Looking at Orochimaru, whose expression was complicated, as if the whole person was dumbfounded, Ryu smiled and didn't mind telling Orochimaru some more secret information.

"Orochimaru, I can tell you that Sharingan can actually evolve into Rinnegan."

Ryu's words will definitely make Orochimaru, who was eager for Sharingan, want to get Sharingan even more.

But even if he wanted to get Sharingan anymore, Orochimaru would never dare to fight the idea of ​​the Uchiha clan in Wunin Village. His eyes could only be on the Uchiha branch house in Konoha Village.

Orochimaru's face showed excitement and looked at Ryu carefully. He felt that Ryu did not deceive him. It should be true. Sharingan can really evolve into Rinnegan.

"Why did Ryu-kun tell me this?"

Orochimaru, who tried to calm down, asked Ryu.

"There is no reason, I just want to tell you, do I need any reason to tell you these news?" Ryu asked lightly.

Orochimaru felt that he couldn't see through Ryu more and more. Perhaps the purpose of his visit this time could not be achieved, but the information he got, but there was no way for the daughter to exchange it.

"Thank you Ryu-kun, this is some ninjutsu I studied."

Orochimaru took out a scroll. At this time, Orochimaru was not so perverted. He wouldn't put things in his mouth, but took it out of his mouth. Otherwise, Ryu really didn't want this scroll.

I took the scroll given by Orochimaru and took a look at it. Many of them are special ninjutsu mastered by Orochimaru, which can summon snakes. Ryu is not very interested.

Ryu is not interested in playing snakes, and the power of these ninjutsu is average, in Ryu's view they are all ordinary ninjutsu.

"Ryu-san, don't bother, I'll leave first."

Orochimaru doesn't plan to stay in Wujinin Village either.

"Wait a minute." Ryu suddenly said, stopping Orochimaru's footsteps. In fact, Orochimaru was very alert at this time.

Just now Ryu told him that Sharingan can evolve into Rinnegan. This is obviously a very important piece of information. Now that he knows, will Uchiha Ryu kill people?

"Don't worry, I'm going to shoot you, you are already dead." Ryu also saw Orochimaru's defense.

"Give you a corpse. I hope you can study something. When you study something, send me some research results. It should be okay?"

Ryu asked Orochimaru.

Orochimaru is one of the few scientific research experts in the Ninja world. In fact, he is quite useful.

"What corpse?" Orochimaru relaxed, and was also interested in what Ryu said about the corpse.

The corpse that Uchiha Ryu took out should not be a simple corpse, or whose corpse is unknown.

After that, Ryu threw the corpse of the chief Ōtsutsuki branch house to Orochimaru. As for the identity of the corpse, Ryu did not tell Orochimaru.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Orochimaru didn't want to say when he saw Ryu, he certainly wouldn't ask more.

"If there is a research result, I will send it to Ryu-kun." Orochimaru is also a guarantee to Ryu.

Then Orochimaru left, and Ryu did not stop him either.

"I hope you can research something out."

The patriarch of the Ōtsutsuki branch house, who has the pure blood of the Ōtsutsuki clan, should also be worth studying.

Of course, if you can't study anything, Ryu doesn't care. It's a good thing to be able to study things, and it doesn't matter if you can't study anything.

"Master Mizukage, why did you let Orochimaru go?" Terumi Mei asked Ryu.

"If you don't let him go, what should I keep, and invite him to dinner?" Ryu leaned back in a chair lazily, and then picked up some documents that Yekura had just processed.

I looked at it roughly, mainly to understand some of the internal conditions of Wuren Village.

Speaking of it, he is really incompetent at this Mizukage, and he doesn't even know some of the conditions inside Wunin Village.

"Ye Cang, I heard that Terumi Mei is oppressing you recently, is it true?" Ryu suddenly asked Ye Cang next to him.

"Master Mizukage, just look at the pile of files in front of me."

Hakura glanced at Terumi Mei, ignoring Terumi Mei winking at her, she had long wanted to report Terumi Mei to Ryu.

Ryu handed everything to Terumi Mei, then Terumi Mei, this woman, finally handed everything to her, and she was the one who handled the things in the end.

"Ahem, Mizukage-sama, I have something to do. I promised Hinata to go shopping with her. I'll leave first." Terumi Mei walked away.

"Master Mizukage, you have heard it now. It's too much to say something is going on when you go shopping. People who are slack should be kept in a small black room and hungry for a hundred days." Ye Cang gritted his teeth and said.

"I think you're pointing at Sang Huai." Ryu looked at Ye Cang faintly.

Because Ryu belongs to the one who is still inferior to Terumi Mei, so now Yekura’s words give Ryu a feeling as if he is scolding him.

"No, I definitely don't have the courage. I'm just a low-level people who are being exploited and oppressed."

Ye Cang lowered his head and said listlessly.

"After finishing these tasks, I will give you a vacation. Come on, do it well. I am very optimistic about you." Ryu patted Ye Cang on the shoulder.

"Really give me a holiday?"

Yekura is very concerned about his vacation, and I don't know if what Ryu said is true or false, I hope I didn't lie to her.

"Of course it's true. I have always kept my promises. After finishing these tasks, I will give you a three-day holiday."

After speaking, Ryu left, leaving Ye Cang alone in the entire Mizukage office.

"Hey, you are really new to me." Ye Cang couldn't help but said.

After all, she was once the hero of Sand Shinobi Village, and her status in Sand Shinobi Village was very high. As a result, Ryu and Terumi Mei dared to reuse her.

I have to say that Ye Cang was very moved in his heart, and now he has fallen to the ground of Wunin Village.

In fact, what Ye Cang didn't know was that Ryu didn't care if Ye Cang played tricks. Even if he did, Ryu was confident that he had the power to suppress everything.

On the other side, Orochimaru returned to the Akatsuki organization base in the Rain Country after leaving Kirinin Village.

"Who owns this corpse Uchiha Ryu gave me?"

Orochimaru deliberately looked at the opponent's eye sockets, and lost both eyes. Obviously, the eyes were gouged away, indicating that the opponent's eyes may be unusual.

So are they from the Uchiha clan? This idea was just born and then thrown aside by Orochimaru, it should be impossible.

"Forget it, study the comparison first, I should be able to find out his identity." Orochimaru was interested in the identity of the corpse.

It seems that I have to put aside some research and concentrate on studying this corpse, which can make Uchiha Ryu interested. What secrets are hidden in this corpse.

Just when Orochimaru was about to concentrate on research, White Zetsu suddenly appeared in Orochimaru's research room, and Orochimaru's expression instantly cooled down.

For his own laboratory, Orochimaru valued it very much and didn't want to be broken in by inexplicable people, so this clone of White Zetsu was naturally solved by Orochimaru.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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