"The clone of White Zetsu is here, is Penn looking for me?"

After Orochimaru killed the clone of White Zetsu, only then did he think about the purpose of White Zetsu.

Soon, another White Zetsu clone appeared, but this time the White Zetsu clone did not enter the interior of the laboratory, but knocked on the door.

"What's the matter?" Orochimaru walked out of the laboratory.

Considering that Penn might be looking for him, Orochimaru came out to give Penn face, after all, the opponent has Rinnegan, and they rely on strength to defeat Orochimaru.

However, Orochimaru will join Akatsuki. In addition to being defeated by Payne, he will also come for Rinnegan and plan Rinnegan.

Coveted Rinnegan's power, and even took the risk to find Uchiha Ryu, attempting to cooperate with Uchiha Ryu, but Uchiha Ryu is unmoved.

Fortunately, I got an information that Sharingan can evolve into Rinnegan, but the question is, how did Akatsuki leader Payne's Rinnegan come from?

Just when Orochimaru was thinking about this, White Zetsu opened his mouth and said, "Payne will let you go there."

After speaking, White Zetsu immediately dived into the ground and disappeared, lest he would be slaughtered by Orochimaru again.

Within the Akatsuki organization, it is actually not allowed to kill each other, um, as long as it is not discovered, it may be troublesome if it is discovered.

As for White Zetsu, the status is too low, and everyone knows that many of the White Zetsu appearing are clones, so the grumpy ones directly killed the clones of White Zetsu.

"Sure enough, Penn was looking for me."

A gleam of light flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, and he must be going to go, and he had to give Penn face, otherwise Penn would also make trouble for his majesty.

Now Orochimaru does not want to leave the Akatsuki organization, let alone join in, it is not so easy to want to leave the Akatsuki organization.

Coming to a dark cave, Gedo Statue is here, Orochimaru glanced at Gedo Statue.

Every time I see the Gedo Statue, I feel a sense of danger. Orochimaru has a sense of danger similar to that of a snake.

"Pen, I'm doing research, what are you looking for me...?" Orochimaru's dangerous eyes stared at Heavenly Penn's eyes.

Regarding Rinnegan's coveting, Orochimaru has not concealed it at all. From before joining Akatsuki to after joining Akatsuki, Orochimaru has never concealed his thoughts about Rinnegan.

Payne doesn't care about Orochimaru's coveting. Orochimaru has no ability to snatch Rinnegan. What's more, he wants to snatch Rinnegan even if he can't find his body?

"Did you go to Wunin Village before?"

Payne stared at Orochimaru. It was for this reason that Payne found Orochimaru, and Orochimaru went to Wunin Village.

"When you joined the Akatsuki organization, the leader, you also said that freedom is not restricted, can't I go to Wunin Village?"

Orochimaru looked at Penn thoughtfully, feeling that Penn's tone of voice fluctuated slightly when he mentioned Wunin Village.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Tell me, what's your purpose in going to Wunin Village?" Payne stared at Orochimaru suspiciously.

After Konan came to him before, Nagato's hostility towards Wunin Village became even heavier. To be precise, it was hostility towards Uchiha Ryu.

"Just go to Wunin Village to find some experimental materials." Orochimaru said lightly.

As long as you are not a fool, Orochimaru will not tell you the purpose of going to Kirinin Village. Do you want to tell Payne that I am going to find Uchiha Ryu and prepare to join Uchiha Ryu to snatch your Rinnegan?

If this is said, Payne is absolutely impossible to keep him.

Celestial Penn looked at Orochimaru blankly, and through Celestial Penn this puppet, Nagato was also watching Orochimaru secretly.

At this time, there was no trace of lying on Orochimaru's face, but Tendo Payne believed that Orochimaru's trip to Kirinin Village was definitely not looking for experimental materials.

"I hope you don't betray the Akatsuki organization, otherwise I will let you know the cost of betrayal."

Payne said coldly.

"I also hope that Chief Penn will not monitor me, otherwise I don't know what I will do?" Orochimaru's body showed a murderous look.

At this time Orochimaru can be sure that Payne let White Zetsu watch him, otherwise it would be impossible to know what happened to him going to Kirinin Village.

White Zetsu is not strong, but he doesn't know how many clones he has, and his concealment ability is the first, and Orochimaru can't find him.

After Orochimaru turned and left, Penn did not stop.

At the same time, Nagato, as the main body, is meeting with the masked person ‘Uchiha Madara’.

"What do you think Orochimaru is going to do in the village of Wunin? According to White Zetsu's report, Orochimaru enters the village of Wunin openly."

Nagato looked at the masked man and said calmly.

"No matter what Orochimaru does, there is nothing to be afraid of." Obito said in a very pretentious tone.

He is now pretending to be Uchiha Madara. Of course, he needs to use Uchiha Madara's tone. He has learned 80% similarity, but he is still too weak in terms of momentum.

Anyone who knows Uchiha Madara can see that the masked man is definitely not Uchiha Madara.

"I want to deal with Uchiha Ryu." Nagato said to the masked man.

Obito frowned. The person he was most worried about was Uchiha Ryu, but Nagato wanted to deal with Uchiha Ryu.

I was persuaded by him before, and let go of my thoughts for a while, but a few days ago, I suddenly had the thought of dealing with Uchiha Ryu.

"¨" I said before that my current identity should not be revealed, and I can't help with Uchiha Ryu. "Obito took a deep look at Nagato, then said.

"I don't need your help."

Nagato didn't say to let the mask man help this time. When he found an excuse from the mask man, Nagato knew that Obito would not help, so Nagato planned to rely on his own strength.

"I suggest you don't do it. Of course, I won't interfere with your choice." Obito used Kamui to leave.

After leaving, Obito brought Jue to over and frowned. Nagato is now determined to deal with Uchiha Ryu, which is obviously not a good thing.

Because he has seen Uchiha Ryu, Obito knows that Uchiha Ryu is not easy to mess with. Obito had despised him in the past, but now Obito takes it more seriously than anyone else.

If you think about it, you can understand that if Uchiha Ryu doesn't have the strength, Uchiha Madara will solve him soon.

Now that he is still alive and well, he can already explain his ability.

"I guess I can't make Nagato give up. It seems that I need to wait for him to fail, and find a way to save him." Obito is now thinking about Nagato's failure.

So Obito will come here now and discuss with White Zetsu and Black Zetsu how to save Nagato.

White Zetsu and Black Zetsu knew that when Nagato was going to deal with Ryu, White Zetsu laughed at Nagato's overwhelming power, and there was an endless haze hidden in Black Zetsu's heart.

Now Black Zetsu regards Ryu as the biggest obstacle to resurrecting his mother, but he dare not provoke Uchiha Ryu. It is best to be in peace.

Now Nagato is actually going to deal with Uchiha Ryu. Isn't this taking the initiative to come to the door to find death? It doesn't matter if you change to another person, but the opponent is still a very crucial piece.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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