Time is always passing by inadvertently, and more than a year passed in a blink of an eye.

The third Ninja World War ended, and because of the peace agreement, there has been no war, and the Ninja World finally returned to calm.

However, this calm is only superficial calm, secretly Akatsuki organization is developing, constantly looking for Rebels to join Akatsuki organization.

At the same time, Obito also made a shot at Rock Shinobi Village. In the original book, Nohara Lin died because of Mist Ninja, and then Obito avenged Mist Ninja. The Blood Mist Era appeared because Obito controlled Yakura.

But now the plot is different. Rin Nohara died because of Rock Shinobi. Of course, the main reason for this is Uchiha Madara's old yin ratio, but Obito doesn't know it.

Uchiha Obito retaliated against Rock Shinobi, but Rock Shinobi was not easy to provoke. Onoki was not controlled by Obito. Instead, Obito had to retreat.

In fact, the current Uchiha Obito is not really strong.

His age is actually not that old. He is only about thirteen years old now, and he is not open-minded. How strong can he be.

The reason why Obito is able to fly in waves today is that the pupil technique of 28 Kamui is indeed a bit incomprehensible. Even if Uchiha Madara wants to deal with Obito, he needs to snatch Kakashi's Sharingan first.

Obito, who suffered a loss, gave up continuing to deal with Rock Shinobi and focused on finding a suitable traitor, and now he has recruited Kakuzu, the ultimate wage earner.

Nagato controlled Penn's six ways to recruit, and Obito didn't dare to show up easily.

In addition, a major event happened in the Ninja World. Orochimaru defected. It was discovered after doing a taboo human experiment, and he had no choice but to defect.

Jiraiya also left the village and said to bring Orochimaru back.

After experiencing the third Ninja War, Konoha Village was very weak. With Orochimaru's defect, Jiraiya's departure from the village became even weaker.

"You ran in front of me, wouldn't you also want to pretend that Uchiha Madara came to fool me?"

Ryu looked at Obito lightly.

Obito didn't know why he went to Wunin Village to find him.

Facing Ryu, Obito certainly won't fool you. It's okay to fool others, but Uchiha Ryu who met Uchiha Madara certainly can't.

But Obito doesn't think Uchiha Ryu will know his true identity, his true identity, Uchiha Madara shouldn't tell Uchiha Ryu.

"May I ask Mizukage for a favor?"

"Help you deal with your teacher?" Ryu has a playful smile on his face. Now that Obito is here, Ryu doesn't mind teasing him.

Obito, who had remained calm, couldn't help but clenched his fist. Uchiha Ryu knew his purpose.

Also, since he knows who his teacher is, then his identity is not a secret in front of the other party.

"You know who I am, Uchiha Madara told you?"

Obito feels very upset, and now he doesn't want his true identity to be known by many people.

White Zetsu and Black Zetsu are okay, they will never reveal their identities, but Uchiha Ryu is different. For a moment, murderous intent appeared in his heart.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Put away your weak killing intent, Uchiha Madara should have told you not to provoke me, you are quite brave."

Ryu looked at Obito indifferently, and for a moment, an endless chill rose in Obito's heart. In Uchiha Ryu's eyes, he seemed to see a sea of ​​blood on the mountain.

Speaking of killing intent, those who Obito killed were not worthy of carrying shoes compared to Ryu.

"You dare to appear in front of me because of Kamui, but your support is worthless in front of me."

Ryu threw a kunai out, and seeing this kunai flying towards him, Obito subconsciously used Kamui to blur it.

But Kumu was instantly submerged through the black space channel, and the next Kumu was already inserted into Obito's arm.

"Don't think your Kamui is invincible, it is too easy for me to crack."

This time Ryu is going to teach Obito a lesson, so as not to think that he can do anything wrong with the spatial pupil technique.

I ran to Wunin Village to find him, and to be honest, it was Obito that didn't take him seriously.

Ryu's suffering really made Obito sober, and Obito is indeed very swollen now.

Relying on Kamui's blur, Obito felt that even if he couldn't fight, he would never die. Ryu told him a bloody fact that your Kamui's blur was not invincible.

After taking a deep look at Ryu, Obito ran off using Kamui.

"Oh, I actually ran away, just that little courage."

Ryu shook his head slightly, still looking at Obito high.

I thought that having Kamui was invincible before, so I dared to run in front of Ryu. Now that I know that Ryu can easily crack the blur of Kamui, Obito is scared.

In fact, Obito is not afraid of death, but his dream has not yet been fulfilled. Obito wants to create a world where Lin exists.

"Watching the good days of Namikaze Minato is over."

Ryu didn't have the thought of watching the show, and it was just a small scene when Nine Tails was released.

"Who is that guy?"

Kushina came to Ryu at this time. When Kushina came just now, she happened to see Obito running away, so she was very curious.

"The pawn chosen by Uchiha Madara came to me probably trying to pretend to be a force."

Ryu felt that Obito asked him to help deal with Konoha Village. It was a fake. He ran to him and pretended to be true, but it was a pity that he didn't pretend to be.

"Then you let him go?"

"He is still useful, so I won't kill him."

Ryu is still counting on Obito to complete the plan. If Obito dies, who else will go to Project Tsuki no Me?

"What's the use, can you tell me, it feels like you are calculating something." Kushina's eyes were filled with endless curiosity.

"What does curiosity matter so much? Try to improve your strength when you have time. The gap between your strength and Mikoto and Tsunade is getting bigger and bigger."

After flicking Kushina's forehead, Ryu spoke.

Now that Tsunade has mastered Wood Style, even Sage Art Wood Style can be used, and his strength is about to surpass Kushina.

And now that Mikoto has gotten the immortality of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan has a tendency to evolve into Rinnegan, so the next strength will definitely surpass Kushina.

Of course, Kushina was not stronger than Mikoto.

"Then can you help me improve?" Kushina ran up to Ryu and asked, hugging Ryu's arm.

"Want me to help you improve? Don't think about it, I'm not interested in helping you."

Ryu directly and mercilessly refused. He didn't want to improve his strength and knew that he would get something for nothing. This kind of atmosphere is not good, so let Kushina work hard.

"So angry." Kushina puffed up her mouth and stomped her feet angrily.

"No, my strength must be improved, and I can't be overwhelmed by Mikoto and Tsunade."

Although Kushina wants to be lazy, she thinks of the strength of Mikoto and Tsunade, her fighting spirit has improved, not to mention that she must surpass Mikoto and Tsunade, at least they can't be weakened.

Now Kushina still has great potential, and there is still plenty of room for improvement in strength.


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