Thirty minutes after Kushina acted on Fourth Raikage, she was beaten up, and the dying Fourth Raikage finally agreed.

"It's pretty resistant."

After retracting his fist, Kushina was still a little bit unsatisfied.

"You send him to the hospital." Kushina said to the Konoha Village ninja who was watching the battle, and then went back to look for Ryu.

After Kushina left, the others looked at each other. The Cloud Shinobi brought by Fourth Raikage had been knocked out. Finally, Sarutobi Hiruzen sent someone to send Fourth Raikage, who was about to pass out, to the hospital.

"I have completed the task, give me the money quickly."

After returning, Kushina asked Ryu for money.

"I'll give it to you when I get back to Kushina Village." Ryu was quite satisfied with what Kushina did, but he didn't think it was too much.

"Well, it's okay to wait until you return to Wuren Village, but you can't go wrong, or I will be angry."

Kushina doesn't care about these days, as long as Ryu doesn't fall behind.

The next day, Fourth Hokage's takeover ceremony began, and Ryu just looked at it and found it boring.

"When I was Mizukage, I didn't have that trouble." Ryu yawned and said.

"This sissy has really become Naruto, but I don't think he will be Naruto for long." Kushina, who was sitting next to Ryu, said.

"Kushina, if you let Konoha Shinobi hear this, they will definitely be hostile to you." Mikoto reminded Kushina.

"What Kushina said may really come true."

Ryu has a mysterious face. Although the plot of the original story has changed a lot, according to some information he has obtained, Nine Tails' attack on the village should still appear.

Namikaze Minato will also become the shortest-lived Naruto.

After Naruto's succession ceremony, Gokage met again. At this time, Fourth Raikage was still bandaged. When he saw Ryu, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes.

Although he was beaten by Uzumaki Kushina, it definitely means Uchiha Ryu.

"Is Fourth Raikage unconvinced?" Ryu asked Faintly towards Fourth Raikage.

The plain tone brings unspeakable pressure.

"I dare not."

Fourth Raikage was filled with resentment, how could he be convinced when he was severely wounded, he came here now when he came here by being helped by someone.

"Everyone, Fourth Raikage has promised to sign a peace agreement. I don't know what you think?" Ryu asked Ohnoki and Rosa.

"Since Fourth Raikage has agreed, I will naturally have no objection."

Just kidding, even if you really have an opinion at this time, you definitely can't say it, otherwise you think you didn't die fast enough.

"It's fine if you don't have any comments. If you have any, I can talk to you."

Ryu glanced at Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Sarutobi Hiruzen took out a peace agreement for others to sign.(Read more @

After the signing of this peace agreement, Onoki and Rosa immediately left Konoha Village. They knew that Uchiha Ryu should have benefited from Sarutobi Hiruzen, otherwise they would never help Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Fourth Raikage also left. He was carried away. He was seriously injured and was not suitable for driving. He could only be carried away.

"Let's go too."

Ryu has no interest in staying in Konoha Village, but this time he has gained a lot from Konoha Village.

After Ryu left with Mikoto and Kushina, Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a sigh of relief. It was okay for the others to leave, but Uchiha Ryu should leave as soon as possible.

He is in Konoha Village for one day, and Konoha Village is not safe for one day.

"Ryu, shall we return to Kurinin Village?" Kushina asked Ryu.

"I want to return to Wunin Village, what do you think?"

"I want to go around the ninja world, and Mikoto also thinks." Kushina pulled Mikoto up.

Mikoto was a little helpless, she didn't have this idea, but Kushina pulled her, and Mikoto didn't refuse.

"It's not bad to look around in Ninja World."

Think about it if you go back now, there may be a lot of things for him to deal with, so let's stay outside for a while and don't rush back.

Hearing Ryu's agreement, Kushina was a little happy. Although Kushina was rebuilt by Ryu, it is now very good, but after staying in Kushina for a long time, I also want to play in other places.

After walking outside for about half a month, Ryu took Kushina and Mikoto back to Kurinin Village.

When I just came back, I saw Terumi Mei's bitter gaze.

"My Lord Mizukage, have you forgotten that you are still Mizukage."

"Terumi Mei, why not give you the position of Mizukage." Ryu suddenly had this idea in his mind.

He doesn't care about power very much. The matter of Wunin Village is too lazy to manage now, and it's not bad to hand it over to Terumi Mei.

"I don't want to be Mizukage, I just want to be Master Mizukage's little secretary."

Terumi Mei shook his head. At the same time, seeing that Ryu wanted to abdicate, Terumi Mei hurriedly persuaded Ryu.

·· ·········Ask for flowers····


Ryu went home contentedly. In order to persuade him to continue to be Mizukage, Terumi Mei agreed to deal with Mizukage's affairs in the future, as long as it was not too important.

After returning home to eat, Ryu came to the system space.

"Conduct the projection of this month's characters."

[Ding, you have drawn six Madara projections! 】

"Unexpectedly, luck was so good."

Draw six Madara projections, this luck is good, the strength of the six Madara is also standing at the top of the entire Naruto world.

It's a pity that I can't get character projections from other worlds. In fact, Ryu now hopes to get character projections from other worlds. As for the Naruto World, Ryu's strength has almost reached its peak.

..... 0


Of course, I have to challenge if I get it. Uchiha Madara's Rinnegan pupil wheel tomb·side prison is very good, Ryu wants to get it.

When he came to the trial space, Ryu saw Uchiha Madara floating in the air, holding six tin rods in his hand, wearing a fairy robe, and full of force. No, he should be called Six Madara.

Floating ability is the basic ability of the sixth level, and this Ryu will also.

And relying on Rinnegan's repulsive force, he can also fly in the air.

"Have fun with you."

A black sphere appeared in Ryu's hand. This was the Truth-Seeking Ball, and the Truth-Seeking Ball instantly turned into a long knife.

Knife technique Ryu hasn't practiced much, but with the insight of Tenseigan, Ryu's nine-hook jade reincarnation, any weapon can be used freely in battle.

Looking at the Truth-Seeking Ball flying towards him under the control of Liudao Madara, Ryu cut it in half.

Truth-Seeking Ball contains the power of all phenomena. People without the power of the six ways will disappear into nothingness when they touch it, and can easily destroy a forest and a mountain.

However, in the face of the same sword formed by the Truth-Seeking Ball, the Truth-Seeking Ball naturally does not work, and it is normal to be split.

Instantly entered the black space channel that appeared under his feet, Ryu used Hiroizumi Hirazaka to appear behind Rokudo Madara, and then slashed it again.


The six sticks blocked Ryu's knife, and the reaction speed of the six Madara was quite fast. If it was slower, the six Madara might be split in half.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! Inch.

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