Fire country Konoha Village!

Today's Konoha Village is a little tightly guarded because Nine Tails Jinchūriki is about to give birth.

Nine Tails Jinchūriki Uzumaki Kako, under the advice of Sarutobi Hiruzen, married Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato, also for the convenience of controlling Nine Tails Jinchūriki.

Speaking of Namikaze Minato, Naruto is also quite boring, because Sarutobi Hiruzen needs to be dealt with for big and small matters.

Although Konoha Village has Fourth Hokage, the most powerful is Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and then the elders.

Namikaze Minato, Fourth Hokage, is similar to the mascot.

"Third Hokage-sama, there will be nothing wrong, I always feel anxious." Namikaze Minato said to Sarutobi Hiruzen who was standing next to him.

Nine Tails Jinchūriki gives birth. This is a big event, because when Nine Tails Jinchūriki gives birth, the seal is not so secure. If you are not careful, it may cause Nine Tails to break.

"There should be nothing wrong. I have already dispatched Anbu ninjas to patrol. Nothing will happen." Sarutobi Hiruzen comforted Namikaze Minato.

"I hope so."

Although he was still worried in his heart, he tried to calm down as much as possible, as Hokage could not be impetuous.

boom! ! !

Just after Namikaze Minato comforted herself in her heart that there would never be an accident, there was a sudden explosion of detonating talisman inside Konoha Village.

"No, something went wrong."

Namikaze Minato immediately looked in the direction of the village.

Their current location is not inside the village, but in a specially prepared safe place.

"Minato, your speed is fast. Let's go and take a look. There shouldn't be any accidents here. I will guard here. There are Anbu ninjas around."

Sarutobi Hiruzen also glanced worriedly in the direction of the village.

Not many people know the time of Jinchūriki giving birth. Was it an accident or a coincidence? I hope it's just an accident, and it's better not to be a coincidence.

"Okay, I'll go over and take a look now."

Namikaze Minato immediately used the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave. Shortly after Namikaze Minato left, Obito had already appeared here.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen was not transferred away from the mountain, it was enough.

Everyone who avoided Anbu, in a hidden location, directly used Kamui through the wall and entered the delivery room. At the same time, a scream came and the midwife who was in charge of delivering the baby was killed.

"No, something happened..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's face changed wildly and he didn't care about other things. He immediately broke into the room and saw a mysterious person holding a newborn baby and kidnapping Uzumaki Kako.

"Who are you?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked indifferently to the masked man, while using Flying Thunder God Kunai to inform Namikaze Minato.

At this time, Namikaze Minato already knew that he had taken the strategy of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, so he quickly used the Flying Thunder God Technique to appear next to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After seeing the masked man, Namikaze Minato's face was ugly.(Read more @

Obito saw Namikaze Minato appear, a touch of complexity flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly replaced by hatred.

Why, why did the teacher Namikaze Minato not arrive in time? If he could arrive in time, Lin would not die.

As early as when Nohara Lin died, Obito had already complained about Namikaze Minato.

My good friend Kakashi personally killed Rin Nohara, but for his good friend Kakashi, Obito still has no choice but to vent his grievances against Namikaze Minato.

If Namikaze Minato knows what Obito is thinking now, I wonder if his face will turn green.

Namikaze Minato's death cannot be said to have no responsibility, but his responsibility is really small, everything will happen on the battlefield.

Not to mention the death of Nohara Lin, it was calculated by Uchiha Madara.

Of course, Obito is black now, and he doesn't care about that much.

"You'd better not act rashly, otherwise I can't guarantee his life and death." Obito sneered at Namikaze Minato, threatening him with the newborn child.

Obito is still very afraid of Namikaze Minato, especially since he suffered a loss in Ryu's hands before, and Obito doesn't completely trust his Kamui anymore.

"Let go of my child." Uzumaki Yoshiko shouted in a weak tone.

Obito glanced at Uzumaki Kako. Although he was kidnapped by him, Uzumaki Kako was not without danger, and Nine Tails Jinchūriki was not weak.

Throwing the newborn Naruto at Namikaze Minato, then Obito holds the weak Uzumaki Kako and uses Kamui to leave.

Namikaze Minato caught Naruto and handed Naruto to Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Master Third Hokage, you help me take care of my child, and I will save Kako back."

At this time Namikaze Minato didn't care much about it. If it was delayed for a second, Uzumaki Kako's danger would be greater.

"Konoha Village, just destroy it."

Obito extracted the Nine Tails from Uzumaki Kako's body, and instantly the evil and violent Chakra of Nine Tails radiated.

Feeling the terrifying Chakra of Nine Tails, Obito's face changed. Taking advantage of the fact that Nine Tails just came out and still bewildered, he immediately used Mangekyō Sharingan to control Nine Tails.

If you change to someone else, with only one Mangekyō Sharingan, you will definitely not be able to control Nine Tails.

However, Obito has transplanted First Generation cells, and his pupil power has been strengthened, so he can barely control Nine Tails.

"¨" You are no longer useful. Obito looked at Uzumaki Kako and wanted to kill her.


Namikaze Minato has arrived, blocking the Kunai that Obito stabs at Uzumaki Kako.


Obito snorted, then left directly, appeared in the center of Konoha Village, and used Summoning to bring the Nine Tails he controlled to Summoning.

"Destroy it."

Under Obito's control, Nine Tails began to destroy frantically, like those houses, they couldn't stop Nine Tails at all, and the tail swept lightly to destroy those houses.

The tail beast is indeed a natural disaster-level creature. For ordinary people, the tail beast has to wait to die.

"No matter who you are, what you do is unforgivable."

Namikaze Minato came again, with endless anger in his eyes. This was the first time he wanted to kill someone.

"The ghost will never go away."

Obito glanced at Namikaze Minato with fear, then looked at the Konoha Shinobi who was approaching here, of course he chose to leave.

Otherwise, facing Namikaze Minato, but also facing Konoha Shinobi (Made Zhao), it is really dangerous for him.

When he left, Obito did not forget to make Nine Tails madly attack, the disaster of Nine Tails, so that ordinary Konoha Shinobi had no power to fight back.

Ninjutsu is of little use to Nine Tails. Ordinary ninjutsu cannot cause damage to Nine Tails, and Nine Tails, a behemoth, can cause a terrifying price of death and injury with a little action.

"Evacuate the villagers and let them go to the shelter." Namikaze Minato directed towards the surrounding Konoha Shinobi.

"You guys hold Nine Tails first, I'll go find the man behind the scenes."

After ordering things, Namikaze Minato continued to chase Obito, Nine Tails was controlled by the opponent, just look at Sharingan in Nine Tails's eyes.

Therefore, the masked man behind the scenes must be solved first, and then Nine Tails must be dealt with.

If the mask man is not resolved, the mask man is always a threat, who knows what he will do next.


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