Looking at the huge Tenseigan, Ryu began to think about how to deal with this thing. It must be impossible to stay here.

This is a good thing. Isn't it a waste to stay here? The huge Tenseigan is a fusion of countless Byakugans. It doesn't seem to be particularly authentic, but its power is quite powerful.

"I can absorb the huge Tenseigan's pupil power, but even if it absorbs the pupil power, it is of no use to me."

Ryu can absorb the pupil power of this huge Tenseigan, but Ryu's eyes have evolved to the peak, even if it can really evolve, it is not what a huge Tenseigan's pupil power can do.

"The Imperial Palace of Heaven."

Using the Celestial Palace, Ryu threw it into the starting ball space, temporarily put it in the Celestial Palace's starting ball space, it should be safe in it.

Well, it’s worth mentioning that Ryu’s Celestial Palace is not the same as Ōtsutsuki Kaguya’s Celestial Palace, and has nothing to do with each other.

The same is true for the different space of Kamui. The different space that Ryu uses Kamui to enter is not the same as the one that Obito uses Kamui to enter.

At that time, Ryu used Huangquan Hirazaka to leave the moon 28.

"Where have you been?"

Just after returning, Ryu was questioned by Kushina.

"I went to the moon, what's wrong?" Ryu didn't hide Kushina's inquiry, so he told Kushina directly.

"What, went to the moon?" Kushina looked at Ryu with a weird expression, then raised her head to look at the moon that she couldn't see during the day.

"Do you think I am playing with you?"

"I don't think you are playing tricks on me, and you still play me as a fool, do you really think I am a fool?" Kushina stared at Ryu angrily.

"I really didn't lie to you. I did go to the moon. Do you remember the little thief who sneaked in yesterday?"

"Remember, is it related to him?"

"Well, that guy is from the moon, from the Ōtsutsuki clan, so naturally I will go to the moon too." Ryu nodded and said to Kushina.

"Then how did you get to the moon, can you tell me?" Kushina was looking forward to asking Ryu curiously.

"Time and space ninjutsu, Huangquan Biliangzaka, open the space channel directly, and you will reach the moon. Isn't this very simple."

Ryu spread his hands and said, while the corners of Kushina's mouth twitched. This is simple, you call it simple.

Sorry, I don't understand what is really simple.

"I want to see the moon too, can I?"

Kushina doesn't care if Ryu pretends to be in front of her, but she is really curious about the scenery on the moon and wants to go to the moon to see.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"What to do on the moon, there is nothing good to see there, it's all ruined."

If it is the Ōtsutsuki clan before the extermination, it must be very beautiful, but the Ōtsutsuki clan has been exterminated, and the interior is also destroyed, what can be beautiful.

"Hmph, I know you don't want to take me, it's okay, I'll go to Mikoto."

Kushina remembered that Mikoto would now also be ninjutsu in the time and space of Hiroshizaka. Since Ryu is not taking her, let Mikoto take her.

"Although Mikoto knows Huangquan Hirazaka, for her, opening a space channel to the moon consumes too much Chakra."

Ryu stretched out his hand to hold Kushina, Huangquan's Chakra was much more expensive than Ryosaka's technique.

Especially with such long-distance use, the consumption of Chakra will also increase. Although the current Mikoto is already the pinnacle of the super shadow class, it is even about to step into the sixth level.

But Mikoto's Chakra is still very reluctant.

"Forget it, let me take you there. You should go to Mikoto and the others first to see if they are interested, and if they are interested, take them with you."

Ryu knew that if Kushina's curiosity was not satisfied, Kushina would definitely not give up, so he took a trip to the moon and made Kushina give up.

"Okay, I will ask Mikoto now."

Kushina immediately ran into the room and pulled Mikoto and the others out. Tsunade was not here because Tsunade was too tired yesterday, so she was still resting.

As for why we are exhausted, anyone who knows understands it.

"Listen to Kushina saying that you are going on a trip to the moon, really?" Mikoto asked Ryu when he came over.

Among them, Konan and Hinata also followed, and they were also pulled by Kushina.

"Yes, it's mainly to satisfy Kushina's curiosity, otherwise, I don't want to go to that place again."

Ryu has scanned everything inside the moon in general. To be honest, there is nothing worth seeing, not even a place to travel.

"Let's go."

Ryu directly used Huangquan Hirazaka to open the space passage, and then walked in first, Mikoto and the others walked in right after.

Among them, Hinata followed Mikoto and held Mikoto's hand tightly. She was scared of this dark space passage.

"You said this place is inside the moon?" Kushina looked at everything around him curiously. There was a small sun in the sky.

However, the sun is only responsible for lighting, and does not emit heat. It can be seen as a large light bulb.

Then there are floating islands, all of which are broken buildings.

Originally these buildings might be very good, but it is a pity that the war between the Ōtsutsuki branch house and the Ōtsutsuki clan family caused them to be almost destroyed.

After the victory of the Ōtsutsuki branch house, these buildings were not repaired, and the corpses after the war were simply cleaned up. Even the Bloodline was not cleaned.

"What are you looking for?" Mikoto asked suspiciously as Kushina was looking around.

"I'm looking for any good things left over, such as the more powerful ninjutsu left over, so I can learn it."

Kushina stated her purpose.

The Ōtsutsuki clan who lives on the moon should be very good, so surely they have a good ninjutsu.

But Kushina thinks too much. In fact, the Ōtsutsuki clan doesn't know how to do ninjutsu at all. What they have been practicing is physique, just like the Gentle Fist method passed down by the Hyuga clan.

Others only rely on Chakra attacks, and don't understand ninjutsu at all.

Ninjutsu was developed later. When the Ōtsutsuki clan moved to the moon, there was no ninjutsu in the ninja world. What they mastered should be called Shushu separately.

"Don't be the same as looking through the trash. It's a bit embarrassing. I guess it's useless if you find it. You can't learn because you don't have Byakugan."

Ryu estimates that the skills of the Ōtsutsuki family also need to be played with Byakugan. With Byakugan, it is impossible for them to create skills without considering Byakugan's advantages.

"Why rely on Byakugan? Is it possible that the Ōtsutsuki clan is still related to the Hyuga clan?" Kushina put down and looked for it, very curious.

"There is a relationship. The Hyuga clan and the Ōtsutsuki clan on the moon are an ancestor, and both are descendants of Ōtsutsuki Hamura, the younger brother of Sage of Six Paths."

Kushina and Mikoto were really surprised. The news shocked them. Then they looked at Hinata. The Ōtsutsuki clan here is also distant relatives with Hinata.


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Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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