"Ryu, did that person yesterday come for Hinata?"

Mikoto is very smart. For a moment he thought that the patriarch of the Ōtsutsuki branch house yesterday might have sneaked into Kirinin Village because of Hinata.

"It should be correct. Although I checked his memory, I didn't check all of his memory, so I can't be completely sure, but it should be for Hinata in all likelihood."

At this time, Ryu regretted not checking all the memories of the chief Ōtsutsuki branch house, but at that time Ryu just didn't want to see so much messy information.

After all, a person's memory is too huge. It takes a lot of time for Ryu to read them all. He can only filter out some of what he wants to know.

"Ryu, I have decided." Kushina ran up to Ryu suddenly excited.

"What did you decide?"

Ryu looked at Kushina dumbfounded, wondering why Kushina was so excited.

"I decided. I want to repair the moon's interior. From now on, this will be our base. What do you think?" Kushina said her thoughts.

"How much does it cost?" Mikoto saw it here and knew that it must cost a lot of money.

"I can make detonators and let Kushina sell them and make money."

At this time Konan said, this is the only thing she can help.

"This actually doesn't have to be so troublesome. After leveling with the Shinra Tianzheng, and then building it with Wood Style, it doesn't cost money at all." Ryu said to them.

But after speaking, Ryu regretted it immediately, because now Ryu has been watched by Kushina. At this time, Kushina stared directly at Ryu, obviously wanting Ryu's help.

"Since Ryu, you have said how to deal with the plan, how about leaving this difficult task to you?" Kushina looked at Ryu expectantly.

"Not very good. I am not interested in this place, and it is very troublesome for you to come here. Isn't it because the Ninja world can't tolerate you anymore and makes you want to come to the moon."

Ryu flipped over Byakugan. Ryu really didn't have much interest in the territory of the Ōtsutsuki family inside the moon.

"Isn't it bad here...?" Kushina asked Ryu.

"I didn't see anything good here, do you want to stay here in the future and not stay in the world of Shinobi?"

"Of course not, I must stay in the Ninja World. There is no one here. How could I stay here all the time." Kushina shook her head immediately.

"That's not it. Since it won't be here, what are you wasting time doing here."

Ryu took them out of the moon and appeared on the surface of the moon.

Perhaps this moon in the Naruto World is special because there is oxygen here. Of course, even if there is no oxygen, Ryu will be able to survive without being affected.

From here, to be able to see the earth, this kind of feeling is really wonderful for Kushina and the others.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

On the moon, perhaps at the beginning, Kushina's interest was relatively strong, but after a long time, she gradually lost interest.

"Let's go, let's go back, it doesn't feel so interesting here."

"Hehe, Kushina, you are really fickle."

Mikoto couldn't help covering his mouth and smiled. Before, he wanted to build the interior of the moon. It seemed that he wanted to live here for a while. After only a few hours, he was not interested.

"Mikoto, I think you are laughing at me." Kushina gave Mikoto a vicious look.

"Okay, take you back, let's talk to you first, don't take me again in the future." Ryu reminded Kushina.

Next time Kushina wants to come to the moon again, let her rely on her own ability, but for Kushina, it may be difficult.

There are two ways to come to the moon, one is to rely on one's own means, and the other is to find the passage between the moon and the Ninja world.

That's right, the moon and the Ninja world have spatial channels. In the original theatrical version, Uzumaki Naruto is the moon that relies on spatial channels to come.

As for where it is hidden, I really don’t know where it is. It is estimated that it is very hidden and difficult to find.

Of course, if Ryu finds it, he will definitely be able to find it, but Ryu is not interested, he can come by himself, so why bother to find that space channel.

Using Huangquan Hirazaka, took them back home.

"Where have you all been before?"

Tsunade had already woke up at this time, but when she woke up, she found that there was no one at home, and she was very depressed, especially since she hadn't eaten yet and she was still hungry.

The only one who can cook at home is Mikoto. Well, there is also a helper Konan. The others are people who can only wait to eat.

Tsunade and Kushina, they can only make dark dishes.

"We went to the moon, but it's a pity that you are still asleep and could not go with us." Kushina excitedly explained the wonders of the moon's interior to Tsunade.

Indeed, the construction of the moon's interior is very shocking to those who saw it at first.

"Really, you are not lying to me, are you?" Tsunade didn't believe Kushina's words very much.

"Yes... it's true." Hinata said at this moment.

"Since Hinata said it is true, it seems to be true." Seeing that Hinata was talking, Tsunade immediately believed.

"¨" Why do you believe Hinata doesn't believe me? Kushina asked Tsunade dissatisfiedly.

"It's very simple. Hinata will definitely not tell lies, but you may not."

"Have I lied to you?"

Kushina thought about it carefully. She didn't lie to Tsunade, but she didn't trust herself.

"Mikoto, you come with me." Ryu took Mikoto's hand and disappeared with Hiroizumi Hirasaka.

"Hey, where are you going?"

Tsunade saw that Ryu suddenly took Mikoto's hand and walked away with Hiroizumi Hirazaka. He couldn't help but slapped the table. Why did he run away, especially when Ryu took Mikoto away.

She is going to be starved to death now, who is going to cook Mikoto?

"It looks like I'm going to be starved to death, should I cook the food myself?" Tsunade looked at the kitchen with a look of embarrassment on his face.

My family knows the situation of my family, and my cooking skills can be said to be catastrophic. The things I make may not be so boastful to be eaten in the hospital, but I am sure that people are not willing to eat all of them.

"If Tsunade sister doesn't mind you, I can cook for you." Konan said to Tsunade with a soft smile on his face.

"I don't mind, of course I don't mind, please Konan." Tsunade smiled on his face. Although Konan's cooking skills are not as good as Mikoto, he must be much better than himself.

"I'm going to help too. Speaking of which I haven't cooked for you yet." Kushina walked towards the kitchen, but was immediately pulled by Tsunade.

Tsunade stared at Kushina fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "Kushina, you and I don't have such a big grudge, are you trying to kill me?"

Because Kushina has been in the kitchen without her own ability, Tsunade knows that Kushina's level is at the same level as her, and it is not even as good as her.

Tsunade didn't dare to eat what Kushina made.


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Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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