"Ryu, where is it?"

Mikoto followed Ryu to the starting ball space and looked around, with doubts in his eyes.

"This is the starting ball space, you just treat it as a space controlled by me."

Holding Mikoto's hand, Ryu took Mikoto to the giant Tenseigan.

"Is this a huge eye?"

Mikoto looked at the huge huge Tenseigan with a dull expression. What kind of creature would have such big eyes, and Mikoto felt that these eyes seemed very dangerous.

"This is a huge Tenseigan. My previous goal on the moon was for this thing." Ryu said to Mikoto.

"This person from the Ōtsutsuki branch house, merged with the Byakugan of the entire family, has the power to destroy the world and is not weaker than Rinnegan."

"so smart."

Although Mikoto does not have Rinnegan, she has Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Even Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan is so powerful. What about Rinnegan, who is stronger than Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan?

And the huge Tenseigan in front of him, not weaker than Rinnegan, instantly Mikoto took it seriously.

"I brought you here because I want to use this huge Tenseigan's pupil power to help you turn on Rinnegan."

That's right, Ryu brought Mikoto into the starting ball space to help Mikoto turn on Rinnegan.

This huge Tenseigan is of no use to Ryu. If it can help Mikoto turn on Rinnegan, it can be considered to be of its value.

Mikoto blinked his eyes when he heard the words, and asked Ryu, "How to use it?"

Mikoto knew that since Ryu had brought her over, there must be a way, but I didn't know what it was.

"Let you absorb the pure pupil power of the huge Tenseigan, and then turn on Rinnegan."

Ryu thinks this method is very feasible, not to mention, Ryu will also help Mikoto, there will be absolutely no mistakes.

Then Ryu put his hand on the huge Tenseigan, then put the other hand on Mikoto's forehead, and a pure pupil power entered Mikoto's eyes.

Feeling this powerful pupil power, Mikoto couldn't help closing his eyes, feeling a little soreness in his eyes.

At the same time, the sixth-level Chakra belonging to Ryu also enters Mikoto's body and merges with Mikoto's own Chakra under Ryu's control.

"Mikoto, if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me quickly." Ryu said to Mikoto.

"Well, I know." Mikoto nodded.

Although the eyes are a little sore and swollen, it is not particularly uncomfortable. This should be a response to the rapid increase in pupil power.

One minute or two minutes... Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye, Mikoto opened his eyes, and the terrifying pupil power exploded. If someone else stood beside Mikoto, he might be blown away by this force.

"It looks like it really succeeded."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ryu looked at Mikoto's Rinnegan. Before, Ryu just guessed that it would work, but now he is sure that it works.

However, Ryu can also guarantee absolute safety during the process, and even if there is an error, Mikoto will not be a problem.

Just now, Ryu not only conveyed the pure pupil power transformed from the huge Tenseigan to Mikoto, but also conveyed his six yang chakras into Mikoto's inner body to ensure that there was absolutely no danger.

Looking at the giant Tenseigan, the power contained in the giant Tenseigan is actually very strong, but it is not pure enough, but Ryu has just transformed into pure pupil power, which led to helping Mikoto turn on Rinnegan this time, which consumes more than imagined.

Although it consumes more than expected, the pupil power contained in the huge Tenseigan is still not consumed, and there is still a half of the pupil power stored in it.

The light from the giant Tenseigan was a little dim, but Ryu ignored it. Anyway, after helping Mikoto turn on Rinnegan, the mission of the giant Tenseigan was completed.

"How do you feel?" Ryu approached Mikoto and asked Mikoto.

"As expected, the eyes that control life and death, I feel a lot stronger than before." Mikoto felt that his pupil power seemed endless.

Of course, this is an illusion, but Mikoto's pupil power has indeed increased several times.

After that, Ryu took Mikoto away from the starting ball space.

"Mikoto, what did Ryu take you to do just now? Isn't it a bad thing?" Kushina saw Mikoto and Ryu coming back, pulling Mikoto to ask.

"What are you thinking, Ryu is to help start Rinnegan."

Mikoto glared at Kushina, and Kushina knew the random thinking and nonsense.

"Oh, I turned on Rinnegan."

"What, turn on Rinnegan?"

Kushina didn't care at the beginning, but now it is reacting. Turn on Rinnegan, which means that Mikoto has turned on Rinnegan now.

"Mikoto, did you turn on Rinnegan?" Kushina asked Mikoto.

Even the eyes of Tsunade and Konan were attracted, and Mikoto turned on Rinnegan.

"Turn on Rinnegan and let me see."

Kushina took Mikoto's hand and wanted to see Mikoto's Rinnegan.

"It's easy to see my Rinnegan. Call me sister Mikoto, and I'll show it to you." Mikoto smiled slightly and said to Kushina.

"Impossible, I won't call your sister."

Kushina curled her lips. Although Mikoto is indeed older than her, Kushina would not call her sister Mikoto.

"In that case, I won't show it to you." Mikoto took Kushina's appearance. She knew that Kushina would compromise. Who made her curious.

"Cut, don't watch it, don't watch it, I've seen Ryu's Rinnegan anyway, it's not all the same." Kushina rolled her head and said.

Having said that, Kushina still wants to see it in her heart.

"Kushina, just sacrifice yourself to satisfy our curiosity." Tsunade poked Kushina's shoulder with his hand and said to Kushina.

"Tsunade, why don't you sacrifice yourself?"

Kushina looked at Tsunade angrily. This woman is so bad, she probably wanted to watch the excitement.

"It's not that I didn't sacrifice myself, but Mikoto asked you to call my sister. There's no way." Tsunade spread his hands and said.

"If Tsunade you call Mikoto sister instead of Kushina, you can actually."

At this time, Mikoto suddenly demolished Tsunade.

"Mikoto." Tsunade gritted his teeth and looked at Mikoto.

Kushina refused to call her sister Mikoto. She is even more unlikely. Don't forget that she is older than Mikoto. Mikoto should be called her sister.

In the end, Kushina, who became more and more curious, reluctantly yelled "Sister Mikoto". Well, this sound really made Mikoto very happy.

Then Mikoto turned on Rinnegan and let Kushina and the others take a look to satisfy their curiosity. Mikoto's eyes were purple Rinnegan.

"It's exactly the same as Nagato's eyes." Konan's expression at this time is very complicated. Where did Nagato's Rinnegan come from? Is he really born Rinnegan?

Moreover, Nagato's Rinnegan couldn't be put away at all. It had to be kept in Rinnegan state. Konan suddenly felt that Nagato's Rinnegan didn't seem so authentic.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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