Sarutobi Hiruzen asked Ryu for his opinion, so Ohnoki, Fourth Raikage, and Rosa focused their eyes on Ryu.

"I don't think so much. Why don't you give me a fee. If I protect you, the peace agreement is no longer needed."

Ryu smiled and said, just barely telling me that I want to collect protection fees.

These words made Onoki and Sarutobi Hiruzen all silent. They have already given too much money to Wunin Village. Now play stupid.

"I don't think the so-called peace agreement has any meaning, it's just a piece of waste paper."

Ryu's opinion is the same as Fourth Raikage, who thinks this peace agreement is ridiculous and can't restrain anyone at all.

"However, I have always been a peace-loving person. Although I think this peace agreement is ridiculous, I don't mind signing it."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was originally disappointed, felt like a turnaround in an instant, but for Uchiha Ryu's love for peace, I just listened to it, I can't really believe it.

"Since Mizukage agrees, don't you know your opinion?" Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled.

"Huh, Third Hokage, I don't agree to sign."

Fourth Raikage directly stated that he would not give Third Hokage's face at all. As for Mizukage Uchiha Ryu, he didn't think Uchiha Ryu would trouble him because of this little thing.

And Fourth Raikage also noticed that even though Uchiha Ryu said he was willing to sign, he didn't care about this peace agreement at all.

"If Third Hokage you can persuade Raikage to agree, then I will agree."

Onoki looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and Fourth Raikage, then spoke.

"I have the same opinion as Third Tsuchikage, and wait until Third Hokage persuades Raikage." Luo Sha also stated the same.

The gathering of the five shadows this time was a breakup. Fourth Raikage, Onoki, and Rosa all left, but Ryu stayed here at the moment.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, ten billion taels, I can help you make this happen."

Ryu, who was staying at the end, chuckled and said to Sarutobi Hiruzen, seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen also looks like a fool.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face is dark, 10 billion taels, how can Konoha Village still come up with 10 billion taels.

After Ryu left, Sarutobi Hiruzen was left meditating here.

It is not meaningless to sign this peace agreement. First of all, Sarutobi Hiruzen understands that Cloud Shinobi is now ready to move, and there are signs of wanting to take action on Konoha Village.

"Fine, go to Uchiha Ryu for help."

In the end, Sarutobi Hiruzen still wanted to ask Ryu for help. To be honest, asking the enemy for help, it was also very uncomfortable in his heart.

But now Uchiha Ryu is the only one who can contribute to this. It's just that the 10 billion tael is a bit more, and it is difficult for Konoha Village to come up with it.

However, if you ask the name of the country of fire, this ten billion tael should not be a problem, provided that you can convince the name of the country of fire.

Sarutobi Hiruzen agreed to Ryu's terms, and then wrote a letter to persuade Daimyo in the Land of Fire.(Read more @

"Unexpectedly, Sarutobi Hiruzen actually paid."

Ryu had some surprises after getting 10 billion taels of Sarutobi Hiruzen. He didn't expect to make 10 billion taels this time.

"Give me five billion taels." Kushina's eyes turned into money symbols, and she pounced on Ryu to act like a baby.

"Kushina, you are not short of money."

Mikoto helps Ryu and pulls out Kushina, who is lying on Ryu and acting like a baby.

Kushina shouldn't be short of money now. Kushina sold the detonation talisman made by Konan before, but made a lot of money.

"Well, although I am not short of money, I want more money."

"It's not impossible to want me to give you money, but you have to do me a favor." Ryu's face has a smile of Hexi.

"What's busy?"

Kushina looked at Ryu vigilantly. She knew about Ryu that every time Ryu smiled this way, it would definitely be cheating.

"Let Fourth Raikage sign a peace agreement."

Ryu intends to hand this matter to Kushina, and give Kushina 3 billion taels after it is done.

After Ryu said what she needed to do, Kushina agreed without thinking about it, and she settled the 3 billion tael.

"Did you think of a way for Fourth Raikage to sign a peace agreement?" Mikoto asked Kushina.

"Mikoto, this is too simple. I just need to catch Fourth Raikage and beat him. He doesn't agree with me and keep playing until he agrees to sign a peace agreement."

Kushina is ready to use his fist to convince Fourth Raikage.

"What if Fourth Raikage dies and doesn't agree?" Mikoto couldn't help asking again.

"Then there is no way, just kill him, let Cloud Shinobi change to a Raikage who agrees to sign a peace agreement."

There was a murderous look on Kushina's face, because Fourth Raikage couldn't understand the current affairs.

Mikoto looked at Kushina speechlessly, feeling that Kushina's style of doing things was similar to Ryu.

"Don't say anything, I have to act quickly, this money is too good to make."

The enthusiastic Kushina opened the door to find Fourth Raikage, and Ryu and Mikoto were left in the room.

"Aren't we going to check it out?" Mikoto looked at Ryu.

"No, Kushina can handle this kind of trivial matter on her own. We don't need to go there."

Ryu shook his head, showing no interest at all. He believed Kushina could definitely handle it.

Soon, there was a loud noise outside. After hearing the movement, Mikoto looked out the window and saw the Fourth Raikage being blown up.

"Fourth Raikage, don't shame you, I will give you face to discuss with you calmly, but you dare to refuse, this is not giving me face."

Kushina's irritable fist hit Fourth Raikage's body again, and Fourth Raikage was vomited blood. I don't know how many bones were broken.

There was a flurry of jumping, and the eyes of the ninjas of Konoha Village, Ohyeki and Luosha were all attracted.

"It's Uzumaki Kushina, why did she shoot Fourth Raikage, does it mean Uchiha Ryu?" Onoki's heart shuddered.

Fourth Raikage was beaten. Onoki did not intervene, and Luo Sha would not intervene. They and Fourth Raikage were both enemies and it was impossible to help Fourth Raikage.

As for Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato, they had headaches after seeing this scene. Fourth Raikage was severely injured inside Konoha Village. If he died in Konoha Village, the trouble would be really big.

But do you want to stop Uzumaki Kushina?

"Master Third Hokage, can't watch Fourth Raikage get beaten in our village." Namikaze Minato said towards Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Let's just watch the changes and evacuate the Konoha Village people around." Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a while, not wanting to intervene to help Fourth Raikage.

Between offending Fourth Raikage and offending Uchiha Ryu, of course they chose to offend Fourth Raikage, and Sarutobi Hiruzen estimated that this incident should have arisen because of the peace agreement.

Namikaze Minato took a look, but in the end he didn't make a move. He hasn't taken over as Fourth Hokage. Of course, he must follow Sarutobi Hiruzen at this time. Even if he becomes Fourth Hokage, he must follow Sarutobi Hiruzen's opinions.

I hope Fourth Raikage will not be beaten to death. If you die inside Konoha Village, then Cloud Shinobi Village will never die with Konoha Village.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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