When Obito discussed with White Zetsu and Black Zetsu on how to rescue Nagato from his death, the avatar of White Zetsu came out with bad news, that is, Nagato has now set off.

"It's too late to stop Nagato." White Zetsu said to Obito.

"No, we don't have to stop him."

Obito shook his head at White Zetsu, and couldn't stop Nagato when he went. Maybe it might lead to a hands-on with Nagato.

If you really do it, Obito can't do anything about it. Nagato, of course, Nagato is also very difficult to solve Obito, but if you do it, Obito's disguised Uchiha Madara identity must be exposed.

"Let him suffer a loss and have a good memory. Just make sure that there is nothing wrong with Nagato's body."

Obito said in a deep voice.

In fact, Obito is also thinking carefully now. Although he thinks that Nagato is likely to be defeated, what if Nagato depends on Rinnegan to win.

If Uchiha Ryu can be beaten, wouldn't it be possible to solve the threat of Uchiha Ryu.

Black Zetsu did not make any comments at this time, indeed, as long as it can be guaranteed that the body of Nagato does not fall into the hands of Uchiha Ryu.

As for the Six Ways of Payne, they can be recreated if they are destroyed.

Nagato, who was not blocked, came all the way to the Land of Water, not far from Wunin Village.

Nagato's legs were injured by Hanzō of the Salamander, so he was inconvenient as an outsider, attacking Wunin Village, and he could only let Payne go.

"Kill Uchiha Ryu and take Konan back."

Nagato looked at the direction of Wunin Village coldly, and this thought flashed through his mind.

The Six Ways of Penn are dispatched. In fact, the Six Ways of Penn are very flawed. The body cannot be too far away from the Six Ways of Penn, otherwise it will be difficult to control.

Ryu can also make Penn's Six Ways, but Penn's Six Ways is of no use at all. It is estimated that Nagato would not have made Penn's Six Ways if it hadn't been for injuries to his legs.

He controlled Penn Liudao and sneaked into Wuren Village, but Penn Liudao, who had just sneaked in, was discovered before he made any movement.

"Rain Shinobi Village betrayal?"

Hoshigaki Kisame looked at the six figures that appeared inside Kirinin Village.

Because they all carry Rain Shinobi Village’s forehead protector on their heads, and they are also marked with a line, which means that they are Rain Shinobi Village’s rebellious identity.

When did Rain Shinobi Village's betrayal and courage be so bold, he actually dared to sneak into Wunin Village?

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Just about to start, the repulsive force released by Heavenly Path Penn knocked Hoshigaki Kisame into the air.

"No wonder it's not easy to dare to sneak into Wunin Village."

Hoshigaki Kisame, who was slightly injured because of carelessness, had a serious expression on his face.

After realizing that he might not be the opponent, Hoshigaki Kisame did not hesitate to signal that he was not a hero.

If because of being a hero, Wuren Village is destroyed, I am afraid he will bear the blame.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

"Someone invaded Wunin Village."

After seeing the signal from Hoshigaki Kisame, the seven Ninja swords all rushed towards this side.

"Unexpectedly, another little mouse ran to Wunin Village." Ryu stood on the roof and looked into the distance.

After opening the Nine Gou Jade Reincarnation, Tenseigan's Ryu can be seen clearly even at a distance of tens of kilometers, so of course I saw the Six Paths of Payne.

Payne Six Ways, Nagato actually dared to invade Wunin Village, where did he get the courage?

"Who invaded Wunin Village?" Kushina asked Ryu eagerly.

Ryu glanced at Konan, then said, "Nagato, the current leader of the Akatsuki organization."

"What, it's Nagato."

Konan's expression can no longer remain calm, Nagato comes to invade Wunin Village, why is this?

"I'll go over and see if I can let him cause damage to Wuren Village."

Ryu can't let Penn Liudao destroy in Wunin Village. Their destructive power is really not weak. How Konoha Village was flattened, Ryu's impression is very deep.

Wunin Village is his, Ryu does not allow Nagato to come to the Wunin Village for a super-Shinra Tensei.

"Konan, do you want to go there?" Kushina asked Konan.

"I...I still don't want to go." Konan said with a complicated expression.

Ryu came to the place where Penn Six Paths had invaded. The Seven Ninja Swordsmen had already fought with Penn Six Paths. Among them, the power of Heavenly Dao suppressed several of them.

Uchiha Ye didn't dare to use Susanoo because he considered that it was in Wunin Village. Using Susanoo, it is possible that the enemy hadn't been wiped out yet, but he would have died in Susano's hands first.

After Ryu appeared, he was immediately targeted by Penn Liudao. Tiandao Penn directly used Shinra Tianzheng to repel the rest of the Seven Ninja Swords, holding a black stick to kill Ryu.


Tiandao Payne, who was swiftly killing Ryu, was suddenly kicked by Ryu, and then smashed directly out of Wunin Village.

His body was about to be kicked by Ryu to fall apart, and it was so broken that it was inhuman shape.

"Don't seek a dead end."

Ryu glanced at the other Penn Six Dao, kicked one by one, all kicked out from the inside of Wunin Village.

At the same time, Nagato, who was hiding outside of Wunin Village, looked ugly, especially after learning about the destruction of Heavenly Path Payne.

Unlike other Penn, the Heavenly Path Penn is made from Yahiko's body. Nagato wants Yahiko to use another way to accomplish world peace by himself.

Other Payne can be destroyed, but Heavenly Path Payne is absolutely not. He absolutely does not allow Yahiko's body to be destroyed.

"Master Mizukage."

The seven Ninja swords stood in front of Ryu, feeling very embarrassed, and actually asked Mizukage to come in person.

"Don't bother you, I'll take care of this matter."

Ryu waved his hand and asked the Ninja Seven to do their own thing, mainly facing Nagato, they were really not opponents.

Among the Ninja Seven, the strongest are Uchiha No and Hoshigaki Kisame, but neither of them can be the opponents of Penn Six Ways.

Others are even worse, facing the Six Ways of Payne is definitely going to die.

After that, Ryu walked out of the village, and when Ryu came out, Penn Six Dao, whose body had been damaged before, had been repaired.

Hell Road Summoning came out of Yama, who can use rebirth to regenerate and repair other damaged Penn Roads.

"Nagato, you are so courageous, come to trouble me."

Ryu said flatly.

Six Chakra black rods appeared in his hand in an instant. After being thrown out by Ryu, they instantly hit Penn Six, and Penn Six lost Nagato's control.

"Out of control?"

Nagato's face was shocked. Penn's Six Ways was no longer under Nagato's control, and he couldn't even share his vision with Penn's Six Ways.

Glancing at the Six Ways of Payne, Ryu headed towards the hidden place of Nagato's body, and the Six Ways of Payne followed Ryu, as if he were Ryu's thugs.

With Ryu's ability, it was too easy to take away the control of Penn's Six Ways from Nagato's hands. There was no difficulty at all.

"How can I not pay a price for the Wunin Village who came to attack me, otherwise, wouldn't I think I'm a bully?"

Ryu came all the way to the place where Nagato was hiding. Nagato chose to hide in a very ordinary place. In fact, it was easy to be spotted. He was probably very conceited and was not afraid of being spotted.


PS: Seeking subscription, seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes! .

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