Namikaze Minato went to deal with the masked man, but the destruction of Nine Tails would not stop. Faced with the tail beast that looked like a natural disaster, even Jōnin seemed extremely vulnerable.

"Look at Three Tomoe Sharingan in the eyes of Nine Tails. It is controlled, controlled by the Uchiha family."

The Three Tomoe Sharingan in Nine Tails' beast pupils, but most of the ninjas saw it truly, and for a while, he was suspicious of the Uchiha family.

Uchiha Fugaku clenched his fists, it definitely had nothing to do with him.

Could it be that Uchiha Ryu did it? Whether it's Uchiha Ryu or not, Uchiha Fugaku knows that the Uchiha family will have trouble in the future.

Of course, this refers to the Uchiha clan within Konoha Village. They are considered to be the Uchiha branch house, and only Ryu can represent the clan.

"Genin and Chūnin went to cover the Konoha Villagers to take refuge in the shelter."

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally arrived and immediately took over the command.

Genin and Chūnin faced the powerful Nine Tails, no different from ordinary villagers, so Sarutobi Hiruzen sent them to the shelter.

There are also those talented ninjas, Sarutobi Hiruzen also ordered them to take refuge in the sanctuary. This time Konoha Village will suffer heavy losses, but those geniuses cannot be damaged.

Later, Sarutobi Hiruzen also broke out, using the King Kong Wishful Stick, and the elongated King Kong Wishful Stick sent Nine Tails out of Konoha Village.

In fact, at this time, it is fortunate that Nine Tails is under the control of Uchiha Obito. Obito controls Nine Tails and now has to deal with Namikaze Minato, so Nine Tails cannot use Tailed Beast Bomb.

If you use a Tailed Beast Bomb now, I am afraid that most of Konoha Village can be wiped out in an instant.

"Stop Nine Tails with me. Even if you are desperate, you will never let Nine Tails into the village."

Sarutobi Hiruzen yelled, and then the strong Sarutobi Hiruzen took the lead.

A group of ninjas unite, and the combination of ninjutsu used is actually good. Although it does not pose a threat to Nine Tails, it at least blocks the pace of Nine Tails.

On the other side, when Namikaze Minato and Obito played against each other, Namikaze Minato won. Obito still couldn't beat the teacher Namikaze Minato, and finally fled in embarrassment.

Obito fled, Nine Tails also lost Obito's control. Nine Tails regained his sense of anger, and was dominated by Sharingan just now, reminding it of the time when it was controlled and dominated by Uchiha Madara.

Coupled with being attacked by Konoha Village ninjas, Nine Tails ran away.

Before being controlled by Obito, Nine Tails was actually not a big threat, because Obito didn't have time to command Nine Tails at the time.

But now it's different. The sharp claws of Nine Tails instantly killed several Jōnin, and then used Tailed Beast Bomb towards Konoha Village.

"not good."

Sarutobi Hiruzen saw Nine Tails using Truth-Seeking Ball, his eyelids twitched. If this is hit, Konoha Village may need to be rebuilt again.

"Flying Thunder God guide mine."(Read more @

When the Tailed Beast Bomb was about to fall, Namikaze Minato finally arrived and moved away the Tailed Beast Bomb.

"It's Lord Fourth Hokage, Lord Fourth Hokage has finally arrived."

After seeing Namikaze Minato, Konoha Shinobi seems to have found the backbone, which shows that Namikaze Minato's reputation is quite high.

This may be the charm of Namikaze Minato. Although Naruto is the same as a puppet, there are still many people who support it.

Sarutobi Hiruzen gave a wry smile. Even if Namikaze Minato came, it would be difficult to deal with Nine Tails. After all, Nine Tails are not other tail beasts, but they have super shadow-level combat power.

Only Mangekyō Sharingan, Wood Style, and super sealing technique can suppress Nine Tails, but none of them.

Actually Uchiha Fugaku has already opened Mangekyō Sharingan, but at this time, does Uchiha Fugaku dare to expose? Uchiha Fugaku did not dare to appear at this sensitive moment.

Sealing technique, unless it is to cultivate the seal technique to a very high level, otherwise it can't help Nine Tails.

Namikaze Minato looked at Nine Tails with a solemn expression, and finally he had a decision in his heart.

At this moment, Namikaze Minato decided to use the S-class forbidden technique to seal up Nine Tails for Konoha Village.

If other methods can be thought of, Namikaze Minato will never choose to sacrifice, but there is no other method at this time.

"Is this the god of death?"

Not far from Konoha Village, Ryu floated in the air, looking at the huge illusory figure of the god of death.

Nine Tails attacked the village. Ryu wasn't interested at first, but later thought that the ghoul would seal the summoned death god, so he came to have a look.

He had just arrived, and saw that the god of death had appeared, it was a bit late, Namikaze Minato had been sealed with ghouls, but it was just right for Ryu.

The god of death summoned by the ghoul was very ugly, with a knife in his mouth, claws like zombies, and two horns on his head.

"What is the origin of this god of death?"

Ryu is quite puzzled by this god of death, is it also from the pure land of the underworld?

"Is it possible that the pure yin power was created."

All can only be guessed, but if it is created, then this thing is probably the work of Sage of Six Paths.

"I don't know if Sage of Six Paths is dead or not."

Ryu has doubts about whether Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo is really dead. There is no doubt that Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's strength is definitely the pinnacle at the sixth level.

Is it really possible to die if you are so strong? It is estimated that even if the body is dead, it can exist in another form, such as the energy body, which is entirely composed of Chakra.

In the original book, Sage of Six Paths appears as a remnant Chakra, but is he really just a pure remnant Chakra?

It can give Naruto the power of six yang, Sasuke the power of six yin, help Uzumaki Naruto turn on the Sage of Six Paths mode, and help Sasuke turn on a six-hook jade Rinnegan. This power is not like the chakra left behind by lingering.

Naruto and Sasuke were able to fight against six Madaras and defeat Ōtsutsuki Kaguya. It was not their strength, but Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo's help.

"Huh, I want to do so much."

Ryu exhaled, feeling that it was totally meaningless to consider this.

Even if Sage of Six Paths is not dead, there is no conflict between him and Sage of Six Paths.

Even if conflicts really break out, does he need to be afraid of Sage of Six Paths? No need at all, and Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo in his heyday may not be able to beat him.

"Go, this god of death is meaningless."

Ryu already knows the essence of the god of death, and the power of complete shadow is formed. If he wants to destroy the god of death, it is easy.

Ryu left, and the Nine Tails chaos came to an end. Fourth Hokage was killed in battle, splitting Nine Tails in half, and Yang Nine Tails sealed in Uzumaki Naruto's body.

However, whether the Uzumaki Naruto in front of me is the Uzumaki Naruto in the original is still unknown.

The Nine Tails incident caused heavy losses to Konoha Village. Namikaze Minato, who had just become Naruto for just one year, died in this incident.

This news made Danzo very happy. Namikaze Minato was dead. It seemed that he was the only one who could become Hokage.

Orochimaru defected a long time ago, Jiraiya is not in the village at all, thinking about it, no one in Konoha Village can compete with him for the position of Naruto.

But soon, Danzo was splashed with cold water by Sarutobi Hiruzen, because Sarutobi Hiruzen was on the top again, Fifth Hokage did not mention it for the time being.


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