Two days later, Konan and the others who went to the Akatsuki organization came back. At this time, Konan looked disappointed.

"That Nagato really doesn't know good or bad, I want to beat him up." Kushina said grumpily, patting the table.

Looking at the table that had been broken by Kushina, Ryu glanced at Tsunade. Tsunade directly used Wood Style to create a new table.

Wood Style is convenient for this. If the furniture is broken, it can be replaced at any time.

"Nagato doesn't trust you?" Ryu asked Konan.

Konan nodded, and then said in a low voice, "He suspected that I was bewitched."

This time Konan and Nagato went to say that his Rinnegan was probably a conspiracy. Although Konan didn't ask who Ryu this Rinnegan really belongs to, Konan can be sure that this is definitely a conspiracy.

However, Nagato did not believe Konan's words. Instead, Nagato felt that Konan was bewitched by Uchiha Ryu, and he could actually believe Uchiha Ryu's words.

In the end, no matter what he said, Nagato just didn't believe it.

In fact, Nagato didn't believe in Konan, just didn't believe in Ryu, even Nagato felt that Konan was controlled by Ryu and wanted to seek his Rinnegan.

This time, Nagato still wanted Konan to stay in Akatsuki's organization, but Konan chose to leave. For Konan, Nagato didn't have any trouble.

After listening to Konan telling him, Ryu chuckled slightly, which was almost as he expected.

Nagato would never believe it. Even if it felt true, he had to force himself to tell himself that it was false.

He is more willing to believe that his Rinnegan is a godsend, not a conspiracy. Even if it is a conspiracy, he will use these eyes to fulfill Yahiko's dream.

After that, Mikoto and the others comforted Konan, who was in a bad mood, and Ryu was called away by Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei told Ryu that Orochimaru had come to Kirinin Village and wanted to see him, and asked Ryu if he wanted to see Orochimaru.

Ryu thought about it and decided to meet Orochimaru. The most important thing was that Ryu knew what Orochimaru had for coming to see him.

"Ryu-san, long time no see."

After Orochimaru saw Ryu, greed flashed in his eyes, but immediately he put away his greedy gaze.

Uchiha Ryu is not what he can make up his mind. Orochimaru is very self-aware.

"Orochimaru, you ran to Kirinin Village, don't you worry about me leaving you here?" Ryu looked at Orochimaru with a chuckle.

"I don't have any grudges with Ryu-kun, so naturally there is no need to be afraid."

Orochimaru said it was very calm, but in fact he was not so calm in his heart. He came to Wunin Village but he took a certain degree of danger.

"Tell me about your purpose."(Read more @

Ryu really didn't have the idea of ​​killing Orochimaru, he and Orochimaru really didn't have any grudges, and Ryu was not a casual killer, unless that person made him very upset.

And Orochimaru, it's not enough to upset Ryu.

"Ryu-san, I joined an organization."

Orochimaru pointed to the clothes on his body, the red cloud robe with black background, Akatsuki's clothes, and the big black robe with a few clouds embroidered on it. I have to say that it looks quite compelling.

"Speaking of the point, I don't care what organization you join."

Of course Ryu knows that Orochimaru will join Akatsuki, and it won’t be long. After Uchiha Itachi joins Akatsuki, Orochimaru will defect.

"I know Ryu-kun doesn't care about this, but what I'm going to say next, Ryu-kun, you will definitely be interested." Orochimaru smiled mysteriously.

"The leader of Akatsuki organization owns Rinnegan."

At this time, Orochimaru seemed to be telling Ryu some great secret, making Ryu suddenly amused.

I thought there was something serious about Orochimaru coming to Wunin Village to find him at this time. It was originally for Rinnegan. Now Ryu has guessed Orochimaru's purpose. It is nothing more than asking him to snatch Rinnegan.

Ryu's face didn't change much, but Orochimaru was surprised. He originally thought that Ryu would be shocked when he heard the news.

But now Ryu doesn't have much expression on his face at all, as if he doesn't care at all.

"Ryu-kun, do you think I'm lying to you?"

Orochimaru thinks Ryu should not believe it. After all, no matter who you tell that Rinnegan appears in the ninja world, he will first question it.

The three major pupil arts in the Ninja world are Rinnegan, Sharingan and Byakugan. Sharingan and Byakugan are actually familiar to the general public in the Ninja world. They have never seen or heard of them before, and they know their real existence.

But Rinnegan, even if it exists, is unclear. It is only through some classics that there is a pupil technique that surpasses Sharingan and Byakugan, Rinnegan, the first of the three pupil techniques.

"No, I didn't think you were lying to me, I know about Rinnegan." Ryu shook his head and said.

"you know?"

Orochimaru's eyes were a little weird. Since Uchiha Ryu knew, why didn't he shoot Nagato? Isn't Uchiha Ryu coveted by Rinnegan?

"Orochimaru, did you know that, in fact, a long time ago, you had a chance to be very close to Rinnegan..."

Ryu felt sorry for Orochimaru. When Jiraiya accepted Yahiko, Nagato and Konan, Orochimaru was there. At the time, Orochimaru proposed to kill them, but was stopped by Jiraiya.

At that time, Nagato was still very weak, and Rinnegan's power could only burst out when he was extremely dangerous.

At that time Orochimaru could definitely solve Nagato. It was also the closest Orochimaru to Rinnegan. Losing that opportunity, Orochimaru will have no chance in the future.

Of course, even if Orochimaru gets Rinnegan that time, it may not be better. Will Uchiha Madara allow Rinnegan to fall into Orochimaru's hands?

Probably not. If Orochimaru snatched Rinnegan during the fight, maybe one person would be taller now, or Orochimaru should be thankful that he didn't seize that opportunity.

Orochimaru can’t understand Ryu’s words, but Orochimaru understands that Ryu knows a lot.

"How about we team up to snatch Rinnegan? I only need one pair at that time, and the rest will be yours." Orochimaru still said his purpose for coming here.

It was to plan Rinnegan, and Orochimaru at this time thought that Rinnegan had more than one pair, because Orochimaru saw six pairs of Rinnegan.

Payne Six Ways, everyone is Rinnegan, but in fact, if you solve them all, you can't get a pair of Rinnegan.

The real Rinnegan is in the body of the outer Dao Nagato. Penn Six Dao is just a puppet, but Orochimaru does not know it now.

"I'm not interested in Rinnegan, and I have it myself." A deep smile suddenly appeared on Ryu's face.

"You also have Rinnegan?" Orochimaru was indeed stunned by Ryu's news and stared at Ryu seriously. Orochimaru didn't think Ryu was lying to him.

Because Uchiha Ryu has no need to deceive him.

The strength is not equal, Uchiha Ryu is easy to kill him, do you need to deceive him? No need at all, so Orochimaru believes that Ryu owns Rinnegan.

There are so many Rinnegan that has become a legend, even Orochimaru is a bit unacceptable for a while.


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