzen finished speaking, Rosa, Onoki, and Fourth Raikage all looked at Ryu.

Is there a lot of damage in every village?

Haha, who didn't know, Wuren Village didn't have much loss at all, but instead gained the greatest benefit from this Ninja World War.

Of course, just understand it in your heart, so don't say it.

"Peace agreement, ridiculous."

Fourth Raikage slapped the table directly. This so-called peace agreement was useless at all.

At first, First Hokage also asked other villages to sign (Ma's Zhao). It was the first peace agreement in the Ninja world, and it did achieve a comprehensive peace.

But in the end, shortly after First Hokage's death, the first Ninja War broke out, indicating that this peace agreement is completely shit.

And Fourth Raikage doesn't want the so-called peace. Cloud Shinobi Village is already combative. It belongs to the fighting forces in the Ninja world, not to mention the father’s hatred.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face sank slightly, but he was rebutted when he had just proposed it.

"How does Mizukage feel?" Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Ryu. At this time, Ryu's opinion was very important.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen is the one who proposed it, his right to speak is not heavy. If he is the only one to mention it, it is estimated that no one here will kill him.

Both Ohnoki and Fourth Raikage don't need to be afraid of him, and Luo Sha is not arbitrary, Sarutobi Hiruzen can't hold them down, but if Uchiha Ryu speaks, then things will be simple.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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